Big bang and small bang black holes

In summary: It is theoretically possible, but we don't know for sure. 3) Yes, it could be possible to observe Hawking radiation from very small black holes. at least some of these could be answered better by some of the others here and I hope they do. they are good questions.
  • #1
if BB is true then there should be black holes which should also explode like the big bang...Do we have evidence for this type of small bang black holes...
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  • #2
spideyinspace said:
if BB is true then there should be black holes which should also explode like the big bang...Do we have evidence for this type of small bang black holes...

Are you saying that every singularity may be a big bang?
There is a theory ralated to that: "[URL universes
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  • #3
spideyinspace said:
if BB is true then there should be black holes which should also explode like the big bang...Do we have evidence for this type of small bang black holes...

Maybe the explosion takes place inside a BH, maybe there is a bounce inside changing a a BH in a WH and maybe it will not be observed from the outside?
  • #4
spideyinspace said:
if BB is true then there should be black holes which should also explode like the big bang...

What Hurk4 says is right. One would not expect to see the re-expansion, because it would be creating a new expanding region---a tract of space separate from our space.

the difficult issue is what observable consequences can be derived from the models that have this feature, that astronomers can look for

something about our own big bang? some distinctive signature to tell us where it could have come from.
some signature in the gammaray bursts which seem to be associated with the collapse of massive stars into black holes? something associated with black holes, in other words.

the tricky thing is the evidence.
there are a number of research papers that give theoretical models of how the collapse of a star could "bounce" and result in a second region of spacetime* that expands from the pit----theorists argue about these models. the hard thing is to find out what OTHER distinctive things the various models predict, so they can be tested.

*concealed from our observable universe by the black hole's event horizon
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  • #5
marcus said:
What Hurk4 says is right. One would not expect to see the re-expansion, because it would be creating a new expanding region---a tract of space separate from our space.

the difficult issue is what observable consequences can be derived from the models that have this feature, that astronomers can look for

something about our own big bang? some distinctive signature to tell us where it could have come from.
some signature in the gammaray bursts which seem to be associated with the collapse of massive stars into black holes? something associated with black holes, in other words.

the tricky thing is the evidence.
there are a number of research papers that give theoretical models of how the collapse of a star could "bounce" and result in a second region of spacetime* that expands from the pit----theorists argue about these models. the hard thing is to find out what OTHER distinctive things the various models predict, so they can be tested.

*concealed from our observable universe by the black hole's event horizon

I have some secondary questions here.
1) Is there (already?) something known about the relation of the mass (of the rebouncing hole) and the speed of evaporation by Hawking radiation. I think that theory says that small holes evaporate faster than big holes? (To be remarked here is that the smallest possible hole has the Planck dimension and that it lifetime is of the order of Planck time i.e. 10E-43second. Big holes live very very long and must look very static). I don't think 'Hawking evaporation has anything to do with an explosion.
2) Can it be expected from theory that such a Hawking evaporation flux eventually can be observed in case of very small holes?
3) Maybe observation of Hawking radiation flux can give us qualitative and quantitave information about small holes?
  • #6
hurk4 said:
I have some secondary questions here.
1) Is there (already?) something known about the relation of the mass (of the rebouncing hole) and the speed of evaporation by Hawking radiation. I think that theory says that small holes evaporate faster than big holes? (To be remarked here is that the smallest possible hole has the Planck dimension and that it lifetime is of the order of Planck time i.e. 10E-43second. Big holes live very very long and must look very static). I don't think 'Hawking evaporation has anything to do with an explosion.
2) Can it be expected from theory that such a Hawking evaporation flux eventually can be observed in case of very small holes?
3) Maybe observation of Hawking radiation flux can give us qualitative and quantitave information about small holes?

at least some of these could be answered better by some of the others here and I hope they do. they are good questions.
1) AFAIK the answer is NO. the speed of evaporation----the lifetime of the BH---is governed by the mass of the BH

but different models (all are preliminary) allow for different relations between the ingoing mass of the BH and the outgoing.

2) I personally expect that if and when we observe small BH we will observe their high-flux final burst of radiation. So the answer here is yes.

3) YES! in my opinion, it will be the best or one of the best sources of information

FAQ: Big bang and small bang black holes

1. What is the difference between a big bang and a small bang black hole?

Big bang black holes are created during the collapse of massive stars, while small bang black holes are created during the collision of two smaller objects such as neutron stars or white dwarfs.

2. How do black holes form?

Black holes form when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity, becoming infinitely dense and creating a strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape from.

3. Can black holes ever die or disappear?

No, black holes do not technically die or disappear. However, they can slowly evaporate over time due to Hawking radiation, a theoretical process proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking.

4. Do black holes have a fixed size or can they grow?

Black holes can grow in size by absorbing matter and merging with other black holes. The more matter they consume, the larger they become.

5. Can anything escape from a black hole?

It is believed that nothing can escape from the event horizon of a black hole, not even light. However, some theories suggest that information may be able to escape through quantum processes.

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