In summary: A book I just read and enjoyed a lot is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Comprehensive Introduction" by David S. Levy. It goes into a lot of detail, and has problems at the end of every chapter to help you work through the concepts. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth it in my opinion.Thanks for the suggestion, Naftali! I'll check it out!

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  • #1
Advanced Physics (Advanced Science) by Steve Adams & Jonathan Allday from OUP Oxford:


Physics (Collins Advanced Science) 3rd Edition by Kenneth Dobson from Collins Educational:

Does anyone know any of these books? I find them very intriguing from their very high user review ratings, but I just can't find any information on them outside Amazon. I already own University Physics by Young and Freedman though, so I probably have all the topics covered, but looking at the table of contents of Advanced Physics I noticed that all subjects/subchapters fill consistently 2 pages. This may be good and bad, but the users seem to love it. If anything it could make for a good reference book. I don't know anything about Ken Dobsons Physics, you can't view the book, I cannot find any additional info either from google or the publishers official website.

If anyone have worked with any of these books or know of them otherwise please tell me your impressions! :)

The reason I'm even looking at these type of books is that I've become interested in teaching, either privately or at high-school in math/physics, so I thought it would be nice to have several different physics books each giving perhaps a little different perspective on things.Sidenote: any suggestions on other books that might complement Young/Freedmans University Physics are welcome.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I'll be starting a Mathematics degree next year; at the Uni they like their students to study three subjects in 1st year and two in 2nd year. I'll likely elect Physics as one of these distractions enforced upon me - i haven't studied Physics since High School, 6 or 7 years ago.

Any recommendations for a text that i can use to refresh my memory in the meantime? I don't insist that it is strictly pre-University level; so long as its not too bulky and laborious, i have enough Maths to be doing.

  • #3

I made a post about this in the physics forum but I guess this is the correct place. I am looking for some books in the hopes of teaching myself some basic physics in order to understand some aspects of biophysics. My understanding is that I would probably have to review 4 basic areas, classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

I so far have picked up some of Greiner's books but I am wondering if there are better titles. My background is limited to some mathematics in multivariable calculus, linear algebra and real analysis and some algebra.

Also what is the fundamental difference between a graduate/undegraduate book on these topics?

Thanks in advance,

  • #4
Hello everyone. I am in secondary school right now at the CAPE level(A-Level equivalent) and I just finished my first semester. Things aren't looking all that good after I heard my score on the physics test, and it really isn't looking good because my teacher hardly ever makes it to class. I was therefore considering getting an effective text for self-study.

The reference book they recommended at school was A-level physics by Muncaster. Should I buy this, or are their better texts for my level? The CAPE Syllabus and A-level syllabus are pretty similar so A-level texts will be appreciated.
  • #5
Need Feedback on Textbooks with "Mastering Physics"

I need honest feedback from anyone using Pearson's "Mastering Physics". Our department is transitioning to a new text for introductory "algebra-based" physics, and before I vote on which one, I'd like the thoughts of people already using it. Our choices are based on the books coupled with Mastering Physics

1. Which textbook are you using with Mastering Physics?
2. What do you most like about your textbook?
3. What do you most dislike about your textbook?
4. Are you a student or an instructor?

Thanks for your help.
  • #6

I'm about to finish a BSc in physics next year. Unfortunaltely, I'll probably take a break from physics afterwards. I am looking for a book or books which will keep the material fresh while I'll not be in studies. For comparision of the level: our advanced mechanics course was according to Goldstein, advanced E&M - Jackson, and advanced QM - Sakurai.
I saw a book named "Basic theoretical physics - a concise review", does anybody knows it? I looked a little at the QM sections and was quite disappointed.

Is there any book/books which are suited for my purpuse?


  • #7
Hi there,

I live in BC Canada, and am enrolled in a physics 12 class here.
The curriculum here is garbagee :
in comparison the the US SAT curriuculum, which discludes many important parts of physics (BC curriculum). I'm currently studying for the Physics SAT in Jan, and I really need to get prepared for it. I'm looking for the best TEXTBOOK for preparing, going into good detail of subjects, detailed problems and solutions etc. I really like physics, and I want to understand the concepts, not memorize them, but really understand them. I need a book for this. Please help! I have Barron's SAT prep, but since I haven't seen basically any of the concepts before, the short summaries aren't very helpful. I need to start getting A+s and not B+s to get into the school I want, I am willing to put in the effort.

