Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

  • Thread starter Romulus100
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In summary, the conversation discusses different theories about the universe's expansion and eventual fate, including the possibility of a big crunch. It also delves into the concepts of singularity, time, and space-time curvature. The current LCDM cosmology allows for a spatially flat universe, but there is a small margin of error that could suggest a positively or negatively curved universe. The singularity is removed from spacetime in both cases, and the shape of the universe can be visualized as either infinite or finite, depending on its curvature.
  • #1
Bigbang Bigcrunch "Singular" event?

Ok so I am just a layman that reads too much and understands too little, but I was hoping someone could help me out with this. I've read a lot about the theories of open, closed, flat universe etc. Some theories say the universe expands to infinite size after infinite time, some say there would be a point where gravity would halt expansion and end (or begin) in a big crunch, my question is since this universe either is born or dies, or both in a "singularity" is this not a singular event? What I mean is if the universe had no moments (space time geometry) or infinite space time curvature no so called "before" the big bang and so no matter how far the universe expands and time passes, all such propogation back along an x,y,z reach that non event then isn't time the same? Is the expansion of space time to infinite size after infinite time just as paradoxical as an infinite space time curvature singulatity where spacetime is confined infinitely? Is spacetime expanding in an attempt to reach an impossible zero space time curvature equaly as impossible as the infinite space time curvature of a singularity? Also since from any frame of reference the rest of the iniverse seems to be receding from us couldn't one say that that the big bang singularity actually intersects all points in space time and that is exactly what you should see? If time is relative and gravity slows the passage of time like say inside the event horizon of a singularity then all events outside would seem to be happening faster the further away from that singularity to the observer inside. Then isn't the expansion boundry of the universe (if there is one) a perception of the shift in the event horizon of the big bang singularity itself?
Another question if mass of the universe is getting smaller because of E=mc² stars pumping out photons which follow the curvature of space time but don't nesseccerily participate in gravitation then couldn't one say that the big bang singularity is evaporating mass and losing space time curvature or "expanding over time"?

So to recap does anyone think that the Bigbang singularity appears to be inflating to infinite size after infinite time and zero space time curvature in one direction (which it can never reach) and contracting to zero size with zero time and infinite space time curvature in the other direction? It's worth mentioning that both events when you have a good think about them are equally implausible but not illogical. So Could one theorise that there is a "singular" singularity called the Bigbangcrunch?
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  • #2
In the current LCDM cosmology there are three possibilities consistent with the data. The data is consistent with a spatially flat universe, but since there is always some error in any measurement that means that the universe could instead have a very small positive or negative spatial curvature.

Assuming the simplest topology, a positive curvature implies a spatially finite universe while a flat or negative curvature implies a spatially infinite universe.

If the universe is infinite now then it has always been infinite, including immediately after the singularity. For mathematical reasons the singularity itself is removed from spacetime although it is assumed that our theories break down well before then.

If the universe is finite now then it has always been finite, including immediately after the singularity. As before the singularity is removed from the manifold. In this case, the shape of the universe can be visualized as a trumpet or horn. Time is like the length along the horn, so it simply doesn’t exist beyond the point any more than there is anything further north of the North Pole.

Related to Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

1. What is the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

The Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event is a hypothetical singular event that marks the beginning and end of the universe. It is believed to have occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago, where all matter and energy were condensed into a tiny singularity, which then expanded rapidly in a big bang, and will eventually collapse back into a singularity in a big crunch.

2. How did scientists come up with the theory of the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

The theory of the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event is based on observations of the expanding universe, which led to the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation and the redshift of galaxies. These observations, along with mathematical equations, support the idea of a singular event that started the universe and will eventually lead to its collapse.

3. Is there any evidence for the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

While the theory of the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event is widely accepted, there is currently no concrete evidence that proves its occurrence. However, the observations of the expanding universe and cosmic background radiation provide strong support for this theory.

4. What would happen during the Bigcrunch phase of the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

During the Bigcrunch phase, the universe would begin to collapse under the force of gravity. As matter becomes more and more densely packed, temperatures and pressures would increase, leading to the destruction of all structures and eventually a singularity, similar to the conditions at the beginning of the universe.

5. Can we observe the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event?

No, we cannot observe the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event directly since it occurred billions of years ago. However, scientists can study the cosmic microwave background radiation and other evidence to gather information about the early universe and support the theory of the Bigbang Bigcrunch Singular event.

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