Bijection of Cartesian products

In summary, a bijection of Cartesian products is a function that maps elements from one set to another in a one-to-one and onto manner. This type of function is different from a regular function as it has a unique corresponding element for every element in the domain and codomain. Examples of bijections of Cartesian products include functions that operate on real numbers and the exclusive OR operation. In mathematics, bijections of Cartesian products are important for establishing equivalence between sets and solving problems in counting and combinatorics. In real life, they have applications in computer science and economics.
  • #1
How can I prove this:
Let A, B, and C be non empty sets. If A is bijective to B, then A x C is bijective to B x C.

also if A and B are bijective Power set of A is bijective to Power set of B

and finally Fun(A,C) is bijective to Fun(B,C)
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  • #2
any help?

FAQ: Bijection of Cartesian products

1. What is a bijection of Cartesian products?

A bijection of Cartesian products is a function that maps elements from one set A to elements from another set B, such that every element in B has a unique corresponding element in A, and vice versa.

2. How is a bijection of Cartesian products different from a regular function?

A bijection of Cartesian products is a special type of function where the mapping is both one-to-one and onto, meaning each element in the domain has a unique corresponding element in the codomain, and every element in the codomain is mapped from an element in the domain.

3. What are some examples of bijections of Cartesian products?

One example of a bijection of Cartesian products is the function f: R x R → R, where R represents the set of real numbers and the function is defined as f(x,y) = x + y. Another example is the function g: {0,1} x {0,1} → {0,1} defined as g(a,b) = a XOR b, where XOR represents the exclusive OR operation.

4. How is a bijection of Cartesian products important in mathematics?

Bijections of Cartesian products are important in mathematics as they provide a way to establish a one-to-one correspondence between two sets. This can be useful in proving the equivalence of sets and in solving problems related to counting and combinatorics.

5. Are there any applications of bijections of Cartesian products in real life?

Yes, bijections of Cartesian products have various applications in real life such as in computer science, where they are used to establish a correspondence between data structures, and in economics, where they are used to model and solve problems related to matching markets.

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