  • #8

Table of Contents:
[*] Introduction 
[*] Categories 
[*] The Category of Groups 
[*] Subgroups 
[*] Normal Subgroups 
[*] Homomorphisms 
[*] Direct Products and Sums of Groups 
[*] Relations 
[*] The Category of Vector Spaces 
[*] Subspaces 
[*] Linear Mappings; Direct Products and Sums 
[*] From Real to Complex Vector Spaces and Back 
[*] Duals 
[*] Multilinear Mappings; Tensor Products 
[*] Example: Minkowski Vector Space 
[*] Example: The Lorentz Group 
[*] Functors 
[*] The Category of Associative Algebras 
[*] The Category of Lie Algebras 
[*] Example: The Algebra of Observables 
[*] Example: Fock Vector Space 
[*] Representations: General Theory 
[*] Representations on Vector Spaces 
[*] The Algebraic Categories: Summary 
[*] Subsets and Mappings 
[*] Topological Spaces 
[*] Continuous Mappings 
[*] The Category of Topological Spaces 
[*] Nets 
[*] Compactness 
[*] The Compact-Open Topology 
[*] Connectedness 
[*] Example: Dynamical Systems 
[*] Homotopy 
[*] Homology 
[*] Homology: Relation to Homotopy 
[*] The Homology Functors 
[*] Uniform Spaces 
[*] The Completion of a Uniform Space 
[*] Topological Groups 
[*] Topological Vector Spaces 
[*] Categories: Summary 
[*] Measure Spaces 
[*] Constructing Measure Spaces 
[*] Measurable Functions 
[*] Integrals 
[*] Distributions 
[*] Hilbert Spaces 
[*] Bounded Operators 
[*] The Spectrum of a Bounded Operator 
[*] The Spectral Theorem: Finite-dimensional Case 
[*] Continuous Functions of a Hermitian Operator 
[*] Other Functions of a Hermitian Operator 
[*] The Spectral Theorem 
[*] Operators (Not Necessarily Bounded) 
[*] Self-Adjoint Operators 
[*] Index of Defined Terms 
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  • #9

Table of Contents (from 5 ed)

Part I. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: The Foundation of Modern Physics
1. Relativity I
2. Relativity II
3. Quantization of Charge, Light, and Energy
4. The Nuclear Atom
5. The Wavelike Properties of Particles
6. The Schrödinger Equation
7. Atomic Physics
8. Statistical Physics

Part II. Applications
9. Molecular Structure and Spectra
10. Solid State Physics
11. Nuclear Physics
12. Particle Physics
13. Astrophysics and Cosmology

Appendix A Table of Atomic Masses
Appendix B Mathematical Aids
Appendix C Electron Configurations
Appendix D Fundamental Physical Constants
Appendix E Conversion Factors
Appendix F Nobel Laureates in Physics
Students/faculty must register to use site
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  • #10

Pearson (Addison-Wesley); 2 edition (August 5, 2007)

Modern Physics, Second Edition provides a clear, precise, and contemporary introduction to the theory, experiment, and applications of modern physics. This eagerly awaited second edition puts the modern back into modern physics courses. Pedagogical features throughout the text focus the reader on the core concepts and theories while offering optional, more advanced sections, examples, and cutting-edge applications to suit a variety of courses. Critically acclaimed for his lucid style, in the second edition, Randy Harris applies the same insights into recent developments in physics, engineering, and technology. Physics at the Turn of the 20th Century, Special Relativity, Waves and Particles I: Electromagnetic Radiation Behaving as Particles, Waves and Particles II: Matter Behaving as Waves, Bound States: Simple Cases, Unbound States: Obstacles, Tunneling and Particle-Wave Propagation, Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions and The Hydrogen Atom, Spin and Atomic Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Bonding: Molecules and Solids, Nuclear Physics, Fundamental Particles and Interactions. For all readers interested in modern physics.

