Beta Rays: Electromagnetic or Nuclear?

In summary, Alpha and Beta particles are both types of particles emitted from the nucleus during radioactive decay. Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei, while beta particles are high energy electrons. They were originally called rays because scientists did not understand what they were. Alpha particles originate from the nucleus when there is enough electromagnetic repulsion between the protons to overcome the strong nuclear force and eject the particle. This is due to a combination of factors, including the low-energy state of the alpha particle and the reduction in both nuclear force binding energy and electromagnetic repulsion energy.
  • #1
physics kiddy
Are Alpha and Beta rays electromagnetic ? If yes, then how ?

I would like to know how negatively charged beta ray comes from the nucleus ?

Thanks !
Physics news on
  • #2
They are particles. Not rays. And hence not electromagnetic.

Alpha particles => Helium nuclei (+ve charge)
Beta particles => High energy electrons (-ve charge)
Gamma RAYS => Electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency.
  • #3
Beta rays come from a nucleus when the decay involves a neutron becoming a proton.
  • #4
Oh! My book describes alpha particles as rays. Is it like that ?
  • #5
They were called rays when they were first discovered, because the scientists then didn't know what they were. They were just observed to make tracks on photographic plates and in cloud or bubble chambers.

The reason they make these tracks is of course that they (both α and β) are electrically charged. This is not the same as being electromagnetic waves like the γ is.
  • #6
How do Alpha particles originate from the nucleus ? Please explain.
  • #7
For big nuclei, the overall electromagnetic repulsion between the protons becomes sufficient (with a bit of help from quantum tunnelling/the uncertainty principle) to overcome the (strong) nuclear force that holds the nucleons together, and eject the alpha particle.

I haven't studied much of the details, but I think the reason alphas are emitted rather than individual protons is that alphas are quite a low-energy state because the two neutrons and two protons combine to fill the four lowest-energy nuclear states (one of each type of particle in each of the up and down spin states). Thus the mass of the alpha is less that the combined masses of its constituents, so less energy is needed to expel it.

The combined masses of the alpha and the nuclear decay product have to be less than the mass of the original nucleus. By expelling four nucleons, the magnitude of the (negative) nuclear force binding energy for the decay product reduces, but this is more than offset by the reduction in (positive) electromagnetic repulsion energy that results from it now having two less protons to hold together. In most cases, if it just spat out a single proton these sums would work out the other way round, so that doesn't happen.

The mass of the alpha is less than that of its constituents because in its case the negative binding energy of the nuclear force outweighs the electomagnetic repulsion energy of its two protons.

FAQ: Beta Rays: Electromagnetic or Nuclear?

What are beta rays?

Beta rays are a type of high-energy radiation that are emitted during radioactive decay. They are also known as beta particles and can have either a negative charge (beta minus) or a positive charge (beta plus).

Are beta rays electromagnetic or nuclear?

Beta rays are both electromagnetic and nuclear in nature. They are produced during the process of nuclear decay, but they also have the properties of electromagnetic radiation.

What is the difference between beta minus and beta plus particles?

Beta minus particles have a negative charge and are made up of electrons. They are emitted when a neutron in the nucleus of an atom decays into a proton and an electron. Beta plus particles, on the other hand, have a positive charge and are made up of positrons. They are emitted when a proton in the nucleus of an atom decays into a neutron and a positron.

Do beta rays have a mass?

Yes, beta rays do have a mass. Beta minus particles have a mass that is approximately 1/1836th of a proton, while beta plus particles have the same mass as a proton.

What are the uses of beta rays?

Beta rays have a variety of uses in different industries. They are commonly used in medical treatments, such as radiation therapy for cancer patients. They are also used in industrial processes, such as thickness measurements and sterilization. Additionally, beta rays are used in scientific research to study the properties of matter and to understand radioactive decay.

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