Beta+ Decay: Making Sense of Proton-to-Neutron Conversion

In summary, beta plus decay occurs when a proton emits a positron to become a neutron, making the element more stable. This is possible because the mass of the original nucleus is greater than the final nucleus plus the mass of the positron. The energy released comes from the difference in binding energies of the two isotopes. This process involves the conversion of an Upper quark into a Down quark, resulting in a release of positive charge. This explains why a positron is emitted. Thank you for the helpful explanation.
  • #1
This has been really bugging me. Beta plus decay is when a proton emits a positron in order to convert to a neutron, thus making the element more stable. If protons are less massive than neutrons, how does that make sense? You have less mass, emit some, and end up with more? I must be missing something. Beta minus decay makes sense to me though.
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  • #2
Indeed, an isolated proton cannot decay into a neutron because the mass of a proton is less than the mass of a neutron plus the mass of a positron.

However, a proton that is part of a nucleus can decay if the mass of the original nucleus (isotope) is greater than the mass of the final nucleus (isotope) plus the mass of a positron. The energy that is "released" (that is, appears as kinetic energy of the positron, the neutrino, and the final nucleus) comes from the difference in binding energies of the two isotopes.
  • #3
Proton is form by 2 Upper quark, and 1 Down quark

Upper quark has +2/3 Electric charge, and Down quark have -1/3 Electric charge
so.. that's +2/3 +2/3 -1/3 is equal +3/3 or just +1 [Positive Charge]

so when 1 Proton emit a Positron that's mean 1 Upper quark has been reform into down quark by release +3/3 Charge.. and this one is what we called a Positron

so 1 Upper quark [+2/3] has been change into 1 Down quark [-1/3]
that's explain why does it's emit a Positron [-3/3] but emit into 1 particle.

after that, Neutron has 2 Down quark, and 1 Upper quark
[+2/3 -1/3 -1/3].. is equal 0.. [No charge]

It's that all.
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  • #4
Thanks guys, really helpful. :)

FAQ: Beta+ Decay: Making Sense of Proton-to-Neutron Conversion

1. What is Beta+ decay?

Beta+ decay is a type of radioactive decay where a proton in an atom's nucleus is converted into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a positron and a neutrino.

2. How is Beta+ decay different from Beta- decay?

Beta+ decay and Beta- decay are two different types of radioactive decay. In Beta+ decay, a proton is converted into a neutron, while in Beta- decay, a neutron is converted into a proton. This results in the emission of a positron in Beta+ decay and an electron in Beta- decay.

3. What is the role of the weak nuclear force in Beta+ decay?

The weak nuclear force is responsible for Beta+ decay. It is the force that governs the conversion of a proton into a neutron, as well as the emission of a positron and a neutrino.

4. What is the significance of Beta+ decay in nature?

Beta+ decay plays an important role in the stability of atomic nuclei. It helps to balance the number of protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus, making it more stable. It is also used in medical imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) scans, to detect and diagnose diseases.

5. How is Beta+ decay different from alpha and gamma decay?

Beta+ decay is different from alpha and gamma decay in terms of the particles emitted and the processes involved. In alpha decay, an alpha particle (helium nucleus) is emitted, while in gamma decay, a gamma ray (high-energy photon) is emitted. Beta+ decay involves the conversion of a proton into a neutron, while alpha and gamma decay do not involve any conversion of particles.

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