Beta Particle Energy: Why E_max > Q? Energy Conservation Explained

In summary, the difference in binding energies between beta decay and other transmutations is not Q. The Q value is the difference between the incoming and the outgoing masses. It is always at least as big as the maximal beta energy (in fact, a bit bigger if taking the nuclear recoil into account).
  • #1
Why is the Emax of beta energies larger than Q? This should violate energy conservation, unless the differences in binding energies themselves are only averaged values.
What I'm actually asking, is why is Q = E_average of emitted particles?
At least, according to this page:
Physics news on
  • #2
murdakah said:
Why is the Emax of beta energies larger than Q?
It is not. The Q value is the difference between the incoming and the outgoing masses. It is always at least as big as the maximal beta energy (in fact, a bit bigger if taking the nuclear recoil into account).

The page you link to does not mention the Q value at all.
  • #3
You're right, it doesn't. But if you look at P-32. That decays into S-32, and the Q of that reaction is 0.929MeV. If you look at the table on that page, the change in binding energy, which is Q, is smaller than the max beta energy.
And that's assuming all the energy is deposited in the beta particle even.
  • #4
The change in binding energy is not Q.
  • #5
I don't know what "Change in Binding Energy" means here (probably takes into account that we convert protons to neutrons or vice versa in beta decays), but the released energy is 1.71 MeV, which is the same as the maximal electron energy.

The table is weird, why do they have two entries for 127 Te with the same change in binding energy but different beta energies?
  • #6
Q=P-32 - S-32 = 271.781-270.852 =0.929 MeV according to my tables, and I am calling it Q, and that does take neutron/proton conversion and all other transmutations into account. What is Q according to you guys?
Now how can the energy released be any greater than that if the atoms are stationary?

mfb said:
The table is weird, why do they have two entries for 127 Te with the same change in binding energy but different beta energies?
That is probably because it decays into two different elements frequently?
  • #7
Q is not the difference between binding energies. The number of protons and neutron changes, you have to take that into account as Q is the difference between the total energies.
Also, the table there considers the kinetic energy only, so you have to subtract the electron mass.
murdakah said:
Now how can the energy released be any greater than that if the atoms are stationary?
It cannot.
murdakah said:
That is probably because it decays into two different elements frequently?
Then the differences in binding energies should be different, but 127Te does beta- decay only. There is a metastable state with a longer lifetime than the ground state, but those numbers don't fit to the table.
  • #8
Thanks. Ok forget Q then.
Just tell me why the max beta energy is larger than the difference in binding energy, if you look at the table. And that is true for all the elements on there? Maybe if you can just show me an equation that would be simpler.
  • #9
In the decay of P-32 a neutron is converted to a proton. the mass of the neutron is higher than that of the proton by about 1.29 Mev thus more energy is available to the beta particle above the increased BE of S32 = 0.929 MeV, Of that available energy you must subtract the energy to form the beta particle 0.511 MeV

The electron KE should be the difference between the sum of the p-n mass diff + the BE diff and the mass of the beta particle. (1.29 + .929) -.511 = 1.708 MeV making allowances for some inaccuracies in the data I used.
  • #10
I see. Thanks. I know someone mentioned it earlier, but I was under the impression that the BE takes nuclear conversion into account.
Thanks guys!

FAQ: Beta Particle Energy: Why E_max > Q? Energy Conservation Explained

1. What is a beta particle?

A beta particle is a high-speed electron or positron (positively charged electron) emitted by a radioactive nucleus during the process of beta decay.

2. Why is the maximum energy of a beta particle (E_max) greater than the energy released in beta decay (Q)?

This is due to the conservation of energy. In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton, and a beta particle is released. However, this process also releases energy in the form of an antineutrino. Therefore, the total energy released in beta decay is divided between the beta particle and the antineutrino, resulting in E_max being greater than Q.

3. How is energy conserved in beta decay?

Energy is conserved in beta decay through the release of both a beta particle and an antineutrino. The beta particle carries a portion of the energy released, while the antineutrino carries the remaining energy.

4. Can the maximum energy of a beta particle be calculated?

Yes, the maximum energy of a beta particle can be calculated using the equation E_max = Q + m, where Q is the energy released in beta decay and m is the mass difference between the parent and daughter nuclei. This equation takes into account the conservation of energy and mass in beta decay.

5. How does the maximum energy of a beta particle affect the stability of a nucleus?

The maximum energy of a beta particle does not directly affect the stability of a nucleus. However, the energy released in beta decay can contribute to the overall energy of the nucleus, which can impact its stability. A higher energy release in beta decay can make a nucleus more unstable and more likely to undergo further decay.

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