Best telescope for a young astronomer under $750?

  • Stargazing
  • Thread starter nautica
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In summary, the conversation discusses buying a telescope for a 10-year-old interested in astronomy, with a budget of $500-$750. Suggestions include a Meade or Orion Dobsonian mounted Newtonian reflector, with or without a computer system. Some recommend avoiding computer-driven models and instead purchasing a Tel-Rad view-finder for a simpler experience. Others suggest investing in an Orion Intelliscope with the Magellan system for help with navigation. It is also mentioned to avoid buying anything made by Tasco. The conversation ends with encouragement to support the child's interest in astronomy.
  • #1
Any telescope experts?

My son is interested in Astronomy (I may have a little interest also). Anyway, I am going to buy him a telescope, but have not clue where to start.
He has a cheap one now that is completely worthless, expect mayby to look at sun bathers. So I would like to buy him something he can use.

As far as money $500 to $750. I do not neccessarily need one with electronics or gadgets on it, just a powerful Newtonian, telescope. I assume they are reflection telescopes and would like one with good resolution. Most importantly one that is simple to use. He is ten years old and I do not want to frustrate him.

Any ideas for getting the most out of my money.

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  • #2
there are a number of web pages offering nice scopes. personally, i would say meade is the best bang for the buck. a nice 8 inch with a worm drive should only run you about $700. shop around that price. be warned, your boy will probably want a camera too once he gets into it.
  • #3
Do they still make Newtonians (without any variations)? Because there were so many problems with them that i don't imagine it is feasible to still make them.
  • #4
How old is he? If he is young and new to the hobby, skip any sort of telescope that has a complex mount or clock drive -- such complexities are simply not necessary and will probably dim his experience.

Orion makes a number of very nice 8- to 12-inch Dobsonian mounted Newtonian reflectors, with optional computer systems, for around the money you're looking to spend.

- Warren
  • #5
Cool, I will start shopping.

  • #6
Dear Nautica:

A dobsonian scope (Newtonian on a simple alt-azimuth mount) is ideal for youngsters. Even better is the same scope equipped with a Tel-Rad view-finder or something similar. It allows the user to point the scope at a field of view that is exactly as they see it with the naked eye. This, and a decent set of sky charts will give him many years of enjoyment, and the familiarity and navigational skills he will develop with these tools are FAR better than what he could experience with a smaller computer-driven scope. If you have any questions, please ask them. This is an important decision.
  • #7
I would skip the computer-driven models. I bought a small Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain with an onboard computer and drive and I was not very happy with it. While the optics were acceptable, the motor was loud and the automatic pointing was not very accurate. For the same money, I could have gotten a much more powerful Dobsonian, sans-computer.
  • #8
I have used many scopes from $60 ones to $20,000 really depends on what you want to view. I haves used dobsonians and i personally don't like them many b/c the mounts are slow and if your looking at an object near to the horizon its a back breaker (maybe b/c I'm 6'6" i don't know lol)...I have seen Dobs with very fine optics but b/c of the slow mount and the inability to track objects it is not good for high mag planetary viewing...if u want to view deep sky objects u must star-hop (if u don't mind doing that...but i like finding my objects quick...since there are no setting cirles its point and shoot with a dob)...though Orion does sell a Dobsonian with their Magellan II system on it so u can have some help. I would buy in that price range (since he is a child) an Orion Intelliscope (at least the 8") with the Magellan system on a collimator! the primary mirror needs to be realigned with the secondary mirror periodically for sharp images...don't worry its very easy to do
  • #9
Nautica, your son a great kid for wanting to get involved in astronomy. Reminds of my myself when I just started liking astronomy around the age of 11. I am 17 now and still like it, I hope to become an astronomer some day. So if he likes it, keep him in that direction, its a great field.
  • #10
Don't buy anything made by Tasco.

I have an old 4inch Newtonian with a home made stand.

Dobs are good but I find that the mount gets a little in the way sometimes if you're shorter.

FAQ: Best telescope for a young astronomer under $750?

What is the best telescope for a young astronomer under $750?

The best telescope for a young astronomer under $750 is the Celestron NexStar 6SE. It has a 6-inch aperture, which allows for clear and detailed views of celestial objects. It also has a computerized mount and easy-to-use hand control, making it perfect for beginners.

What is the difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes?

Refracting telescopes use lenses to gather and focus light, while reflecting telescopes use mirrors. Refracting telescopes are more compact and easier to use, while reflecting telescopes typically have larger apertures and are better for viewing faint objects.

Can I see planets with a telescope under $750?

Yes, you can see several planets with a telescope under $750. The Celestron NexStar 6SE, for example, can easily show you the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, and the phases of Venus. With good viewing conditions, you may even be able to see the polar ice caps on Mars.

Do I need any additional equipment or accessories for my telescope?

It depends on the telescope you choose and your specific interests. Some telescopes come with everything you need, while others may require additional eyepieces or filters for specific observations. It's always a good idea to research and read reviews before purchasing a telescope to make sure you have all the necessary equipment.

What is the best way to maintain and care for a telescope?

To keep your telescope in good working condition, it's important to regularly clean the lenses or mirrors, store it in a dry and dust-free place, and handle it carefully when setting it up and taking it down. It's also recommended to use a protective cover when not in use to prevent any damage. Additionally, following the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and storage is always a good idea.

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