Best Software for Visualizing Data

In summary: I have a feeling it may be easier to just use Gnuplot for simple stuff, and for more complex stuff I'll use TikZ.In summary, based on the conversation, the best software for producing graphical visualizations of data points and curve fitting would be Matlab, but it may require some programming skills. Excel is not recommended for plotting and visualization. Mathematica is good for quick plotting, but the learning curve may be steeper. GNUPlot is a good option but may not be as user-friendly as other software. SPSS and SAS are good choices for statistical data visualization. Other options mentioned include IDL, VTK, R, OriginLab, and MayaVi. It ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user.
  • #1
Without consideration for cost, but with consideration for features and ease of use, what software do you think is best for producing graphical visualizations of data points, curve fitting, et cetera)?

Which ones have the easiest learning curve?

Which ones do you use, which ones have you used, and which ones do you prefer?

Mathematica, Matlab, Excel, GNUPlot, SPSS?
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  • #2
vociferous said:
Without consideration for cost, but with consideration for features and ease of use, what software do you think is best for producing graphical visualizations of data points, curve fitting, et cetera)?

Which ones have the easiest learning curve?

Which ones do you use, which ones have you used, and which ones do you prefer?

Mathematica, Matlab, Excel, GNUPlot, SPSS?

Matlab is quite good for this, but you need to do some programming to get good results. This means it is good for detailed and long term work, but not as good for getting quick results in a hurry.

I hate using Excel for plotting and visualization.

I only use Mathematica (and similar environments) for symbolic calculations and quick plotting, but I have noticed that graphing is simpler in these environments compared to Matlab. I'm curious to hear what others say about this.

I used GNUPlot years ago and thought it was good, but can't remember enough to say if it's better or worse than others.

I never used SPSS, but years ago I used another statistical package (I forgot the name now) for a project that required it. It had amazing features for visualizing data. I suspect this might be the best choice, although it's just a guess.
  • #3
For lots of volume/image data IDL is probably better than those, or if you want to do some programming look at the free vtk.
  • #4
elect_eng said:
I never used SPSS, but years ago I used another statistical package (I forgot the name now) for a project that required it. It had amazing features for visualizing data.
Maybe SAS, which seems to be similar to SPSS but more flexible/powerful. I use SPSS. It's pretty easy to learn, but limited. It's an awesome package for the social sciences and similar, but not very good for dynamic physics systems. I use plain old python+libraries for most of my data visualization needs and it's pretty serviceable. Different tools for different things and all that.
  • #5
I have essentially convinced my group at work to use Matlab, or more correctly, use me and a couple of the younger scientists/engineers do all the data plotting for presentations. The ability to quickly generate theoretical predictions, overlayed with experimental data has gotten us more work than we can handle so far this year. The fact that using Matlab to script the analysis and theory has gotten upper managements attention.
  • #6
I dabbled in Matlab before (mostly doing programming, not data visualization). Right now I am struggling to get Mathematica to do what I want it to. Some of the features are pretty obvious, others are not, and the documentation related to the various plotting features seems to often be poorly documented. Also, importing data into Mathematica is more of a hassle than it should be.

Is there any software out there you guys use (other than Excel, which is more designed with business in mind than data analysis) that allows complex data visualization through a GUI, or is most scientific plotting software similar to Matlab and Mathematica, where everything has to be specified in the argument that creates the plot?
  • #7
vociferous said:
Is there any software out there you guys use (other than Excel, which is more designed with business in mind than data analysis) that allows complex data visualization through a GUI, or is most scientific plotting software similar to Matlab and Mathematica, where everything has to be specified in the argument that creates the plot?
openDX and MayaVi, sort of.
Also, maybe Sage?
  • #8
I'm just a student, but for my lab reports I use" . R is used by statisticians in world (and my university too), I always can ask someone for help. R makes beuatiful graphics, and the best — R isn't just statistical application, it's programming language too, so you can do everything, what you want.

P.S. My English is terrible, I'm sorry.
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  • #9
This is highly dependent on what you want to do. If
you want some simple 2d, contour, density plot
straight out of a data file with slight format modifications
such as legends, symbols, etc. then I would think
that any of the packages you mentioned should do
a decent job.

On the other hand, if you want, for example, map
the contour onto a sphere where the color scaled
from Cadet Blue (RGB[95;159;159]) to Royal Blue
(RGB[65;105;225]) then I would definitely suggest
Mathematica or Matlab.

I am only familiar with Mathematica, Gnuplot and
Matlab. Of the three, Gnuplot is the easiest one
to use, plus it is great for batch job if you are
comfortable with script file (I suspect that the other
two could too).

Another thing to look for is the support from the user's
group. Chances are that someone already did or even wrote
a package on what you want to do. My experience with
the Mathematica and Gnuplot people has been great.
Don't know much about the Matlab group, but a casual
check at the comp.soft-sys.matlab shows quite a few
unanswered queries.


  • #10
  • #11
Gnuplot usually. If I just need to make a nice graph without any numbers, I will probably resort to TikZ.

I've looked at some examples and Matplotlib looks well nice, however, I haven't really had time to actually try it out.

FAQ: Best Software for Visualizing Data


What is the importance of visualizing data in scientific research?

Visualizing data allows for easier interpretation and understanding of complex information. It helps identify patterns and relationships that may not be evident in raw data. Additionally, visualizations help researchers communicate their findings to a wider audience in a more accessible and engaging way.


What are the key features to look for in the best software for visualizing data?

The best software for visualizing data should have a user-friendly interface, a wide range of customizable visualization options, the ability to handle large datasets, and the ability to integrate with other tools and platforms. It should also have robust data analysis and statistical capabilities.


Are there any free options for software for visualizing data?

Yes, there are several free options available for visualizing data such as Tableau Public, Google Data Studio, and RAWGraphs. These tools offer basic visualization features and are suitable for smaller datasets and simple visualizations.


Can software for visualizing data handle different types of data?

Yes, the best software for visualizing data should be able to handle various types of data, including numerical, categorical, and geographical data. It should also have the capability to integrate with different data sources and formats.


What are some examples of industries or fields that can benefit from using software for visualizing data?

Software for visualizing data can be beneficial in a wide range of industries and fields such as healthcare, finance, marketing, education, and environmental science. It can help in data-driven decision making, trend analysis, and predictive modeling.

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