Biology - Frequency of allele problem

In summary, the Hardy Weinberg's Law was used to calculate the frequency of the allele in a sample of 35 people with hypersensitivity to asparagus. The frequency of the allele was found to be 16 out of the 35 people, or a rate of 5.3%.
  • #1

I've been given this problem involving allelic frequencies and I used the Hardy Weinberg's Law as an attempt to solve it

Homework Statement

In a sample of 35 people, 19 have specific smell hypersensitvity to asparagus. Calculate the frequency of the allele in this sample given that the trait is autosomal dominant.

The attempt at a solution

Here is my working...
I represented the autosomal dominant faulty gene by 'A' and the working copy of the gene by 'a'.

AA = ?
Aa = ?
aa = 16 <<< # genotype (aa): 35-19 = 16
Total 35

I knew that the frequency of non affected recessive individuals = 1/35

Hence q^2 = 1/35... thus q=0.169 (3dp)

Hence p = 1 - 0.169 = 0.831 (3dp) then follows p^2 = 0.691 (3dp)

So putting it all together i got... 2pq = 2 * 0.831 * 0.169 = 0.28059

So after that I thought we should multiply these frequencies by the 19 people before to calculate the individual genotype frequencies...

AA = 13 <<< (p^2*19)
Aa = 5 <<< (2pq*19)
aa = 16
Total = 34

But here my total adds up to only 34 people!
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or I'm missing something...

Please help, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
I haven't checked through it carefully to check for errors, but a quick scan looks like you're doing it right. I think your problem in checking your answer at the end (always a good strategy) is due to rounding error.
  • #3
Oh yes, I did check my rounding. But I wasn't too sure when I got 2pq=5.3... if i should keep it at 5 people or round to 6 people??
  • #4
v_phoenix said:
Oh yes, I did check my rounding. But I wasn't too sure when I got 2pq=5.3... if i should keep it at 5 people or round to 6 people??

When I said error, I didn't mean a "mistake," but error in terms of the uncertainty added by rounding. 5.3 would round to 5, but that means you've discarded 0.3. It's not wrong to do that, but means the numbers might not add up perfectly when converted to whole numbers.
  • #5
hmmm... so do you mean i should keep it as 5 people with a genotype of Aa??

Because from there i need to do another step... where I multiply the number of people with the copy of big A allele and divide by the total number of genes in the population.

So if i use 34 people it gives me a result of... ((2*13) + 5) / (2*34) = 31/68

FAQ: Biology - Frequency of allele problem

What is an allele?

An allele is a variant form of a gene that is responsible for a specific trait or characteristic. Each individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent.

How does the frequency of alleles affect a population?

The frequency of alleles in a population can impact the genetic diversity and overall fitness of a population. If one allele becomes more prevalent, it can lead to changes in the population's traits and adaptations.

What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

The Hardy-Weinberg principle is a mathematical equation that predicts the genotype frequencies of a population based on the allele frequencies. It assumes that the population is in genetic equilibrium, meaning that there is no evolution occurring.

How do you calculate allele frequencies?

To calculate allele frequencies, you divide the number of copies of a specific allele by the total number of alleles in the population. This can be done for multiple alleles to determine their frequencies within a population.

What factors can cause changes in allele frequencies?

Changes in allele frequencies can occur due to natural selection, genetic drift, migration, and mutations. These factors can impact which alleles become more prevalent in a population over time.

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