Publisher's page:
German Version:

Table of Contents

1. Dawn of a New Age
2. Special Relativity
3. Waves and Particles I: Electromagnetic Radiation Behaving as Particles
4. Waves and Particles II: Matter Behaving as Waves
5. Bound States: Simple Cases
6. Unbound States: Obstacles, Tunneling and Particle-Wave Propagation
7. Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions and The Hydrogen Atom
8. Spin and Atomic Physics
9. Statistical Mechanics
10. Bonding: Molecules and Solids
11. Nuclear Physics
12. Fundamental Particles and Interactions

German Edition - Moderne Physik


Kapitel 1 Anbruch eines neuen Zeitalters
Kapitel 2 Spezielle Relativitätstheorie
Kapitel 3 Wellen und Teilchen I
Kapitel 4 Wellen und Teilchen II
Kapitel 5 Gebundene Zustände: Einfache Fälle
Kapitel 6 Ungebundene Zustände: Barrieren, Tunneleffekt und die Ausbreitung von Welle und Teilchen
Kapitel 7 Quantenmechanik in drei Dimensionen und das Wasserstoffatom
Kapitel 8 Spin und Atomphysik
Kapitel 9 Statistische Mechanik
Kapitel 10 Bindungen in Molekülen und Festkörpern
Kapitel 11 Kernphysik
Kapitel 12 Elementarteilchen und ihre Wechselwirkungen

Anhang A Das Michelson-Morley-Experiment
Anhang B Die Lorentz-Transformation: Darstellung von Ereignissen
Anhang C Das Planck’sche Strahlungsgesetz – Die Schwarzkörperstrahlung
Anhang D Berechnen der Fourier-Transformation
Anhang E Der Impulsoperator
Anhang F Zeitliche Entwicklung eines Gauß’schen Wellenpakets
Anhang G Der Operator für L^2
Anhang H Energieverteilungen
Anhang I Eigenschaften der Isotope
Anhang J Wahrscheinlichkeit, Mittelwert, Standardabweichung und Anzahl der Kombinationen
Anhang K Wichtige Mathematik
Anhang L Lösungen einiger ausgewählter Aufgaben
Anhang M Bildnachweise

Moderne Physik

Das moderne Leben wäre ohne "moderne Physik" nicht mehr vorstellbar - auf ihren Gesetzen beruhen Transistoren, Computerchips, Mobiltelefone, Flachbildschirme, Navigationssysteme und zahllose andere Gegenstände des Alltags, an die man vor 100 Jahren nicht einmal zu denken gewagt hätte. Zugleich sind Relativitätstheorie und Quantenphysik Grundlagen unseres gegenwärtigen Naturverständnisses und die wohl am besten experimentell überprüften wissenschaftlichen Theorien überhaupt. Ein grundsätzliches Verständnis dieser Theorien und ihrer Anwendungen ist unerlässlich, um sich mit Fragestellungen zeitgenössischer Physik auseinandersetzen zu können und um ein Verständnis für moderne Technologien zu entwickeln - oder auch nur, um die Neugierde zu befriedigen, wie die moderne Naturwissenschaft weiteste Bereiche der Natur beschreiben und erklären kann! Hierbei leistet die "Moderne Physik" von Harris in seiner zweiten Auflage einen großen Beitrag, in dem sie in einer großen Gesamtschau die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der Physik der letzten 100 Jahre zusammenfasst, ebenso anschaulich wie gründlich erklärt und dabei die notwendigen mathematischen Vorkenntnisse so gering wie möglich hält!

Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere der Physik. Es ist für Studierende von Bachelorstudiengängen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen konzipiert und schlägt die Brücke zwischen einführenden Vorlesungen über die "klassische" Physik und vertieften Vorlesungen über die aktuellen Theorien zu Elementarteilchen, Atomkernen, Atomen, Molekülen, Festkörper und das Universum insgesamt. Begleitet wird der Text von zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben, die es den Studierenden erlauben, ihr Wissen unmittelbar anzuwenden, aber auch ihr Verständnis zu testen. Neben einer Vorlesungsbegleitung eignet sich die "Moderne Physik" daher auch hervorragend zum Selbststudium.

•gebundene Zustände der Quantenmechanik: Potenzialtöpfe und der harmonische Oszillator
•Streuung und Tunneleffekt
•Drehimpuls und Spin
•Quantenmechanik identischer Teilchen
•Grundlagen der statistischen Physik
•Molekülbildung, Festkörper und ihre Eigenschaften
•Erhaltungssätze und Symmetrien der Physik
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  • #11
As a long-time lurker, I have really been enjoying being able to find advice regarding good physics books for an undergrad student. However, I am looking for advice on a set of books that would be adequate for self-teaching enough physics that I could basically learn what a "normal" undergrad would. I know it's not ideal, but I am at a university studying math, and my school only has up through algebra-based mechanics (and I think E&M). If I could transfer in an affordable way I would, but currently it looks like I will be staying here.

