Birkhoff's Theorem: Spherically Symmetric Vacuum Solution Static or Stationary?

In summary, Birkhoff's Theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that any spherically symmetric vacuum solution in general relativity must be static or stationary. This means that the solution does not change over time or is only dependent on time and not on spatial coordinates. A vacuum solution, in the context of general relativity, refers to a solution to Einstein's field equations that describes a region of spacetime where there is no matter or energy present. A solution is spherically symmetric if it is symmetrical under rotations around a central point, similar to a sphere. Birkhoff's Theorem is important because it simplifies the general relativity equations and has implications for the understanding of black holes. Some real-world applications of the
  • #1
In the text I'm looking at, the Schwarzschild metric derivation, and it argues to the form ## ds^{2}= -e^{2\alpha(r)} dt^{2} + e^{\beta(r)}+r^{2}d\Omega^{2} ## [1]. Up to this point some of the ##R_{uv}=0## components have been used, not all.
It then says we have proven any spherically symmetric possesses a time-like killing vector, and so is stationary. This is fine.

But , it then goes on to complete the derivtion of the Schwarzschild metric and explains that this is actually static.

By Birkoff's theorem, this metric is the unique spherically symmetric vacuum solution, so haven't we proven that this solution is static?

If so, I don't understand the ordering of the text, or is it saying that form [1], were we have yet to use all ##R_{uv}=0##, at this point we can only conclude the metric to be stationary, but once we have used all ##R_{uv}=0## we see it is stationary,

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
binbagsss said:
By Birkoff's theorem, this metric is the unique spherically symmetric vacuum solution, so haven't we proven that this solution is static?

Yes. (Technically, that's not exactly what is proven, because the proof of Birkhoff's theorem does not require the additional KVF to be timelike everywhere. But I don't think we need to go into that here.)

binbagsss said:
If so, I don't understand the ordering of the text

Which text are you looking at?
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
Yes. (Technically, that's not exactly what is proven, because the proof of Birkhoff's theorem does not require the additional KVF to be timelike everywhere. But I don't think we need to go into that here.)
Which text are you looking at?

Lecture Notes on General Relatvitiy, 1997, Sean Carroll, page 169.
  • #4
binbagsss said:
Lecture Notes on General Relatvitiy, 1997, Sean Carroll, page 169.

Ok. The equation you labeled [1] in the OP is equation (7.20) in the text. In the paragraph following that equation, Carroll notes that the metric described in that equation is actually static, not just stationary. He doesn't show that explicitly, and the rest of the derivation is not intended to show that; it's just intended to show that, when you take the rest of the Ricci tensor components into account, the metric turns out to be the Schwarzschild metric--i.e., that there must be a particular relationship between the functions ##\alpha## and ##\beta## in equation (7.20). But none of that is necessary to show that the metric in (7.20) is static; that can be done just from the form of (7.20).

A static metric, as Carroll notes in the paragraph following equation (7.20), is stationary and hypersurface orthogonal; i.e., the timelike KVF is orthogonal to some family of hypersurfaces. In the coordinate chart in which equation (7.20) is expressed, the vector field ##\partial / \partial_t## is the KVF; and it is easy to show that this vector field is orthogonal to surfaces of constant ##t##, i.e., constant coordinate time: this is obvious from the fact that there are no "cross terms" in the metric (terms of the form ##dt dr##, ##dt d\theta##, or ##dt d\phi##). This shows that the metric of equation (7.20) is static, regardless of any other considerations.

FAQ: Birkhoff's Theorem: Spherically Symmetric Vacuum Solution Static or Stationary?

1. What is Birkhoff's Theorem?

Birkhoff's Theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that any spherically symmetric vacuum solution in general relativity must be static or stationary. This means that the solution does not change over time or is only dependent on time and not on spatial coordinates.

2. What is a vacuum solution?

In the context of general relativity, a vacuum solution refers to a solution to Einstein's field equations that describes a region of spacetime where there is no matter or energy present.

3. What does it mean for a solution to be spherically symmetric?

A solution is spherically symmetric if it is symmetrical under rotations around a central point, similar to a sphere. In the context of general relativity, this means that the solution is independent of the direction in which it is observed from the central point.

4. Why is Birkhoff's Theorem important?

Birkhoff's Theorem is important because it provides a way to simplify the general relativity equations and find solutions for specific situations. It also has implications for the understanding of black holes and their behavior, as they are often described as spherically symmetric vacuum solutions.

5. What are some real-world applications of Birkhoff's Theorem?

Birkhoff's Theorem has been used in astrophysics to model the behavior of stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects. It has also been applied in the study of black holes and their gravitational effects on surrounding matter. Additionally, the theorem has practical applications in the development of technologies such as GPS and satellite communication systems, which rely on an accurate understanding of spacetime curvature.
