Beta Decay Proton: Ion Formation?

In summary, beta decay is the result of ejection of electron from the decay of a neutron into a proton and electron does that mean the the resultant product nucleus would be an ion since it would hav an extra proton? and same thing when a positron is formed from decay of proton?The atom with an extra proton is then a new element, and it will attract a nearby electron. A beta particle will slow down, so the material overall will remain electrically neutral. Electrons will be attracted to a net positive charge until the beta particle is absorbed into a nearby atom.
  • #1
if beta decay is the result of ejection of electron from the decay of a neutron into a proton and electron does that mean the the resultant product nucleus would be an ion since it would hav an extra proton? and same thing when a positron is formed from decay of proton?
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  • #2
The atom with an extra proton is then a new element, and it will attract a nearby electron. A beta particle will slow down, so the material overall will remain electrically neutral. Electrons will be attracted to a net positive charge until the beta particle is absorbed into a nearby atom.

Similarly, in positron emission, the atom gives up an atomic electron. The positron slows down in the material and ultimately interacts with an electron and the two are annihilated, whereby they are transformed into gamma-rays (photons). Thus charge balance is maintained.
  • #3
i c but another thing i don't understand about beta decay is why heavier +84 atoms like thorium undergo beta decay when the stability belt says it should undergo alpha decay
  • #4
1. The atom immediatly following beta decay is a + ion. Depending on the chemistry, etc. it will eventually neutralize by picking up an electron.

2. Beta decay occurs if a nucleus is too far above or below the n-p stability line. Beta decay is usually faster than alpha decay (no tunneling), so if it can happen, it does, before alpha decay.
  • #5
Adding to what Meir Achuz wrote, you might find these useful:

If one looks at the decay series, one will observe that the isotopes of Th general decay by alpha emission. However, Ac-227 can decay either by beta to Th-227, or by alpha emission to Fr-223. Fr-223, At-219, Po-215 and Bi-211 can also decay by beta or alpha emission. Po-216 and Bi-212 also can undergo beta or alpha decay.

One could do a calculation of the Q-value of beta and alpha decays to see which seems more advantageous in terms of dumping eneryg.

Also look at - - and browse the heavy upper right corner. Look for general trends in decay mode as a function of half-life and neutron/proton ratio. Some transuranics undergo spontaneous fission (SF). On the upper side of the population one observes more alpha decay and electron capture, while on the lower side of the population, one observes more beta decay. Out past Lr, one sees mostly SF or alpha decay.

Another good resource is -
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  • #6
thnx i'll go read thsoe up

FAQ: Beta Decay Proton: Ion Formation?

1. What is beta decay proton: ion formation?

Beta decay proton: ion formation is a type of nuclear decay process where a proton in the nucleus of an atom is transformed into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a beta particle (either an electron or a positron) and a neutrino. This process can also result in the formation of a positively or negatively charged ion.

2. How does beta decay proton: ion formation occur?

Beta decay proton: ion formation occurs when there is an excess of protons in the nucleus of an atom. The unstable nucleus then undergoes beta decay, where a proton is transformed into a neutron, reducing the overall number of protons and stabilizing the atom. This process can also lead to the formation of an ion due to the change in the overall charge of the atom.

3. What are the different types of beta decay proton: ion formation?

There are three types of beta decay proton: ion formation: beta-minus decay, beta-plus decay, and electron capture. In beta-minus decay, a neutron is transformed into a proton, resulting in the emission of a beta particle and a neutrino. In beta-plus decay, a proton is transformed into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a positron and a neutrino. In electron capture, an inner shell electron is captured by the nucleus, resulting in the transformation of a proton into a neutron and the emission of a neutrino.

4. What is the significance of beta decay proton: ion formation?

Beta decay proton: ion formation plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of atomic nuclei. It helps to balance the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, preventing it from becoming too unstable. This process also has practical applications in fields such as nuclear medicine and energy production.

5. Can beta decay proton: ion formation occur naturally?

Yes, beta decay proton: ion formation can occur naturally in certain elements, particularly those with unstable nuclei. It is also a common process in radioactive decay, where unstable atoms undergo beta decay to become more stable. However, this process can also be artificially induced in a laboratory setting.

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