Best Book to Learn Basics (between undergrad and grad)

In summary, the two older books, Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Particles and Halzen's Quarks and Leptons, are still good starting points for someone interested in beginning particle physics.
  • #1
Hello All!

I'm very interested in learning about particle physics and am wondering which book you guys recommend as a starting point. I'm looking for something in between undergrad and grad. So far it seems like the two best choices are Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Paticles, and Halzen's Quarks and Leptons. The one thing I'm worried about though is that both of these books are 20 years old. Anybody have any insights?

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  • #2
Griffiths is a good book. I would think that many of the fundamentals [as one would expect from an "Introduction"] are the same from 20 years ago.
  • #3
dbuzi123 said:
Hello All!

I'm very interested in learning about particle physics and am wondering which book you guys recommend as a starting point. I'm looking for something in between undergrad and grad. So far it seems like the two best choices are Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Paticles, and Halzen's Quarks and Leptons. The one thing I'm worried about though is that both of these books are 20 years old. Anybody have any insights?


A new edition of Griffiths is

Since the Standard Model hasn't changed much in the interim, though, I think the two older books hold up fine.

I'd also recommend
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  • #4
robphy said:
Griffiths is a good book. I would think that many of the fundamentals [as one would expect from an "Introduction"] are the same from 20 years ago.

I suspect the new edition will contain much more about neutrinos, because a lot of neutrino stuff has happened in the last 20 years.

Another nice book at about this level is An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics by Cottingham and Greenwood. A second edition of this has just been released. New to this edition are Section 6.7 Dirac and Majorana fields, and three new chapters,

19 Neutrino masses and mixing 185
19.1 Neutrino masses 185
19.2 The weak currents 186
19.3 Neutrino oscillations 187
19.4 The MSW effect 190
19.5 Neutrino masses and the Standard Moael 191
19.6 Parameterisation of U 191
19.7 Lepton number conservation 192
19.8 Sterile neutrinos 193

20 Neutrino masses and mixing: experimental results 194
20.1 Introduction 194
20.2 K2K 196
20.3 Chooz 198
20.4 KamLAND 198
20.5 Atmospheric neutrinos 200
20.6 Solar neutrinos 200
20.7 Solar MSW effects 203
20.8 Future prospects 204

21 Majorana neutrinos 206
21.1 Majorana neutrino fields 206
21.2 Majorana Lagrangian density 207
21.3 Majorana field equations 208
21.4 Majorana neutrinos: mixing and oscillations 209
21.5 Parameterisation of U 210
21.6 Majorana neutrinos in the Standard Model 210
21.7 The seesaw mechanism 211
21.8 Are neutrinos Dirac or Majorana? 212
  • #5
George Jones said:
19.8 Sterile neutrinos 193

Oh, the heartbreak.

Thanks for the info, George. I shouldn't have been so confident when saying nothing has changed.
  • #6
Daverz said:
Oh, the heartbreak.

Thanks for the info, George. I shouldn't have been so confident when saying nothing has changed.

Actually, I think you're all too right.

Even though dark matter, dark enery, neutrino mass, and speculations on the nature of quantum gravity are all interesting, fundamental physics hasn't really advanced that much in the last thirty years.

For my money, the 25 year period during which physics advanced the most was 1905 - 1930.

FAQ: Best Book to Learn Basics (between undergrad and grad)

What is the best book to learn the basics between undergraduate and graduate studies?

The best book to learn the basics between undergraduate and graduate studies will vary depending on the subject you are studying. However, some popular options include "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren, "A Mind for Numbers" by Barbara Oakley, and "How to Study in College" by Walter Pauk.

What should I look for in a book to learn the basics?

When choosing a book to learn the basics, you should look for a clear and concise writing style, relevant and up-to-date information, and practical examples or exercises to help you apply the concepts. It is also important to consider the author's credentials and expertise in the subject matter.

Can I use online resources instead of a book to learn the basics?

Yes, there are many online resources available to help you learn the basics between undergraduate and graduate studies. However, a book may offer a more structured and comprehensive approach to learning. It is important to carefully evaluate the credibility and quality of online resources before relying on them for your studies.

How can I make the most out of a book when learning the basics?

To make the most out of a book when learning the basics, it is important to actively engage with the material. This can include taking notes, summarizing key points, and completing any exercises or practice problems. It is also helpful to review and revisit the material regularly to reinforce your understanding.

Are there any additional resources I can use alongside a book to learn the basics?

Yes, there are many additional resources that can supplement your learning from a book. This can include attending lectures or seminars, joining study groups or discussion forums, and seeking guidance from professors or tutors. It is also beneficial to seek out real-world applications of the concepts you are learning.

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