Bjorken Drell derivation - Lorentz transformation

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of formula (14.25) in B&J QFT, which relates the unitary operator U(\epsilon) to the gauge function \lambda in the Lorentz transformation law for gauge fields. The conversation also touches on the necessity of a gauge term in the radiation gauge and the transformation law for an arbitrary field operator under an arbitrary Lie group. The conversation concludes with the transformation law for a genuine Lorentz vector under the unitary operator U(\epsilon).
  • #1
I'm trying to derive (14.25) in B&J QFT. This is

##U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon) = A^\mu(x') - \epsilon^{\mu\nu}A_\nu(x') + \frac{\partial \lambda(x',\epsilon)}{\partial x'_\mu}##, where ##\lambda(x',\epsilon)## is an operator gauge function.

This is all being done in the radiation gauge, i.e. ##A_0 = 0## and ##\partial_i A^i=0##, with ##i \in {1,2,3}##.

##\epsilon## is an infinitesimal parameter of a Lorentz transformation ##\Lambda##.

Under this transformation, ##A^\mu(x) \rightarrow A'^\mu(x')=U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon)##.

The unitary operator ##U## which generates the infinitesimal Lorentz transformation

##x^{\mu} \rightarrow x'^{\mu} = x^{\mu} + \epsilon^{\mu}_{\nu}x^{\nu}## is

##U(\epsilon)=1 - \frac{i}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu}M^{\mu\nu}##

where ##M## are the generators of Lorentz transformations. (I guess really I should have ##M^{\mu\nu}=(M^{\rho\sigma})^{\mu\nu}##. M is a hermitian operator, so

##U^{-1}(\epsilon)=1 + \frac{i}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu}M^{\mu\nu}##

Now I tried writing out ##U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon)## explicitly but it didn't really get me anywhere. The answer is supposed to have ##x'## as the argument of ##A^\mu## on the RHS but I only get ##x##. I'm not sure how to Lorentz transform the function and the argument at the same time.
Underneath the formula in B&J it says the gauge term is necessary because ##UA_0U^{-1}=0## since ##A_0=0##. I don't see why this warrants the need of a gauge term I'm guessing it's needed because otherwise there will be no conjugate momenta for the ##A_0##. Okay I get that, but still don't understand where the initial formula comes from.
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  • #2
Maybe_Memorie said:
I'm trying to derive (14.25) in B&J QFT. This is

##U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon) = A^\mu(x') - \epsilon^{\mu\nu}A_\nu(x') + \frac{\partial \lambda(x',\epsilon)}{\partial x'_\mu}##, where ##\lambda(x',\epsilon)## is an operator gauge function.

This is all being done in the radiation gauge, i.e. ##A_0 = 0## and ##\partial_i A^i=0##, with ##i \in {1,2,3}##.

##\epsilon## is an infinitesimal parameter of a Lorentz transformation ##\Lambda##.

Under this transformation, ##A^\mu(x) \rightarrow A'^\mu(x')=U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon)##.

The unitary operator ##U## which generates the infinitesimal Lorentz transformation

##x^{\mu} \rightarrow x'^{\mu} = x^{\mu} + \epsilon^{\mu}_{\nu}x^{\nu}## is

##U(\epsilon)=1 - \frac{i}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu}M^{\mu\nu}##

where ##M## are the generators of Lorentz transformations. (I guess really I should have ##M^{\mu\nu}=(M^{\rho\sigma})^{\mu\nu}##. M is a hermitian operator, so

##U^{-1}(\epsilon)=1 + \frac{i}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu}M^{\mu\nu}##

Now I tried writing out ##U(\epsilon)A^\mu(x)U^{-1}(\epsilon)## explicitly but it didn't really get me anywhere. The answer is supposed to have ##x'## as the argument of ##A^\mu## on the RHS but I only get ##x##. I'm not sure how to Lorentz transform the function and the argument at the same time.
Underneath the formula in B&J it says the gauge term is necessary because ##UA_0U^{-1}=0## since ##A_0=0##. I don't see why this warrants the need of a gauge term I'm guessing it's needed because otherwise there will be no conjugate momenta for the ##A_0##. Okay I get that, but still don't understand where the initial formula comes from.

