Binding Energy and Mass Deficit

In summary: The mass deficit released in nuclear reaction is converted into binding energy by the energy of the mass deficit. The binding energy is released when the neutrons and protons combine to form the nucleus. The mass deficit is the difference between the mass of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and the sum of the individual masses of the protons and neutrons.
  • #1
Hi there all,

I'm new at this whole idea of using a forum, but am unfortunately stuck on some of the theory behind my high school nuclear physics teaching. Basically its to do with the mass deficit and E=mc^2. We have learned so far that the uncombined nucleons of an atom have more mass than the combined atom...and this mass deficit is converted into binding energy by E=mc^2, as a result of strong nuclear force. So I get that part i think, its just when you have a nuclear reaction, for example the fusion of deuterium and tritium to make alpha particle and a neutron. I have fiddled around with the numbers, playing with the mass deficit, and it seems to me that the binding energy of tritium and deuterium, plus the energy from the mass deficit, is equal to the binding energy in the helium nucleus. So I am stumped as to how any other energy is thus emitted, as the mass deficit gives the energy for additional binding energy in the helium nucleus...? I know of course that there must be heaps emitted, but to me it appears that it all goes into the binding energy of product...

If anyone could shed some light on this little dilemma of mine it would be greatly appreciated,


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  • #2
This post by Astronuc explains it quite well I think. See the middle paragraphs.
  • #3
Here is a good explanation of binding energy

Nuclei are made up of protons and neutron, but the mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the individual masses of the protons and neutrons which constitute it. The difference is a measure of the nuclear binding energy which holds the nucleus together. This binding energy can be calculated from the Einstein relationship:

E = [itex]\Delta[/itex]mc2
  • #4
Thanks Astronuc,

I think I've realized the error of my the nucleons binding together with strong nuclear force to form nucleus, there is a loss in energy, shown by the fact that energy must be put in (binding energy) to separate nucleus back into nucleons. Binding energy is therefore misleading...nucleons are not held together by binding energy, but the nuclear force. The binding energy is the energy required to break strong nuclear force, and the nucleus actually has less energy (equal to binding energy). Therefore the mass deficit is directly related to E=mc^2 and voila we have energy.
  • #5
Correct. The binding energy is released during a nuclear reaction. It is the energy that must be put back into the nucleus to separate the nucleons.

When a neutrons combines with a proton to form a deuteron, a gamma ray is given off. That is the binding energy. Similar when a deutron absorbs a neutron, a triton (nucleus of H3 tritium atom) is formed, and binding energy is given off as a gamma ray.

When a deuteron and triton 'fuse', the reaction forms a helium nucleus (alpha particle) and free neutron. The binding energy is then expressed in the kinetic energy of alpha particle and neutron.
  • #6
could somebody explain in which field (EM or SNF) this energy released in nuclear FISSION (200MeV) is stored before the fission event. The "binding energy" terminology seems to have introduced some confusion about the nature of this energy source.

FAQ: Binding Energy and Mass Deficit

What is binding energy and mass deficit?

Binding energy is the energy required to hold particles together in a nucleus, while mass deficit is the difference between the mass of a nucleus and the sum of its individual particles. This is due to the conversion of some mass into energy according to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2.

How is binding energy and mass deficit calculated?

Binding energy is calculated by subtracting the mass of the individual particles from the mass of the nucleus, and then converting the difference into energy. Mass deficit can be calculated in the same way, but without converting the difference into energy.

What is the significance of binding energy and mass deficit?

Binding energy and mass deficit are important in understanding the stability and structure of atomic nuclei. The stronger the binding energy, the more stable the nucleus is. The mass deficit also plays a role in nuclear reactions, as energy can be released or absorbed depending on the change in mass.

How does binding energy and mass deficit relate to nuclear fusion and fission?

In nuclear fusion, the merging of two nuclei releases energy due to the decrease in mass and increase in binding energy of the resulting nucleus. In nuclear fission, the splitting of a nucleus also releases energy due to the decrease in mass and increase in binding energy of the resulting nuclei.

Can binding energy and mass deficit be measured experimentally?

Yes, binding energy and mass deficit can be measured experimentally using mass spectrometry and other techniques. These measurements can help scientists better understand the properties and behavior of atomic nuclei.
