Best double major combo for graduate studies in nuclear/experimental physics

In summary, the conversation was discussing the best double major option for someone interested in pursuing experimental/nuclear physics in graduate school. The two options presented were Physics and Applied Mathematics or Physics and Nuclear Engineering. The speaker had recently talked to a graduate student in experimental nuclear physics and was drawn to the hands-on aspect of the research. They were considering a double major in one of the options, with a slight preference towards math. The speaker also mentioned the potential benefits of a nuclear engineering degree, but ultimately decided to go with a math degree for its advanced mathematics courses.
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If one were to go onto experimental/nuclear physics in graduate school, which double major do you all think would be the better/best option?

Physics and Applied Mathematics


Physics and Nuclear Engineering

The reason I ask is I recently talked to a graduate student in experimental nuclear physics and from what I gathered I found his research pretty appealing. He apparently is part of a research group that uses the PULSTAR reactor here on NC States campus. He also talked about how there was a lot of underlying theory, and I believe he is specifically working on the Electric Dipole Moment experiment(I don't know if that's right?). Anyway, I liked the "hands on" sounding aspect of this, but I also liked the theory as well.

I basically am leaning towards a double major in one of the above options, with a slight preference towards math. I have done all my electives/general education requirements already, so staring in the fall semester next year I can complete a double major in 3 years(if all goes well). The math degree will *only* require 6-7 extra courses, albeit quite hard ones from what I have heard. The NE degree has more courses...about 10 I think.

I see benefits/advantages of both options, but I really don't know if nuclear engineering would apply too much to graduate studys in nuclear physics or not. I figure I would learn a good amount of nuclear physics in the nuclear engineering curriculum though, and also have more laboratory/technical skills aspects.

Here are the curriculum requirements for the 3 degrees.

Physics 2097 &title=PHYSICS

Applied mathematics 2097 &title=APPLIED MATHEMATICS

Nuclear Engineering 2097 &title=NUCLEAR ENGINEERING
Physics news on
  • #2

  • #3
Nuclear engineering is for someone who wants to build them.

I say the first option is best.
  • #4
At some point in your life, you will have to do things because you want to, and not because someone else - like an admissions committee - wants you to. Why not now?

I also think Shackleford's advice is not very good. For some things, he's right. For others - neutrino reactor experiments, non-proliferation - he's not. But the successful people take what interests them and try and build a career around it rather than the other way around.
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
At some point in your life, you will have to do things because you want to, and not because someone else - like an admissions committee - wants you to. Why not now?

I also think Shackleford's advice is not very good. For some things, he's right. For others - neutrino reactor experiments, non-proliferation - he's not. But the successful people take what interests them and try and build a career around it rather than the other way around.

Well, I was thinking more about nuclear physics graduate school which will require more advanced mathematics. Of course, the practical side of the nuclear engineering plan would be very beneficial as well.
  • #6
Shackleford said:
Well, I was thinking more about nuclear physics graduate school which will require more advanced mathematics. Of course, the practical side of the nuclear engineering plan would be very beneficial as well.

I mean this is about what I was thinking. I would have more "hands on" experience with the NE degree, but I would have more math with the math degree. So it seems both options have their ups and downs. I'll probably go with math.

FAQ: Best double major combo for graduate studies in nuclear/experimental physics

1. What are the most popular double major combinations for graduate studies in nuclear/experimental physics?

The most popular double major combinations for graduate studies in nuclear/experimental physics are physics and mathematics, physics and engineering, and physics and computer science. These combinations provide a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of nuclear and experimental physics.

2. What skills do I need for a successful double major in nuclear/experimental physics?

To be successful in a double major in nuclear/experimental physics, you will need strong analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as a solid understanding of mathematics and computational methods. Additionally, strong communication and problem-solving skills are essential for the experimental aspect of the field.

3. Can I pursue a double major in nuclear/experimental physics if I have a background in a different field?

While having a background in physics or a related field may be helpful, it is not always necessary. Many universities offer introductory courses to help students with different backgrounds catch up and succeed in a double major in nuclear/experimental physics. However, it is important to have a strong interest and motivation in the subject matter.

4. How does a double major in nuclear/experimental physics benefit me in terms of career opportunities?

A double major in nuclear/experimental physics can open up a wide range of career opportunities in research, academia, and industry. This combination of disciplines provides a strong foundation for a career in nuclear engineering, nuclear medicine, materials science, and other related fields.

5. What should I consider when choosing a double major in nuclear/experimental physics?

When choosing a double major in nuclear/experimental physics, it is important to consider your interests, strengths, and career goals. It is also important to research the specific requirements and opportunities offered by different universities and programs. Additionally, speaking with advisors and current students can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.