I have a decent math background, having taken Linear Algebra, Calc 1 & 2, and I am taking Number Theory and Prob & Stats now. Since I am majoring in math, a year from now I expect to have Multivariable, Modern Geometry, Abstract Algebra, and more Prob & Stats. Here's a quick list of subjects I am looking for books on:

-Thermodynamics / Statistical Mechanics (Do these belong in the same category?)
-Atomic Physics
-Special Relativity
-(possibly?) General Relativity

These are textbooks I already have access to:

-Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by A.C. Phillips (I have worked approximately halfway through, and I'm fairly satisfied with the book)
-Quantum Mechanics by Zettili
-Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths (plus a solution manual)
-Optics by Hecht
-Classical Mechanics by TaylorI found those texts through recommendations on these forums, as they seem to be standard and well-received. Is this a sufficient list? Are there any switches (or additions) I should make with the books I've found already?

Thank you in advance- it's great to know I have the opportunity to get advice from others who have continued in physics!*Disclaimer: I know learning on my own is not as good as a formal education; this is the best I can manage for the time being, and I am satisfied with what I can do through individual study.
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  • #12
  • Author: Stephen Jardin
  • Title: Computational Methods in Plasma Physics
  • Amazon Link:
  • Prerequisities: Introductory physics, Modern physics, Calculus through PDEs, E&M; (basically two or three years of a Physics BS program)
  • Contents: Undergraduate, upper level; Graduate, introductory

Table of Contents
Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamic Equations
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Equations

Introduction to Finite Difference Equations
Implicit and Explicit Methods 
Consistency, Convergence, and Stability 
Von Neumann Stability Analysis
Accuracy and Conservative Differencing

Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic Equations
One Dimensional Poisson’s Equation
Two Dimensional Poisson’s Equation
Matrix Iterative Approach
Physical Approach to Deriving Iterative Methods
Multigrid Methods 
Krylov Space Methods
Finite Fourier Transform

Plasma Equilibrium
Derivation of the Grad–Shafranov Equation
The Meaning of Ψ
Exact Solutions
Variational Forms of the Equilibrium Equation 
Free Boundary Grad–Shafranov Equation
Experimental Equilibrium Reconstruction

Magnetic Flux Coordinates in a Torus 
Magnetic Field, Current, and Surface Functions 
Constructing Flux Coordinates from Ψ(R, Z)
Inverse Equilibrium Equation

Diffusion and Transport in Axisymmetric Geometry
Basic Equations and Orderings
Equilibrium Constraint
Time Scales

Numerical Methods for Parabolic Equations
One Dimensional Diffusion Equations
Multiple Dimensions

Methods of Ideal MHD Stability Analysis
Basic Equations
Variational Forms
Cylindrical Geometry
Toroidal Geometry

Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
Explicit Centered-Space Methods
Explicit Upwind Differencing
Limiter Methods 
Implicit Methods

Spectral Methods for Initial Value Problems
Orthogonal Expansion Functions 
Non-Linear Problems 
Time Discretization 
Implicit Example: Gyrofluid Magnetic Reconnection

The Finite Element Method
Ritz Method in One Dimension
Galerkin Method in One Dimension 
Finite Elements in Two Dimensions
Eigenvalue Problems



From publisher:
• Presents a unique combination of mathematical techniques and associated computational algorithms needed to perform meaningful simulations of magnetized plasma
• Gives a comprehensive treatment of the plasma equilibrium problem as well as a unique derivation of methods for solving the transport timescale evolution of magnetized plasma
• Offers an accessible introduction to many advanced computational methods currently used
• Covers finite difference, spectral, and finite element methods
• Contains an extensive overview of the various approaches to solving sparse matrix equations, along with their relative merits and limitations

Assuming no prior knowledge of plasma physics or numerical methods, Computational Methods in Plasma Physics covers the computational mathematics and techniques needed to simulate magnetically confined plasmas in modern magnetic fusion experiments and future magnetic fusion reactors. Largely self-contained, the text presents the basic concepts necessary for the numerical solution of partial differential equations.

