Bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces

In summary, the conversation discusses a puzzling statement from the book "The linear algebra a beginning graduate student ought to know" by Golan. The statement involves proving the existence of a bijective function between any two bases of a vector space V over a field F, using transfinite induction. The conversation also mentions the confusion in applying this proof for infinite-dimensional vector spaces and the solution that has been proposed.
  • #1
I am reading "The linear algebra a beginning graduate student ought to know" by Golan, and I encountered a puzzling statement:

Let V be a vector space (not necessarily finitely generated) over a field F. Prove that there exists a bijective function between any two bases of V. Hint: Use transfinite induction.

If V is generated by a finite set (with n elements), then I know how to prove that any basis has at most n elements, and thus all bases will have the same number of elements. But for infinite-dimensional vector spaces, I'm confused. How do I use transfinite induction to prove that there is a bijective correspondence between two bases of V if V is infinite-dimensional?

Sorry: I moved this to the algebra forum.
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  • #2
I think I have a solution now. Here it is. Opinions are welcomed.


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  • #3

The statement that there exists a bijective function between any two bases of a vector space V is known as the Steinitz Exchange Lemma. This lemma is a fundamental result in linear algebra and plays a crucial role in understanding the structure of vector spaces.

To prove this lemma, we can use transfinite induction. Transfinite induction is a generalization of mathematical induction that allows us to prove statements for infinite sets. In this case, we want to prove that for any two bases B and B' of V, there exists a bijective function f: B → B'.

First, we consider the case when V is generated by a finite set (with n elements). In this case, we can use the proof you mentioned to show that any basis has at most n elements. This means that any two bases of V will have the same number of elements, and hence there exists a bijective function between them.

Now, let's consider the case when V is infinite-dimensional. We will use transfinite induction to show that there exists a bijective function between any two bases of V.

Step 1: Base case
Consider the base case when V is generated by a set with one element. In this case, any basis of V will also have one element. Hence, there exists a bijective function between any two bases of V.

Step 2: Inductive hypothesis
Assume that for any vector space W generated by a set with k elements, there exists a bijective function between any two bases of W.

Step 3: Inductive step
Now, let V be a vector space generated by a set with k+1 elements. By the definition of a basis, any basis of V will have at most k+1 elements. This means that we can remove one element from the basis without losing the property of being a basis. Let's call this element v. Then, the remaining k elements form a basis of V. By our inductive hypothesis, there exists a bijective function between any two bases of V.

Step 4: Conclusion
Since we can always remove one element from a basis of V without losing the property of being a basis, we can use this bijective function to map the basis with k+1 elements to the basis with k elements. This shows that there exists a bijective function between any two bases of V.

In conclusion, by using transfinite induction, we have shown that for any vector space V, there exists a

FAQ: Bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces

What is a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces?

A bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces is a one-to-one and onto mapping between two infinite bases of vector spaces. This means that every element in one base has a unique corresponding element in the other base, and vice versa.

Why is a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces important?

A bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces is important because it allows us to compare and understand different infinite bases of vector spaces. It also helps us to identify similarities and differences between these bases, and can provide insights into the structure of infinite vector spaces.

How do you prove the existence of a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces?

In order to prove the existence of a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces, you must show that there is a one-to-one and onto mapping between the two bases. This can be done by constructing a function that maps each element in one base to a unique element in the other base, and vice versa.

What are some examples of bijections between infinite bases of vector spaces?

One example of a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces is the mapping between the standard basis and the dual basis in a finite-dimensional vector space. Another example is the mapping between the set of real numbers and the set of complex numbers in an infinite-dimensional vector space.

Can a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces exist in a finite-dimensional vector space?

No, a bijection between infinite bases of vector spaces cannot exist in a finite-dimensional vector space. This is because a finite-dimensional vector space has a finite basis, and a bijection requires an infinite basis in order to map every element in one base to a unique element in the other base.

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