Best Tool for Basic PIC Programming

In summary, the person is interested in making a project involving using PICs, but they are a newbie and don't know which tool is easiest, cheapest, or best suited for them. They want to try creating a circuit that plays music and the LEDs would light up in sync with it and are thinking about trying to mix it up a little once they learn more. They recommend learning PIC programming in C or assembly language first, and buying a pickit 3 kit to get started.
  • #1
Good day to you all,

I'm starting to get interested in making a project which involves using PICs but since I am a newbie at this I want to start by making a PIC blink LEDs like in christmas lights. But upon looking it up on the net I was bombarded with multiple options for "basic PIC programming tools" like arduino, raspberi pi, pickit3, etc. Now since I am just starting and I don't have the luxury of buying multiple tools, I need to know which is easiest, cheapest, and best suited for someone like me. Because as I read about raspberi pi it was, in itself, a built in computer which might be hella pricey for just a microcontroller for sparkly lights. And for the arduino, a comment mentioned that it works only for atmel(i think) PICs, does that mean it doesn't work for regular PICs?

To simplify my current project in mind, I would like to try creating a circuit that plays music and the LEDs would light up in sync with it. I kinda want to try mixing it up a little once I learn PIC programming.
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  • #2
If you truly want to learn about PIC microcontrollers and not a bunch of other 'can be loosely associated with a PIC' stuff then buy a pickit 3 kit and learn to program it in C or assembly language. You can get a head start by downloading MPLAB and getting used to that environment. A search on this forum will also turn up some useful results.
  • #3
Not necessarily PIC but a variety of micro-controllers:

Many of these come complete with everything you need (USB cables may need to be sourced separately for some of them) to get started with development including the compiler software. You need to supply your own LED's and such. The Cypress PSOC parts have most of the bring up and peripheral configuration code produced through a graphical environment.

This one is a bit pricey but includes parts and a breadboard for prototyping as well:

It is an Arduino board so may be easier to start due to massive community support.

  • #4
Question is: do you want to learn particularly about PIC micro-controller, or about micro-controllers in general? PIC is one family, Atmel makes another family (ATmega, ATtiny and so on) - they aren't compatible, but in most applications quite equivalent.

Arduino is based on ATmega, so it won't let you learn about PIC, but as rbelli1 wrote it has a massive support so can be easier to start with.
  • #5
Arduino is an easy one to start with because it's aimed at beginners. I bought their "Esplora" on sale for $13 .
It plugs into a PC's USB port. You download the development software from their site .

At my age the Arduino language, similar to C I'm told, is far from intuitive but i was able to flash the lights and count in Roman Numerals after two or three evenings.
I much prefer Basic language.

Learning your first one will shape your thinking process to accept the 'rules' of programming. Computers are terribly nit-picky.
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  • #6
jim hardy said:
At my age the Arduino language, similar to C I'm told, is far from intuitive but i was able to flash the lights and count in Roman Numerals after two or three evenings.
I much prefer Basic language.

Learning to program is IMHO better done not as a part of learning how to use micro-controllers. I mean - once you know enough about programming learning how the micro-controller works is a breeze.

FAQ: Best Tool for Basic PIC Programming

What is a PIC microcontroller and why is it used for basic programming?

A PIC (Programmable Interface Controller) microcontroller is a small electronic device that contains a processor, memory, and input/output interfaces. It is commonly used in basic programming because it is cost-effective, has a simple architecture, and can be easily programmed for a variety of applications.

What are the essential tools needed for basic PIC programming?

The essential tools for basic PIC programming include a PIC microcontroller, a programmer (hardware device used to transfer code to the microcontroller), a computer with programming software, and a power supply. Other optional tools may include a breadboard, jumpers, and basic electronic components.

What are the benefits of using a dedicated PIC programmer instead of a development board?

A dedicated PIC programmer allows for faster and more reliable programming of the microcontroller compared to using a development board. It also allows for programming of a wider range of PIC microcontrollers and can be used for in-circuit programming, eliminating the need to remove the microcontroller from the circuit.

What programming languages can be used for PIC programming?

There are several programming languages that can be used for PIC programming, including C, BASIC, and assembly language. Different languages may have varying levels of complexity and require different programming software, so it is important to choose a language that best suits the project needs.

Are there any resources available for beginners to learn PIC programming?

Yes, there are many resources available for beginners to learn PIC programming. These include online tutorials, books, and forums where experienced programmers can provide guidance and support. It is also helpful to refer to the official documentation and user guides provided by the manufacturer of the PIC microcontroller.