Along with discussing numerical stability and accuracy, the author explores many of the algorithms used today in enough depth so that readers can analyze their stability, efficiency, and scaling properties. He focuses on mathematical models where the plasma is treated as a conducting fluid, since this is the most mature plasma model and most applicable to experiments. The book also emphasizes toroidal confinement geometries, particularly the tokamak—a very successful configuration for confining a high-temperature plasma. Many of the basic numerical techniques presented are also appropriate for equations encountered in a higher-dimensional phase space.

One of the most challenging research areas in modern science is to develop suitable algorithms that lead to stable and accurate solutions that can span relevant time and space scales. This book provides an excellent working knowledge of the algorithms used by the plasma physics community, helping readers on their way to more advanced study.
Publisher's site -
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  • #13
Hello everyone, I have been browsing this site for a while and finally decided to make an account. I was curious what your opinions were on textbooks for an undergraduate mathematician and computer scientist who is looking to learn more advanced physics and engineering on the side.
I have take courses in all of the basics of calculus, including vector calculus and multivariable functions, complex and real analysis, ODEs, mathematical modeling, and the two introductory physics courses my university offers (focusing on the basics of kinematics, dynamics, and electromagnetism).
Specifically, I was looking for an introductory textbooks in Modern Physics, Astrophysics, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Quantum Physics (I will mostly like not even attempt to read this one until I finish with the modern physics one). I have found a couple of textbooks that sound like they may be good for an introductory learner:
Modern Physics by Randy Harris.
Foundations of Astrophysics by Bradley Peterson
I wasn't sure on the other subjects, but are these acceptable for a math major to start with?
  • #14
I am currently using the "Introduction to Solid State Physics" by Kittel for an independent study in the course and my preparation for final tomorrow. I find this book to be an absolutely incomprehensible garbage. There is very little organization, let alone any kind of logical flow. It is more of a reference to people who already have a perfect understanding than a textbook.

Could someone point to any book that is actually descent and is possible to learn from? I have tried Ashcroft and it wasnt the answer either for similar reasons. "Fundamentals of Solid State Physics" by Christman is actually quite alright, but a terribly chosen notation and overabundance of errors and misprints make it a poor choice as well.

P.S. I posted a similar query a couple years ago asking for an alternative to Griffiths QM. One of the posters here recommended Zettili's book. The latter turned out to be amazing. Is there anything similar on Solid State Physics?

Help, please.
  • #15
It would greatly help me if someone could suggest me books for the following topics.
Electricity and magnetism: Line integral of vector field, Potential difference, Field as gradient of potential and applications. Divergence of a vector function, Divergence theorem, Gauss’s law- integral and differential form, Laplace’s equation and simple applications, Stoke’s theorem, Uniqueness theorem. Biot – savart law, curl and divergence of magnetic flux density. Ampere’s Law – integral and differential form. scalar and vector magnetic potentials, fields due to finite, infinite wire, small current loop using potentials, Application of vector magnetic potential in polarization and magnetization, Electronic currents in atoms and gyro magnetic ratio with its uses.
Faraday’s law – integral and differential form. Self and mutual inductance in terms of Neumann equation charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistor, growth and decay of current in a L-R circuit, energy stored in electric and magnetic fields, Equation of continuity, Displacement current, modified Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s equations-in source free, dielectric and conducting media, equation of electromagnetic wave propagation of plane electromagnetic wave in free space, Poynting vector and Poynting theorem. Maxwell’s equations in terms of electromagnetic potentials. Boundary conditions between two dielectric media for E, D,B and H. Snell’s law, Fresnel’s equations, Total internal reflection and Brewster’s law.

Interference: Wedge film interference, Newton’s rings and Michelson’s interferometer-theory method of measurement of wave length of light and difference of two close wave lengths. Diffraction : Double slit Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern, Fraunhoffer diffraction by a transmission grating, formation of spectra, Rayleigh’s criterion for resolving power, resolving power of transmission
grating and prism. Polarization : O & E waves, quarter wave and half wave plates, Different types of polarized electromagnetic waves. Laurent’s half shade polari meter and determination of strength of sugar solution.