If you know why the gauge function [itex]\lambda[/itex] appears in the Lorentz transformation law for the gauge fields, then the rest is rather easy. Let your coordinates transform (under some Lie group [itex]G[/itex]) according to [tex]x \to \bar{ x } = g \ x , \ \ \ g \in G .[/tex]Then, a multi-component field [itex]\phi^{ a } ( x )[/itex] transforms by some finite-dimensional matrix (representation of [itex]G[/itex]) [itex]D(g)[/itex] according to [tex]\phi^{ a } ( x ) \to \bar{ \phi }^{ a } ( \bar{ x } ) = ( D ( g ) )^{ a }{}_{ b } \ \phi^{ b } ( x ) .[/tex] Write this as [tex]\bar{ \phi }^{ a } ( \bar{ x } ) = ( D ( g ) )^{ a }{}_{ b } \ \phi^{ b } ( g^{ - 1 } \bar{ x } ) .[/tex] Dropping the bars from the coordinates, you get [tex]\bar{ \phi }^{ a } ( x ) = ( D ( g ) )^{ a }{}_{ b } \ \phi^{ b } ( g^{ - 1 } x ) . \ \ \ (1)[/tex]
As an operator-valued field, [itex]\phi ( x )[/itex] transforms by a unitary operator [itex]U(g)[/itex] (representing [itex]G[/itex]) on Hilbert space: [tex]\bar{ \phi }^{ a } ( x ) = U^{ - 1 } ( g ) \ \phi^{ a } ( x ) \ U ( g ) . \ \ \ \ (2)[/tex] From (1) and (2) you get [tex]U^{ - 1 } ( g ) \ \phi^{ a } ( x ) \ U ( g ) = ( D ( g ) )^{ a }{}_{ b } \ \phi^{ b } ( g^{ - 1 } x ) . \ \ \ \ \ (3)[/tex] This is how an arbitrary field operator transforms (under an arbitrary Lie group [itex]G[/itex]) in Hilbert space. In order to get the form given in your book, let [itex]g^{ - 1 } = \Lambda[/itex] and use the relations [tex]U ( \Lambda^{ - 1 } ) = U^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) , \ \ \ D ( \Lambda^{ - 1 } ) = D^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) [/tex] to transform (3) into [tex]U ( \Lambda ) \ \phi^{ a } \ U^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) = ( D^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) )^{ a }{}_{ b } \ \phi^{ b } ( \Lambda x ) .[/tex] If the group of transformations is Lorentz’s [itex]\bar{ x } = \Lambda x[/itex], and the field is a genuine vector field [itex]V^{ \mu } ( x )[/itex], then [itex]D ( \Lambda ) = \Lambda[/itex] and [tex]U ( \Lambda ) \ V^{ \mu } ( x ) \ U^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) = ( \Lambda^{ - 1 } )^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu } \ V^{ \nu } ( \bar{ x } ) .[/tex] Now, using [itex]( \Lambda^{ - 1 } )^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu } \approx \delta^{ \mu }_{ \nu } - \epsilon^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu }[/itex], you arrive at the transformation law for a GENUINE Lorentz VECTOR [tex]U ( \epsilon ) \ V^{ \mu } ( x ) \ U^{ - 1 } ( \epsilon ) = V^{ \mu } ( \bar{ x } ) - \epsilon^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu } \ V^{ \nu } ( \bar{ x } ) . \ \ \ (4)[/tex] For the gauge field [itex]A^{ \mu }[/itex], we have the freedom to make a gauge transformation [itex]A^{ \mu } \to A^{ \mu } + \partial^{ \mu } \lambda[/itex]. For example, we can choose the function [itex]\lambda ( x )[/itex] in such a way so that [itex]A^{ 0 } ( x ) = 0[/itex] in all Lorentz frames. This means that the gauge field can NOT be a genuine Lorentz vector. To account for this fact, the RHS of equation (4) has to be modified to read [tex]U ( \epsilon ) \ A^{ \mu } ( x ) \ U^{ - 1 } ( \epsilon ) = A^{ \mu } ( \bar{ x } ) - \epsilon^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu } \ A^{ \nu } ( \bar{ x } ) + \frac{ \partial \lambda ( \bar{ x } ; \epsilon ) }{ \partial \bar{ x }_{ \mu } } . \ \ \ (5)[/tex] Written in this form, I think eq(5) looks very ugly. A more convenient and nicer form of this equation is [tex]U^{ - 1 } ( \Lambda ) \ A^{ \mu } ( x ) \ U ( \Lambda ) = \Lambda^{ \mu }{}_{ \nu } \ A^{ \nu } ( \Lambda^{ - 1 } x ) + \partial^{ \mu } \lambda ( x ; \Lambda ) .[/tex] Of course, the precise form of the function [itex]\lambda ( x ; \Lambda )[/itex] depends on the choice of the gauge in the problem and, in general, it is not easy.
One final remark is the fact that Eq(5) DOES NOT follow from the equations the book says it follow from. This may explain why the proof was left as exercise.

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  • #3
That's perfect, thanks a lot!

I don't actually have the book with me on hand and am trying to derive the form of ##\lambda## with the conditions ##A^0=0## and ##\partial_iA^i=0##.

The ##A^0=0## condition means we must have ##\epsilon^0_iA^i(x')=\partial'^0\lambda(x',\epsilon)##, where I'm writing ##\partial'^\mu=\frac{\partial}{\partial x'_\mu}##.

The Lorentz transformation of ##\partial_iA^i## must be zero too, so we can say

##\partial'_i[A^i(x')-\epsilon^i_jA^j(x') + \partial'^i\lambda]=0##

The first term will be zero by the gauge condition we we're left with ##\partial'_i\partial'^i\lambda =\epsilon^i_j\partial'_iA^j(x')##

I have a vague recollection of the answer having a time derivative in the book so I'm guessing I've made a mistake.
  • #4
Maybe_Memorie said:
That's perfect, thanks a lot!

