Big Bang Implosion: The Symmetry of Cosmic Expansion and Collapse

In summary, according to this conversation, the Planck length (L*) is supposed to be the original radius of the cosmos, and a collapse therefrom, symmetrical to the big bang expansion of spacetime, occurs with the conservation of momentum. This "Big Crush" is omnipresent, sub-Planck length and suggests a connectiveness between all matter. If the density of matter/energy is high enough the universe could collapse in a "Big Crunch" at the end of time, but current observational evidence suggests it will expand forever.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Where there is explosion, there is usually a concomitant implosion. If the Planck length, L*, demarks an original radius for the cosmos, a collapse therefrom, symmetrical to the big bang expansion of spacetime occurs with the conservation of momentum. This "Big Crush" is omnipresent, sub-Planck length and suggests a connectiveness between all matter. Our reality may exist in mirror image, reflected through the primordial surface of separation, L*.
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  • #2
I'm afraid that I don't really understand any of that. (My fault, not yours; it's not something that I've been exposed to before.) The aspect that strikes me as being maybe a little off is that I don't think that the BB can technically be considered an explosion. It's more like a balloon inflating, since it's not exploding into a pre-existing volume. No mass or energy is being ejected from the source; the source itself is just expanding.
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  • #3
Loren Booda said:
Where there is explosion, there is usually a concomitant implosion. If the Planck length, L*, demarks an original radius for the cosmos
The Planck length isn't supposed to be the original radius of the cosmos, if the universe has flat or open curvature (and the simplest topology) then the cosmos was infinite at all times past the Planck time, and even if the universe is finite in size, I think all you can say is that as you approach the Planck time the density of matter/energy approaches the Planck density. See this thread for more on the significance of the Planck density/Planck length, and the last section of my first post on this thread about why you shouldn't picture the Big Bang as an explosion of matter in a preexisting space, and the difference between closed, flat and open curvature.
Loren Booda said:
a collapse therefrom, symmetrical to the big bang expansion of spacetime occurs with the conservation of momentum. This "Big Crush" is omnipresent, sub-Planck length and suggests a connectiveness between all matter.
If the density of matter/energy is high enough the universe could collapse in a "Big Crunch" at the end of time, but current observational evidence suggests it will expand forever. See for a little more info on how the density of matter/energy, as well as something called the "cosmological constant", determine the ultimate fate of the universe according to general relativity.
Loren Booda said:
Our reality may exist in mirror image, reflected through the primordial surface of separation, L*.
I don't understand this part at all--what is L*? What is it separating?
  • #4
L.B. - If you're interested, you can submit this idea (with more details) to the Independent Research forum. Thanks.

FAQ: Big Bang Implosion: The Symmetry of Cosmic Expansion and Collapse

1. What is the Big Bang Implosion theory?

The Big Bang Implosion theory is a scientific model that explains the origins of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity - a point of infinite density and temperature - and underwent a rapid expansion known as the Big Bang. This expansion eventually slowed down and will eventually reverse, resulting in a cosmic collapse.

2. How does the Big Bang Implosion theory explain the symmetry of cosmic expansion and collapse?

The Big Bang Implosion theory suggests that the universe is symmetric, meaning that it is the same in all directions and at all points in time. This symmetry is attributed to the fact that the universe is expanding and collapsing at the same rate, creating a balanced and uniform distribution of matter and energy.

3. What evidence supports the Big Bang Implosion theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang Implosion theory. These include the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements, the redshift of galaxies, and the large-scale structure of the universe. All of these observations are consistent with the idea of a hot, dense, and expanding universe.

4. Is the Big Bang Implosion theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

Yes, the Big Bang Implosion theory is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the origins and evolution of the universe. It is supported by a vast amount of observational evidence and is consistent with our understanding of physics and cosmology.

5. Are there any alternative theories to the Big Bang Implosion?

Yes, there are several alternative theories to the Big Bang Implosion, such as the Steady State theory and the Oscillating Universe theory. However, these theories have been largely discredited due to a lack of supporting evidence and their inability to explain key observations of the universe.
