Best, -Your Quantum Mechanics Tutor

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the Klein-Gordon equation describes spinless particles with mass m and bound states only occur between -m<=E<=m. This is due to the possibility of pair production when energies are more negative than -m. In the case of the finite Coulomb potential, the asymptotic behavior suggests that only bound states with energies in the range of -m<=E<=m exist. While it may be possible to extrapolate and postulate on more negative bound states, it is not physically meaningful as it does not consider pair production. The limited range of energies for bound states in the Klein-Gordon equation takes into account this phenomenon.
  • #1
Hey Guys,

Am working through Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Wave equations by W.Greiner and have a simple question about the Klein-Gordon equation: is it fair to say that bound states only occur between -m<=E<=m? (c=1). There are a few problems where they show that you can get pair production when the energy of the bound state is -m, and go on to comment about 'diving into the lower continuum'. However, in say the finite coulomb case, if one takes the exterior wave equation, which is just the basic Coulomb problem with a -1/r potential, then the asymptotic behaviour suggests that you only get exponential soltions, ie bound states, in the range described above and not for energies more negative than that.

Are they postulating on more negative bound states purely by extrapolation or is there a way to solve for bound states whos energies are <-m? I know this is somewhat unphysical as one must consider pair production, but just as an academic exercise will those states come out of the mathematics, as i can't see how they would :(

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  • #2

Dear GreenScientist,

Thank you for your question regarding the Klein-Gordon equation and bound states. It is correct to say that bound states only occur between -m<=E<=m in this equation, as it is a relativistic wave equation that describes spinless particles with mass m. The range of energies for bound states is limited to this range because, as you mentioned, energies more negative than -m would result in pair production, which is not a phenomenon that can be described by the Klein-Gordon equation alone.

In the case of the finite Coulomb potential, the asymptotic behavior of the exterior wave equation does suggest that only bound states with energies in the range of -m<=E<=m exist. This is due to the fact that the potential becomes more attractive at larger distances, making it difficult for the particle to escape and form a bound state with a more negative energy.

While it may be possible to extrapolate and postulate on more negative bound states, as an academic exercise, it is not physically meaningful as it does not take into account the phenomenon of pair production. This is why the range of energies for bound states is limited to -m<=E<=m in the Klein-Gordon equation.

I hope this helps clarify your question. Keep up your studies in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics!


FAQ: Best, -Your Quantum Mechanics Tutor

1. What is pair production bound state?

Pair production bound state is a phenomenon in quantum physics where a particle-antiparticle pair is created from a single particle. This occurs in the presence of a strong electric field, and the new particles are bound together by this field.

2. How is pair production bound state different from regular pair production?

Regular pair production is the creation of a particle-antiparticle pair from a single photon, while pair production bound state involves the creation of a particle-antiparticle pair from a single particle in the presence of a strong electric field.

3. What is the significance of pair production bound states in particle physics?

Pair production bound states play a crucial role in the understanding of subatomic particles and their interactions. They provide insights into the effects of strong electric fields on particle creation and the behavior of particles in these fields.

4. Can pair production bound states be observed in nature?

Pair production bound states can be observed in high-energy experiments, such as those conducted at particle accelerators. However, they are not commonly observed in nature due to the requirement of a strong electric field.

5. Are there any practical applications of pair production bound states?

Pair production bound states have potential applications in the development of new technologies, such as compact particle accelerators and high-energy lasers. They also provide valuable insights for theoretical studies in quantum physics.

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