I don't actually have the book with me on hand and am trying to derive the form of ##\lambda## with the conditions ##A^0=0## and ##\partial_iA^i=0##.

The ##A^0=0## condition means we must have ##\epsilon^0_iA^i(x')=\partial'^0\lambda(x',\epsilon)##, where I'm writing ##\partial'^\mu=\frac{\partial}{\partial x'_\mu}##.

The Lorentz transformation of ##\partial_iA^i## must be zero too, so we can say

##\partial'_i[A^i(x')-\epsilon^i_jA^j(x') + \partial'^i\lambda]=0##

The first term will be zero by the gauge condition we we're left with ##\partial'_i\partial'^i\lambda =\epsilon^i_j\partial'_iA^j(x')##

I have a vague recollection of the answer having a time derivative in the book so I'm guessing I've made a mistake.

You should try harder, it is only a trivial algebra. You have [tex]\bar{ A }^{ j } ( \bar{ x } ) = A^{ j } ( x ) + \epsilon^{ j }{}_{ \nu } \ A^{ \nu } ( x ) + \partial^{ j } \lambda ( x ) .[/tex] Now, [tex]\bar{ \partial }_{ j } \bar{ A }^{ j } ( \bar{ x } ) = \partial_{ \mu } ( A^{ j } + \epsilon^{ j }{}_{ \nu } \ A^{ \nu } + \partial^{ j } \lambda ) \frac{ \partial x^{ \mu } }{ \partial \bar{ x }^{ j } } .[/tex] Using [tex]\frac{ \partial x^{ \mu } }{ \partial \bar{ x }^{ j } } = \delta^{ \mu }{}_{ j } - \epsilon^{ \mu }{}_{ j } ,[/tex] and keeping only first order terms (i.e. [itex]\epsilon^{ 2 } \approx \epsilon \lambda \approx 0[/itex] ), you find [tex]\bar{ \partial }_{ j } \bar{ A }^{ j } ( \bar{ x } ) = \partial_{ j } ( A^{ j } + \epsilon^{ j }{}_{ k } \ A^{ k } + \partial^{ j } \lambda ) - \epsilon^{ \mu }{}_{ j } \ \partial_{ \mu } A^{ j } ,[/tex] or [tex]\bar{ \partial }_{ j } \bar{ A }^{ j } ( \bar{ x } ) - \partial_{ j } A^{ j } ( x ) = \epsilon^{ j }{}_{ k } \ \partial_{ j } A^{ k } - \nabla^{ 2 } \lambda ( x ; \epsilon ) - \epsilon^{ 0 }{}_{ j } \ \partial_{ 0 } A^{ j } - \epsilon^{ k }{}_{ j } \ \partial_{ k } A^{ j } .[/tex] Now the LHS vanishes by assumption and the first and the last terms on the RHS add up to zero (by changing the dummy indices), so you are left with [tex]\nabla^{ 2 } \lambda ( x ; \epsilon ) = - \epsilon^{ 0 }{}_{ j } \ \partial_{ 0 } A^{ j } ( x ) .[/tex] Thus [tex]\lambda ( x ; \epsilon ) = - \epsilon^{ 0 }{}_{ j } \ \nabla^{ - 2 } ( \partial_{ 0 } A^{ j } ) = - \epsilon^{ 0 }{}_{ j } \ \int d^{ 3 } y \frac{ 1 }{ 4 \pi \ | x - y | } \partial_{ t } A^{ j } ( t , y ) .[/tex] End of the story.
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FAQ: Bjorken Drell derivation - Lorentz transformation

What is the Bjorken Drell derivation?

The Bjorken Drell derivation is a mathematical derivation used in particle physics to describe the behavior of particles moving at high speeds. It is based on the Lorentz transformation, which is a mathematical framework for understanding the effects of special relativity on space and time.

What is the significance of the Lorentz transformation in the derivation?

The Lorentz transformation is a key component of the Bjorken Drell derivation as it allows for the calculation of particle properties, such as energy and momentum, in different reference frames. This is important in particle physics as particles often move at speeds close to the speed of light and their properties can change depending on the observer's frame of reference.

What is the relationship between the Bjorken Drell derivation and the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Bjorken Drell derivation is a part of the mathematical framework used in the Standard Model of particle physics. It helps to explain the behavior of particles at high energies and has been used to make predictions about particle interactions in experiments.

Can the Bjorken Drell derivation be applied to particles other than elementary particles?

Yes, the Bjorken Drell derivation can also be applied to composite particles, such as atoms and molecules. However, it is most commonly used in the study of elementary particles as they are often moving at high speeds and require the use of special relativity to accurately describe their behavior.

Are there any limitations to the Bjorken Drell derivation?

Like any scientific theory, the Bjorken Drell derivation has its limitations. It is based on the assumptions of special relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics, so it may not accurately describe the behavior of particles at extremely high energies or in scenarios that fall outside of these theories.

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