Binary Language or Alternatives

In summary, artificial intelligence projects usually revolve around modern programming languages, not binary.
  • #1
Do artificial intelligence projects usually revolve around using some sort of binary language or are there alternative mathematical languages and is there combinations of mathematical languages being investigated? I always thought that the prime numbers 3 and 5 have some potential that 2 doesn't have and consider merging multiple languages that are based on these prime numbers very interesting.
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  • #2
Artificial Intelligence usually revolves around modern programming languages, not binary. Example: C++, C, C#, Java, Python, Lisp, Prolog, etc. These are all names of modern day programming languages hardly anyone writes directly in binary now of days. It does however come up in assembly programming.

The higher-level modern languages eventually do become converted to binary at the lowest levels. However, most of this is automated now and transitioned to binary by a compiler, from a more human readable language.

This is dependent upon the type of language being used as certain languages are designed to work differently then others, as well as which environment this code might be running. Some hardware let's you write to it once and if you want to go back and edit it, it must be done in assembly/machine language.

Artificial Intelligence is also heavily reliant on statistics, probability, linear algebra, physics, control theory, etc. It depends however, what you describe as artificial intelligence there is usually different approaches to AI.

Two major different categories are simply the old traditional ways in which AI has been done, and cognitive AI, which relies more on neuroscience, and trying to emulate what the brain is believed to do.

However, it should be noted there is also a difference between the type of AI you see in the movies namely "strong AI" compared to what is actually being used "weak AI."
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  • #3
MathWarrior said:
... modern day programming languages hardly anyone writes directly in binary now of days. It does however come up in assembly programming.

No, assembly language was developed specifically to get AWAY from binary (machine language) programming. It is of course only the first step away but it is NOT binary programming.
  • #4
Vurg said:
Do artificial intelligence projects usually revolve around using some sort of binary language or are there alternative mathematical languages and is there combinations of mathematical languages being investigated? I always thought that the prime numbers 3 and 5 have some potential that 2 doesn't have and consider merging multiple languages that are based on these prime numbers very interesting.

What can you possibly mean by "languages base on these prime numbers" ? Do you have any concept of how computers actually work? ALL computers are based on binary for the very simple reason that that is how electronics works.
  • #5
MathWarrior and phinds, that is not what the OP asked.

Most expert systems are binary. Yes, the logic behind some predicate function in an expert system might well be (and almost always is) written in a high order language. However, whether it is written in a high order language or in machine language is irrelevant. What matters is that the predicate is a boolean function. The predicate either fires or it does not. There is a lot of well-developed and well thought out machinery for handling rules based on binary predicates.

Expert systems are not the be-all and end-all of artificial intelligence. Neural networks also fit into the realm of AI. Neural networks assume a differentiable, real-valued set of functions. There is no yes or no in neural networks (except perhaps at the final output). Neural networks address shades of grey.

Some optimization problems also fit into the realm of AI. Once again, the logic behind these is not boolean.
  • #6
Just to comment upon the usage of binary in modern programming. In general, binary is still very much used in modern programming, bit flags and BOOL or boolean variables are based upon the evaluation of a condition - 1 or 0; true or false.
  • #7
You might want to Google and read up on fuzzy logic.
  • #8
x BlueRobot said:
Just to comment upon the usage of binary in modern programming. In general, binary is still very much used in modern programming, bit flags and BOOL or boolean variables are based upon the evaluation of a condition - 1 or 0; true or false.

Yes, that's true. It's also irrelevant to the concept of programming in a binary LANGAUGE which is what has been discussed so far in this thread.
  • #9
D H said:
MathWarrior and phinds, that is not what the OP asked.

Ah ... got it now. Thanks for correcting me on that. Now that you point it out, I see that he is not asking at all about CODING languages but rather logic languages.

A man with a hammer see every problem as a nail, and computer programming (not artificial intelligence) is my hammer.

FAQ: Binary Language or Alternatives

What is binary language?

Binary language is a coding system used by computers to represent and store data using only two digits, 0 and 1. These digits are also referred to as binary digits or bits. Each bit has a value of either 0 or 1, and when combined, they form complex strings of data that can be interpreted by computers.

Why is binary language used instead of other alternatives?

Binary language is used because it is the most efficient and reliable way for computers to process and store data. It is also the native language of computers, meaning that all instructions and data must be converted to binary before the computer can understand and execute them.

What are some alternatives to binary language?

Some alternatives to binary language include hexadecimal, octal, and ASCII. These are also coding systems used to represent data, but they use a larger set of symbols to represent values. For example, hexadecimal uses 16 symbols (0-9 and A-F) instead of just 2 symbols (0 and 1) like binary.

How is binary language translated into other languages?

Binary language can be translated into other languages using programming languages and software. These tools allow developers to write instructions in human-readable code, which is then translated into binary for the computer to understand and execute.

What are the advantages of using binary language?

Some advantages of using binary language include its simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. Since it uses only two digits, it is easy for computers to process and store data in binary. It also allows for error detection and correction, making it a reliable choice for storing and transmitting data.
