Binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of a binary fractal tree whose leaves lie on a circle and are equidistant. The participants consider the possibility of such a tree with different branching angles and lengths, and the use of trigonometric functions in creating it. They also mention the use of Processing and complex numbers to compute the points of the tree and conclude that a circle is not possible due to the logarithmic spiral pattern of the points.
  • #1
Does there exist a binary fractal tree…

(reference: )

…whose leaves (endpoints) lie on a circle and are equidistant?

Consider a binary fractal tree with branches decreasing in length by a scaling factor r (0 < r < 1) for each consecutive generation of branching. My first question is: do there exist two numbers representing the left and right branching angles θ1 and θ2 - being constant for every generation of branchings - such that the smallest branches converge on a circle at the limit? My initial hunch is that the answer is no, given the various shapes found by adjusting these angles, and some intuitions about fractals not being very good at imitating Euclidian geometry.

As a thought experiment: what if the lengths and angles could be anything? What if the tree could be drawn in a free-form manner (as if you were doodling on paper), with the only constraint being that it must be topologically equal to a binary fractal tree? In this case, it seems that the answer would be yes. But I want to preserve some of the classic tree’s beautiful self-similar nature by way of some elegant branching and length relationships, and to essentially come up with an expression that has as few factors as possible.

Specifically: can such a fractal tree exist if the scaling factor r is kept constant, and if the branch angles θ1 and θ2 change by some delta d per generation of branching? If so, I suspect that θ1 and θ2 would have to change in a nonlinear way in order to enable convergence to a circle. If the algorithm is sufficiently elegant and compact, then it could be used as a thought-provoking (if impractical) expression of a circle.
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  • #3
Hi jedishrfu,

I am planning on writing an algorithm, for sure :) I am familiar with Processing, but I would prefer to do it from scratch in javascript/canvas.

I just wanted to share the idea beforehand in case anyone had some insights about the math involved. I am wondering if it can be achieved without using any trigonometric functions.
  • #4
I think you’ll need trig to accomplish this or you could build trig lookup tables to degree granularity or finer where finer means more memory but using the trig function would probably be just as fast in the end.

Processing has a JavaScript mode, I think it’s p5js
  • #5
You can exactly compute some of the points after an infinite number of branchings, as long as the branching pattern is regular. You will need complex numbers.
Suppose we have a tree defined by the mappings L(z) = 1 + lz and R(z) 1+rz. abs(l) <1 and abs(r) < 1. for a symmetric tree [itex] r = \bar{l} [/itex].
if S is the set of points of the tree, S = {z∈S : L(z) } ∪ {z∈S : R(z) }
The limit points are what you get if you start with 0 and then apply L or R and infinite number of times in any order.
There's an endpoint for any infinite sequence of R and L mappings, so there is an uncountable number of limit points.

If you always take the left branch starting in the root at 0 you end up in 1 + l + l^2 + k^3 + ... = 1/(1-l).
if you take the left branch once, and than the right branch an infinite number of times, you end up in L(1/(1-r)) = 1 + r/(1-l)
To see that a circle is not possible we only need the limitpoints [itex] 1/(1-l), R(1/(1-l)), R(R((1/(1-l))[/itex], etc. you get when you take the right branch n times and then the left branch an infinite number of times.
Because R is a rotation + a translation + a scaling, these numbers lie on a logarithmic spiral, and therefore not on a circle.
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FAQ: Binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle

1. What is a binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle?

A binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle is a type of fractal pattern that is created by repeatedly branching out two equal branches from a central point, and arranging the endpoints of these branches in a circular pattern. This creates a symmetrical tree-like structure with evenly spaced leaves on the outermost circle.

2. How is a binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle created?

To create a binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle, one must start with a central point and draw two equal branches in opposite directions. From the endpoints of these branches, two more equal branches are drawn, and this process is repeated until the desired level of complexity is achieved. The endpoints of the final branches are then arranged in a circular pattern to create the equidistant leaves.

3. What are the applications of a binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle?

Binary fractal trees with equidistant leaves on a circle have various applications in mathematics, computer graphics, and art. They can be used to visualize and study fractal patterns, as well as to create aesthetically pleasing designs in digital art and graphic design.

4. Can a binary fractal tree with equidistant leaves on a circle occur in nature?

Although binary fractal trees with equidistant leaves on a circle are man-made constructions, similar branching patterns can be observed in nature, such as in tree branches and lightning bolts. However, the perfect symmetry and equidistant spacing of the leaves on a circle are not typically seen in natural occurrences.

5. Are there variations of binary fractal trees with equidistant leaves on a circle?

Yes, there are various variations of binary fractal trees with equidistant leaves on a circle. For example, the number of branches can be increased from two to three or more, creating more complex and intricate patterns. The leaves can also be arranged in different shapes instead of a circle, such as a spiral or an ellipse.

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