Birkhoff's Theorem: Schwarzschild Metric Unique Solution?

  • Thread starter La Guinee
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In summary: The author discusses how FRW can reduce to the schwarzschild metric. Look at post #30 in the thread to which I previously gave a link. The author discusses how FRW can reduce to the schwarzschild metric.
  • #1
La Guinee
Hi. Birkhoff's Theorem says that the Schwarzschild metric is the unique spherically symmetric vacuum solution. Isn't the Robertson-Walker metric spherically symmetric?
Physics news on
  • #2
The Schwarzschild solution is a vacuum solution. The Robertson-Walker metric may include matter.
  • #3
Why can't the Robertson Walker metric be a vacuum solution? The Ricci tensor for the Robertson Walker metric can be easily calculated. Choosing a linear scale factor with appropriate coefficients satisfies R_mu nu = 0 (or am I doing something wrong)?
  • #4
atyy said:
The Schwarzschild solution is a vacuum solution. The Robertson-Walker metric may include matter.
May? The FRW solution contains only matter there is no vacuum in this solution.

Interesting things to consider in the light of this fact:
- Why does the majority of cosmologists consider the FRW solution a rough aproximation of our universe if the FRW has no vacuum.
- How can they possibly make statements about the distance between objects if the FRW solution has no distance between objects.

Beware, it might be similar to asking a catholic priest too many questions about hell, he may answer it is the place whe you go if you keep asking those questions. :wink:
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  • #5
Sorry, I still don't understand. You have the Robertson Walker metric. From this you can construct the Ricci tensor. Now set the components of the Ricci tensor equal to 0. This gives you a condition on the scale factor, namely that it's linear in time. What's wrong with this?
  • #6
MeJennifer said:
Beware, it might be similar to asking a catholic priest too many questions about hell, he may answer it is the place whe you go if you keep asking those questions. :wink:

So if I keep asking the "majority of cosmologists" too many questions, where do I end up - the singularity? :smile:
  • #7
La Guinee said:
Sorry, I still don't understand. You have the Robertson Walker metric. From this you can construct the Ricci tensor. Now set the components of the Ricci tensor equal to 0. This gives you a condition on the scale factor, namely that it's linear in time. What's wrong with this?

Is there any way to change coordinates to get it into the Schwarzschild form?
  • #8
atyy said:
Is there any way to change coordinates to get it into the Schwarzschild form?

I may have missed something here, but as far as I know:

The RW metric describes a whole universe with the same space-time curvature and energy density everywhere, such as a hypersphere.

The Schwarzschild solution describes the shape of space-time around a single central mass where mass is assumed to be distributed in a spherically symmetrical way about the central point and space-time is assumed to be flat at sufficient distance from that mass.

I find it difficult to see anything in common between these two cases.
  • #9
La Guinee,

you have an interesting point here.
FRW and Schwarzschild are (in the empty case) in fact the same metric, expressed in different coordinates." addresses the issue.
My interpretation: You can arrange receding test particles in flat spacetime such, that the overall picture becomes isotropic if you associate an appropriate boost with each space translation, fitting your velocity to that of the test particle at the new location.
FRW space is a slice through Minkowski space that makes the distribution of test particles additionally homogeneous, as necessary for cosmologigal models.
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  • #10
La Guinee said:
Why can't the Robertson Walker metric be a vacuum solution? The Ricci tensor for the Robertson Walker metric can be easily calculated. Choosing a linear scale factor with appropriate coefficients satisfies R_mu nu = 0 (or am I doing something wrong)?

Have you calculated the Riemann tensor in this case? :smile: I think

is relevant.
  • #11
Thank you for the replies. I don't see how the FRW can reduce to the schwarzschild metric with a suitable coordinate change because the FRW is time dependent.
  • #12
La Guinee said:
Thank you for the replies. I don't see how the FRW can reduce to the schwarzschild metric with a suitable coordinate change because the FRW is time dependent.

Careful. Massless FRW reduces to a patch of flat Minkowski spacetime in unusual coordinates. Minkowski spacetime is isotropic.
  • #13
Careful. Massless FRW reduces to a patch of flat Minkowski spacetime in unusual coordinates. Minkowski spacetime is isotropic.

Consider the following FRW metric:

ds2 = -dt2 + 9t2 [ dr2 / (1+9r2) + r2 dOmega2 ]

This satisfies einsteins equations in vacuum. So are you're saying under suitable coordinate change this reduces to Minkowski? This seems weird because one is time dependent and the other isn't.
  • #14
La Guinee said:
Consider the following FRW metric:

ds2 = -dt2 + 9t2 [ dr2 / (1+9r2) + r2 dOmega2 ]

This satisfies einsteins equations in vacuum. So are you're saying under suitable coordinate change this reduces to Minkowski? This seems weird because one is time dependent and the other isn't.

Look at post #30 in the thread to which I previously gave a link.
  • #15
I see. Thank you.
  • #16
Birkhoff and Minkowski

Burko et al
"The spacetime is Schwarzschild outside the shell and Minkowski inside the shell. Note that gtt → −1 as r → ∞, but gtt != −1 inside the shell, although spacetime is (locally) Minkowski."

Edit: Heuristically, it seems the Minkowski metric is obtained by setting both the Schwarzschild radial coordinate and mass parameter to zero. I have no idea if this can be rigorously justified. :confused:

Edit: I can just set the mass parameter to zero without touching the radial coordinate. :smile:
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FAQ: Birkhoff's Theorem: Schwarzschild Metric Unique Solution?

1. What is Birkhoff's Theorem?

Birkhoff's Theorem states that the Schwarzschild metric is the unique spherically symmetric, vacuum solution of Einstein's field equations in general relativity. In simple terms, it is a mathematical theorem that proves the uniqueness of the Schwarzschild metric in describing the gravitational field outside of a spherically symmetric, non-rotating mass.

2. What is the Schwarzschild metric?

The Schwarzschild metric is a solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity that describes the spacetime geometry outside of a spherically symmetric, non-rotating mass. It is a fundamental solution in understanding the gravitational effects of massive objects, such as planets and stars.

3. How was Birkhoff's Theorem discovered?

Birkhoff's Theorem was first proposed by physicist George Birkhoff in 1923. He used mathematical techniques to prove the uniqueness of the Schwarzschild metric as a solution to Einstein's field equations. This theorem has since been verified and accepted by the scientific community.

4. What is the significance of Birkhoff's Theorem?

Birkhoff's Theorem has significant implications in understanding the gravitational field of massive objects in our universe. It allows us to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects, such as planets and stars, that have a spherically symmetric distribution of mass.

5. Are there any exceptions to Birkhoff's Theorem?

While Birkhoff's Theorem holds true for spherically symmetric, non-rotating masses, it does not apply to more complex systems such as rotating masses or systems with multiple masses. In these cases, the Schwarzschild metric is no longer unique and other solutions must be used to describe the gravitational field.