Relativistic mechanics: Galilean transformation. Postulates of special theory of Relativity, Lorentz
transformation, Law of addition of velocities, mass variation with speed, mass energy and momentum
Quantum mechanics: Plancks hypotheses, Planck’s radiation law, Einstein equation for photoelectric
effect, Compton scattering. Uncertainty principle, ground state energy and size of hydrogen atom.
Schrodinger wave equation in one dimenision, Interpretation of wave function, normalization condition,
cureent density, solution of Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box and step

Solid state Physics: Crystal lattice, sc, bcc, fcc and hcc structures and their properties, Miller indices
relation between interplaner distance and Miller indices, lattice Plane. Bragg’s law, Bragg’s spectrometer-its use in study of crystal structures, Laue equations for X-ray
diffraction and reciprocal lattice vectors. Statistical distribution laws: Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution, Bose – Einstein distribution, Fermi-Dirac distribution.
Lasers : Einstein’s coefficients, spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, basic features of laser systems, principle of operation of He- Ne laser and solid state laser, optical fibers and properties.

Nuclear physics : Properties of Alpha, Beta, Gamma radiations. Basic features of a gas filled detectors
and Geiger- Muller counter.

I am very sorry for posting such a long list.
For some reason I cannot attend the lectures in my college and I have heard that we will have to use only the lecture notes, no books but I am not sure about it.

For Electricity and Magnetism stuff, I think Griffiths would be the best. I have no idea what should I use for others.

  • #16

Does anyone know what the absolute best most comprehensive book on lasers is. I am looking for a textbook that is both deep graduate level and also has detailed information on laser construction for the hard core hobbyist/entry level researcher.

Just so people know I have a BS in chemical engineering with a special interest in thermodynamics and equations of state which involved physical chemistry and quantum. I also have all of the "hard" classes in undergraduate electrical engineering and am starting a masters in EE soon with an area of special interest in lasers.

I have started putting together a list of suppliers and getting quotes for various parts and pieces most notably the various gases of which Xenon is extraordinarily expensive right now.

Basically I want to get a jump start on construction of a laser body that I can experiment with different gases on and I want to design it to be beefy so that it can withstand high temperatures and pressures and handle a range of different conditions and an adjustable flat plate electrode so I can change the spacing. I was also reading about etalons and other issues and pit falls and I am not as familiar with those things so I want a comprehensive book before I start having parts made and ordering cylinders of various gases which is not cheap. I am also worried about arcing since I would prefer continuous beam lasers as opposed to pulse lasers for what I'm doing but they have to be very high power as well.

I would have a special 550 volt drop put into a building for the power company but I was reading that lasers can consume up to 200,000 volts which for continuous power would require large spacing between the electrodes as well as large transformers but that would result in low current so I am not sure how that would impact laser power.

I want to make sure I dot all my i's and cross all my t's before I start spending thousands of dollars. I am specifically looking at excimer laser blends.

The textbook that I have found so far is -

It seems to cover all the topics but does it cover them well enough to actually construct something from?

This is another text I found but seems a little more esoteric -

Thank you
  • #17
does anybody know of a book that has to do with topology and particularly with knot theory and their applications to condensed matter physics?
I was looking at Baez's "Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity" and I was wondering if there's anything like it for condensed matter physics.

Related to Best Written High School Physics Text Books (SAT)

1. What makes a high school physics text book considered "best written"?

A best written high school physics text book is typically one that is clear, concise, and engaging. It should present concepts in an organized and logical manner, with helpful visuals and examples. The language should also be accessible and easy for students to understand.

2. Is there a specific format or structure that is considered best for a high school physics text book?

While there is no one-size-fits-all format for high school physics text books, they often follow a similar structure. This includes an introduction to the subject, followed by chapters on different topics, and ending with a summary or review section. Some books may also include practice problems or supplemental materials.

3. How important is it for a high school physics text book to align with the SAT exam?

While it can be helpful for a high school physics text book to align with the SAT exam, it is not necessary. The SAT primarily tests students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills, rather than specific content. A well-written textbook that covers fundamental concepts and provides practice problems can adequately prepare students for the exam.

4. Are there any particular features or elements that set the best written high school physics text books apart from others?

The best written high school physics text books often have unique features that make them stand out. This can include interactive online resources, real-world applications of physics concepts, or engaging activities and experiments. These features can make the material more interesting and relevant to students.

5. How can I determine which high school physics text book is the best for my needs?

The best way to determine which high school physics text book is best for your needs is to review sample chapters or sections from different books. This will give you a sense of the writing style, organization, and level of difficulty. You can also read reviews from other educators or ask for recommendations from colleagues.

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