Best fit MIN/MAX line through data.

In summary, the speaker is working with mechanical fatigue test data and is looking for a way to establish a maximum acceptable load/cycle curve rather than a mean load/cycle curve. They are currently manually adjusting the data and looking for a better, automated way to do so. One suggestion is to create a mean load/cycle curve and then discard all points below it, creating a line of best fit for the remaining points. Another suggestion is to look into confidence intervals, potentially setting it to 100% instead of the usual 95%.
  • #1
Sean Powell
Best fit MIN/MAX line through data.


I’m working with mechanical fatigue test data. Generally this data falls in a logarithmic curve relating load to number of fatigue cycles. This data tends to be somewhat erratic so there need to be a lot of samples at multiple different loads to achieve anything resembling reasonable predictions.

With that said, the purpose of this fatigue data is to establish a maximum acceptable load/cycle curve rather then a mean load/cycle curve. All of the techniques I can find for establishing best-fit curves specifically work for establishing a mean curve through the center of the data. I want to establish a curve for the minimum least square error where all of the data points are on or ABOVE the line.

Presently I am doing this by re-distributing the data as load/log(10)cycles so I can work with a straight line, selecting a data point by hand, generating a line through this point parallel to the least square line, calculating the least square error and manually playing with the slope to see if this is reasonable. Then I need to reverse this line back into a Log(10) formula.

Every time the data changes I need to manually re-adjust everything. Even this is OK but I’m about to get hit with a LOT more data. Does anyone have a better automated way to do this? Are there any simple formulas for minimum or maximum trend lines? I’m out of college too long for this sort of stuff.

Thanks in advance,
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  • #2
Here's a quick idea that I have no idea will work or not. Do the same thing you've been doing creating a mean load/cycle curve. Then discard all points which lie on or below the line. For the rest of the points, subtract the mean from it to determine the "error", or how much it's above the mean.

Create a line of best fit through this error data, then add to two lines of best fit together.

edit: This will still leave some points above the max error line. However, if you are a decent programmer, you could write a program which keeps looping over this procedure until a point is reached where the max error is negligible.
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  • #3
You might look into "confidence intervals". They usually relate to levels like 95% (that is, the intervals that enclose 95% of occurences), but I don't see why you couldn't take some canned routine and set it to 100% instead.

Related to Best fit MIN/MAX line through data.

1. What is a "Best fit MIN/MAX line through data"?

A "Best fit MIN/MAX line through data" is a line that is drawn through a set of data points to represent the overall trend of the data. This line is calculated by minimizing the distance between the line and all the data points, resulting in a line that best represents the overall trend of the data.

2. Why is it important to find the best fit MIN/MAX line through data?

Finding the best fit MIN/MAX line through data is important because it allows for a better understanding of the overall trend and relationship between the data points. This line can also be used to make predictions and projections based on the data, which can be helpful in decision making.

3. How is the best fit MIN/MAX line calculated?

The best fit MIN/MAX line is calculated using a mathematical method called linear regression. This method involves finding the line that minimizes the sum of the squared distances between the line and all the data points. There are also different variations of linear regression, such as least squares and least absolute deviations, that can be used depending on the specific data set and its characteristics.

4. What is the difference between a MIN and MAX best fit line?

A MIN best fit line is a line that is drawn through the minimum values of the data points, while a MAX best fit line is a line that is drawn through the maximum values. These lines can provide different insights into the data and may be more appropriate depending on the specific application or analysis being performed.

5. Are there any limitations to using a best fit MIN/MAX line through data?

Yes, there are several limitations to using a best fit MIN/MAX line through data. This method assumes that there is a linear relationship between the data points, which may not always be the case. Additionally, outliers or extreme values in the data can greatly impact the placement and accuracy of the line. It is important to consider these limitations and also explore other methods of data analysis to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the data.

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