Binomial Distribution for successive events

In summary: And to find the mode, you would take the derivative with respect to k and set it to zero. However, since this is a discrete distribution, you would need to find the value of k that maximizes the probability mass function. This can be done by examining the values of P(k) for different values of k and finding the maximum. Powers of binomial coefficients can simplify, but it depends on the specific values of k, n, and p. It may get messy, but it is doable. Good luck with your self-teaching! In summary, the probability of a process being complete if each operation has its own probability of success or failure can be calculated by taking the product of the probabilities for each operation. To find the
  • #1
So I new to probability and need someone to help me out if you could. I wanted to look into the probability of a process being complete if each operation of the process has its own likely hood of success or failure. I know that I should be using a binomial distribution to study the process. Let's say I have 3 operations (A, B, C) that need to be completed in a process. Each operation determines the number of parts that move to the next operations, but the probability of the parts being processed correctly at each operations is independent of the previous operations. So because they are independent (I'm assuming) then...

##P(A \cap B \cap C) = P(A)P(B)P(C)##

This is where I am having issues. The number of parts (n) moving to the next operation is dependent on the last operations but the probability (p) for each operation isn't dependent on the last operation or the next operation.

If my last assumption is true then I want to take the product of all three to find the distribution for the whole process. If I trial n parts through the entire process.

##P(A \cap B \cap C) = BINOMDIST(k,n,p_A)BINOMDIST(k,n,p_B)BINOMDIST(k,n,p_C)##

I need some help with the mode of this product. All I can think of doing is taking the derivative with respect to k and setting it to zero to solve for the mode, but this being discrete I know this is not correct. I have looked for a derivation for the mode of the Binomial Distribution online, but all I find is the solution not the steps to get there. I think if I saw the whole derivation of it I could handle the mode of the product.

Also, do powers of the binomial coefficients simplify. This looks like it could get messy.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
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  • #2
SSGD said:
##P(A \cap B \cap C) = P(A)P(B)P(C)##This is where I am having issues. The number of parts (n) moving to the next operation is dependent on the last operations but the probability (p) for each operation isn't dependent on the last operation or the next operation.

One reason you are having issues is that you haven't defined A,B,C as "events" in a "probability space". You merely used A,B,C as names for processes. So it isn't clear what you mean by notation like [itex] P(A) [/itex].

If I trial n parts through the entire process.

##P(A \cap B \cap C) = BINOMDIST(k,n,p_A)BINOMDIST(k,n,p_B)BINOMDIST(k,n,p_C)##
The probability that a particular part W is finally completed is [itex] p_A \ p_B \ p_C [/itex] so I think you should be using [itex] BINOMDIST(k, n, \ p_A \ p_B \ p_C) [/itex] to find the probability that [itex] k [/itex] parts are totally completed.
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  • #3
P(A) is the probability of k successful parts being produced in operation A if n trials are performed. Same for B and C. Hope this makes sense. As far a probability space I will have to look its definition. Would this be similar to Venn Diagrams or Probability Trees?
  • #4
SSGD said:
P(A) is the probability of k successful parts being produced in operation A if n trials are performed. Same for B and C. Hope this makes sense. As far a probability space I will have to look its definition. Would this be similar to Venn Diagrams or Probability Trees?
If you were to define P(A) as the probability that one part, taken at random, makes it through process A, etc., then you could indeed multiply the three probabilities together to find the probability that a given part makes it through all three. I believe that approach will give you what you are after.
But with the definition you give above, it makes no sense to multiply them together. If only k make it through A, n is no longer interesting in B. What you would end up with is PA(n,k)PB(k,l)PC(l, m) as the probability that k make it through A, l of those make it through B, and m of those make it through C. But I'm guessing you only care about n and m there, not k and l.
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  • #5
Yeah you are right. I am over complicating this problem. The probability of a part making thru A B and C is the product of pA pB and pC. So if I trailed n parts then BINOMDIST(k,n,pApBpC) is the distribution for the entire process. I was mixing up the probability of one part and the probability of k parts in n trials. I drew a probability tree last night and it started to make sense. Hopefully I'm understand this correctly. I just someone to review what I'm doing because I am trying to self teach. Thanks for all the help.
  • #6
SSGD said:
Yeah you are right. I am over complicating this problem. The probability of a part making thru A B and C is the product of pA pB and pC. So if I trailed n parts then BINOMDIST(k,n,pApBpC) is the distribution for the entire process. I was mixing up the probability of one part and the probability of k parts in n trials. I drew a probability tree last night and it started to make sense. Hopefully I'm understand this correctly. I just someone to review what I'm doing because I am trying to self teach. Thanks for all the help.
Yes, that looks right.

Related to Binomial Distribution for successive events

1. What is the Binomial Distribution for successive events?

The Binomial Distribution for successive events is a probability distribution that describes the likelihood of a certain number of successes occurring in a set number of independent, identical trials. It is often used to model situations where there are only two possible outcomes, such as success or failure.

2. How is the Binomial Distribution different from other probability distributions?

The Binomial Distribution differs from other probability distributions in that it only applies to situations with a fixed number of trials and two possible outcomes. Other distributions, such as the Normal Distribution, can be used for a wider range of situations.

3. What are the key parameters of the Binomial Distribution?

The key parameters of the Binomial Distribution are the number of trials (n), the probability of success (p), and the number of successes (x) that are being measured. These parameters are used to calculate the probability of a certain number of successes occurring in a given number of trials.

4. How is the Binomial Distribution used in real-world applications?

The Binomial Distribution is commonly used in real-world applications to model situations where there are only two possible outcomes, such as in coin tosses or medical trials. It is also used in quality control to determine the likelihood of a certain number of defective products in a batch.

5. Can the Binomial Distribution be applied to non-successive events?

No, the Binomial Distribution can only be applied to successive events where each trial is independent and has the same probability of success. It cannot be used for situations where the trials are not independent, such as in a sample with replacement.

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