Binding force applicable only to photons?

In summary, the conversation discusses fundamental forces and their properties, including the strong and weak nuclear forces. There is also a question about the relationship between mass and photons and whether it is a novel concept. The conversation ends with appreciation for the ability to ask questions and receive informative responses from knowledgeable individuals.
  • #1
Two Questions about fundamental forces:

1. Gravity is attractive, Electromagnetics is attractive and repulsive, Strong nuclear is attractive only (?) ... Is the weak nuclear force repulsive only ? Wikipedia is _vague_ on this. Also, I'm remembering that gravity increase with the square of the distance, electromagnetics likewise, but strong and weak increase with higher exponents. Is this correct?

2. With E=Mc^2, it follows that mass is condensed photons. QUESTION: If there are binding (attractive) forces active over VERY small distances (following some inverse-Nth law), then the only 'particles' small enough to be bound together are photons. Is this an existing idea that has a popular name, is this obviously wrong for some reason, or is it a novel concept? I'm just some guy, I have no right to claim novel thought in this realm, it strikes me this has probably been thought of before.
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  • #2
The weak force is better understood as an interaction, not a classical force. It doesn't push or pull objects, it allows them to interact and do things like decay into certain other particles. The fundamental forces are usually understood as interactions when we get into Quantum Mechanics, as the concept of force in the classical sense, IE a push or pull, does NOT apply. Interactions allow objects to cause changes upon other objects.
Edit: The end result of say, the electromagnetic interaction between two protons, is the same in both classical physics and QM, it's just that QM has different math that doesn't allow us to use the classical force equation.

Mass is NOT condensed photons. Photons are the quantized interaction of the electromagnetic field. Put simply, an EM wave passes over something and transfers energy to that object in small "chunks". We label these chunks as photons. Photons have energy which can be transferred to matter, such as when a photon is absorbed and turned into heat, and even be turned into other particles that do have rest mass such as pair production of an electron-positron pair.
  • #3
JustAnyone said:
Strong nuclear is attractive only (?)

The strong force can be both attractive and repulsive, depending on the particles involved and the distance between them.

JustAnyone said:
Is the weak nuclear force repulsive only ?

As Drakkith said, the weak force isn't really a force in the classical sense.

JustAnyone said:
Also, I'm remembering that gravity increase with the square of the distance,

First, the gravitational force and electromagnetic force *decrease* with the square of the distance from the object.

JustAnyone said:
strong and weak increase with higher exponents. Is this correct?

The strong force essentially has a maximum range of about 10^-15 meters, beyond which it falls off exponentially. The weak force essentially has a maximum range of 2.5*10^-18 meters, beyond which it falls off exponentially.

JustAnyone said:
With E=Mc^2, it follows that mass is condensed photons.


JustAnyone said:
QUESTION: If there are binding (attractive) forces active over VERY small distances (following some inverse-Nth law), then the only 'particles' small enough to be bound together are photons.

Photons aren't really smaller than other particles. All the fundamental particles in the standard model are point particles. [Note that protons and neutrons are not point particles: they are really composed of several (pointlike) quarks orbiting each other, and so have a finite size]

JustAnyone said:
Is this an existing idea that has a popular name, is this obviously wrong for some reason, or is it a novel concept?

It sounds sort of like a geon. Geons, if they're possible, would be "particles" made of electromagnetic or gravitational waves and held together by gravity.
  • #4
Thank you both for your informative replies. I've not had any quantum mechanics classes. My wife and I have been quite impressed that the pervasive growth of internet communications tech has led to the ability to ask serious questions of learned people with minimal overhead costs. The fact that there are people "out there" who are nice enough, and knowledgeable enough, to reply to novice questions - this is a wonderful thing. In a quasi-religious sense, it restores/adds to my faith in humanity. Thank you again.

FAQ: Binding force applicable only to photons?

What is meant by "binding force applicable only to photons"?

The binding force applicable only to photons refers to the force that holds photons together within a nucleus. This force is known as the strong nuclear force and it is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together to form stable nuclei.

How is the binding force applicable only to photons different from other binding forces?

The binding force applicable only to photons is unique in that it only affects particles that carry the property of color charge, such as quarks and gluons. It is also much stronger than other binding forces, such as the electromagnetic force, which is responsible for binding atoms together.

What is the significance of the binding force applicable only to photons?

The strong nuclear force is essential for the stability of atoms and the existence of matter as we know it. Without this force, nuclei would not be held together and the universe would consist of only free particles, making the formation of stars and galaxies impossible.

Can the binding force applicable only to photons be observed or measured?

The strong nuclear force is not directly observable or measurable, but its effects can be seen in the stability of nuclei and the behavior of subatomic particles. Scientists use mathematical models and experiments to study this force and its role in the structure of matter.

Are there any practical applications of the binding force applicable only to photons?

While the strong nuclear force itself does not have any practical applications, the knowledge and understanding of this force has led to advancements in nuclear energy and medicine. The ability to control and manipulate the binding force has allowed for the development of nuclear power plants and medical imaging techniques, such as PET scans.
