Bethe-Bloch Equation different materials

  • Thread starter stutiger99
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In summary: LHC was colliding protons at up to 7 TeV.In summary, the Bethe-Bloch equation is being used to investigate how a muon loses its energy as it penetrates different materials in the muon lifetime experiment. Tmx is the total energy and Tmax is the maximum kinetic energy. Typical values for Tmax are around 645 MeV, but I am getting values in the region of 45 MeV so I have obviously gone wrong somewhere. There is a factor of c I am wrong with units of c somewhere. The velocity of a muon is 0.9901c before striking the material, but I don't know what the correct velocity is.
  • #1
I am trying to use the Bethe-Bloch equation to investigate how a Muon loses its energy as it penetrates through different materials in the muon lifetime experiment. In order to do so I need 2 determine both the total energy and kinetic energy.
For kinetic energy maximum I have been using

Tmx = (2*m*p^2*c^4) / (m^2*c^4 + M^2*c^4 + 2*m*c^2*(p^2*c^2 + M^2*c^4)^0.5 )

Typical values for Tmax I should be getting I have been informed are around 645MeV however I keep getting values in the region of 45MeV so I have obviously went wrong somewhere. Am I correct in saying:
m = electron mass (0.511MeV)
p = momentum of muon (achieved via p= gamma*mass of muon*c)
M = mass of the muon (105.6584 MeV)

If it is correct is there a chanae I am wrong with units of c somewhere? Or is it even density realted?

Also the velocity of a muon, is it correct that it is 0.9901c (i.e Beta = v/c for special relativity) before striking the material?

Much help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
I don't understand your equation, but
if all masses, energies, and momenta are in MeV, you don't need any factors of c.
  • #3
An equivalent of the equation is on wikipedia. It is slightly different but it can be simplified to what I have above for Tmax (N.B. this Tmax is the one used in the bethe-bloch equation.
  • #4
To get 645 MeV with either equation, you need gamma ~ 25. The velocity you're quoting (0.9901c) corresponds to gamma ~ 7. That could be the problem. I don't know what the correct velocity is, it depends on your specific experiment.
  • #5
stutiger99 said:
Also the velocity of a muon, is it correct that it is 0.9901c (i.e Beta = v/c for special relativity) before striking the material?

There aren't many muon sources with the velocity known to 4 digits of accuracy.
  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
There aren't many muon sources with the velocity known to 4 digits of accuracy.

Many muons produced in LHC collisions have energies greater than ~8 GeV and therefore have velocities of 0.9999c (to 4 digits of accuracy, rounded down).
  • #7
hamster143 said:
Many muons produced in LHC collisions have energies greater than ~8 GeV and therefore have velocities of 0.9999c (to 4 digits of accuracy, rounded down).

Fine. You got me there.

Nonetheless, there are very few monoenergetic muon sources at the energies under discussion, which leads me to suspect something may be wrong here.
  • #8
hamster143 said:
Many muons produced in LHC collisions have energies greater than ~8 GeV and therefore have velocities of 0.9999c (to 4 digits of accuracy, rounded down).

Have LHC started to colliding yet?

...trying to save Vanadium 50 ;-) ...
  • #9
The LHC collided 450 GeV protons on steel. That gives a maximum muon energy of 30 GeV and an average muon energy of ~1.5 GeV.
  • #10
Vanadium 50 said:
The LHC collided 450 GeV protons on steel. That gives a maximum muon energy of 30 GeV and an average muon energy of ~1.5 GeV.

Ahh yeah that is true, during detector performance tests

FAQ: Bethe-Bloch Equation different materials

1. What is the Bethe-Bloch equation?

The Bethe-Bloch equation is a mathematical formula that describes the energy loss of a charged particle as it passes through a material. It takes into account factors such as the particle's charge, velocity, and the properties of the material.

2. How is the Bethe-Bloch equation used in different materials?

The Bethe-Bloch equation can be used to calculate the energy loss of charged particles in various materials, including gases, liquids, and solids. It is commonly used in particle physics research and in medical applications such as radiation therapy.

3. What factors affect the energy loss described by the Bethe-Bloch equation?

The energy loss described by the Bethe-Bloch equation is affected by the charge and mass of the particle, the particle's velocity, and the properties of the material it is passing through (such as density and atomic number). It can also be affected by electromagnetic interactions with the material's atoms and the presence of magnetic fields.

4. How accurate is the Bethe-Bloch equation?

The Bethe-Bloch equation is a well-established and widely used formula, but it is not perfect. It provides a good approximation for the energy loss of charged particles in many materials, but more complex equations may be needed for highly accurate calculations in some cases.

5. Can the Bethe-Bloch equation be applied to all types of particles?

The Bethe-Bloch equation was originally derived for charged particles with high energies, such as protons and electrons. However, it has been extended to also apply to other types of particles, such as muons and heavy ions, with some modifications to the original equation.
