Biot-Savart Law- magnetic field produced by single wire.

In summary: I didn't even look at the solution because I thought it was a math problem. Oh well.In summary, using the Biot-Savart Law, we can determine the magnetic field produced by a single wire carrying current I. By considering a point P located a distance 2L below the right end of the wire, we can determine the direction and contribution of the magnetic field at P due to an element dx of the wire. By integrating the contributions from all the elements of the wire, we can calculate the magnetic field B at point P due to the entire wire.
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Biot-Savart Law-- magnetic field produced by single wire.

Homework Statement

A wire of length L, carrying current I lies along the x-axis as shown in the picture. A
point P is located a distance 2L below the right end of the wire, as shown.
a) Determine the direction of the contribution dB to the magnetic field at P due to the
element dx of the wire.
b) Write an expression for the contribution, dB, to the magnetic field due to element dx.
c) Calculate the magnetic field B at point P due to the entire wire.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

This is study for an exam and as such my prof refuses to tell us whether or not our answers are wrong, since it doesn't help us learn or something, I DUNNO. I've done the problem as best I could but didn't finish because I'm almost 100% positive I'm doing something wrong but am not sure how to rectify the problem.

So far I have that looking at the image provided B would be facing into the page.


with r2=((2L)2+x2) and |d[itex]\vec{s}[/itex]x[itex]\hat{r}[/itex]=sinθ=x/((2L)2+x2)1/2

I worked that down to:


This is where I stopped. It seems to me that what I have so far doesn't seem to incorporate the y component at all except where (2L)2 is mentioned, but this isn't really like other problems I've done where dBy is negligible due to symmetry so I wondered if I was doing it wrong. Does this look correct so far?

EDIT: Solved on my own.

with r2=((2L)2+x2) and |d[itex]\vec{s}[/itex]x[itex]\hat{r}[/itex]=sinθ=2L/((2L)2+x2)1/2


integrate from 0 to L...

dB=μ0I2L/4π * L/[2L2((2L)2+L2)1/2]
0IL/[(2L)2+L2] where 2L=R
and if L<<R
then B= μ0I/4πR


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howsockgothap said:
I worked that down to:

[itex]dB = \frac{\mu_{0} I x}{4 \pi} \frac{dx}{((2L)^2 + x^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}[/itex]

This is where I stopped. It seems to me that what I have so far doesn't seem to incorporate the y component at all except where (2L)2 is mentioned, but this isn't really like other problems I've done where dBy is negligible due to symmetry so I wondered if I was doing it wrong. Does this look correct so far?

You're doing it correctly. Keep in mind that each infinitesimal element of the wire produces a magnetic field in the same direction as every other differential element - all into the page or in the positive [itex]\hat{z}[/itex] direction. So not only is there NOT a chance for magnetic field contributions to be in the oppositie direction and thus potentially cancel the field in the 'z' direction, but you also have the luck of having the magnetic field all pointed in an easy direction (in the direction of one of the coordinate axes.) Thus you do not have to worry about projecting dB into the direction of the various axes and then doing 3 separate integrals.

The calculation shouldn't depend on 'y' because all of the differential wire elements are all the same 'y' distance away from the point who's magnetic field is in question. And you know that 'y' value, it's just '2L'. Every distance between differential wire elements and the point 'P' then is just dependent on 'x' with the help of the constant '2L' and the pythagorean theorem.Also I notice that you end up with an integral that involves a slight trick to evaluate. You have to split up the 3/2 power in the denominator to
[tex]\frac{x}{\sqrt{a^2 + x^2}^3}[/tex]
and then use trig substitution where [itex]x = a \tan{u}[/itex]. Just trust me the dust will settle with the algebra and the third power won't be an issue. 'a' is just your '2L' constant.Edit** Actually yeah, just noticed your original sine term was wrong, but looks like you corrected it already and solved the problem.
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FAQ: Biot-Savart Law- magnetic field produced by single wire.

What is the Biot-Savart Law?

The Biot-Savart Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that describes the magnetic field produced by a steady current, or flow of charges, in a wire. It is named after Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart, who first formulated the law in the early 19th century.

How do you calculate the magnetic field using the Biot-Savart Law?

The Biot-Savart Law states that the magnetic field at a point in space is directly proportional to the current in the wire, the length of the wire, and the sine of the angle between the wire and the point. It is calculated using the formula B = (μ0/4π) * (I * dl x r)/r^3, where μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current, dl is the length of the wire element, and r is the distance from the wire element to the point.

Can the Biot-Savart Law be applied to any type of wire?

Yes, the Biot-Savart Law can be applied to any type of wire as long as the current is steady. This includes straight, curved, and even infinitely long wires. However, for complex shapes, the law can be simplified by dividing the wire into smaller segments and using the principle of superposition.

What is the direction of the magnetic field produced by a single wire according to the Biot-Savart Law?

The direction of the magnetic field produced by a single wire is given by the right-hand rule. If you point your right thumb in the direction of the current, your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field. This means that the magnetic field forms concentric circles around the wire.

How is the Biot-Savart Law related to Ampere's Law?

The Biot-Savart Law is often used in conjunction with Ampere's Law to calculate the magnetic field in more complex systems. While the Biot-Savart Law applies to steady currents in wires, Ampere's Law applies to steady currents in larger loops or surfaces. Both laws are based on the principle of superposition and can be used to calculate the magnetic field at a point in space.
