Black Hole Binding Energy Radiation

In summary, the conversation discusses the fate of binding energy when a black hole consumes an object. It is necessary for the binding energy to be radiated in order for the object to not escape the black hole. It is suggested that the added mass from the object increases the Hawking radiation, which compensates for the decrease in temperature due to the larger black hole surface area. Additionally, the conversation touches on the concept of kinetic energy being transformed into potential energy as an object falls onto a massive body and how this relates to the binding energy. It is also mentioned that the probability of particles escaping an attractor is proportional to the ratio of the internal kinetic energy and the binding potential energy. However, it is noted that even though particles cannot escape a
  • #1

I don't know whether this is more appropriate forum than the astrophysics as far as the black holes are conserned... Anyway

I would like to know what happens to the binding energy when a black hole eats an object? It is necessary to radiate it in order the object would not escape. However, everybody reports that nothing besides the Hawking radiation (temperature is inverse proportional to mass) escapes the black hole. Is it right to think that the added mass increases the Hawking radiation (the linear drop in temperature is compensated by the larger hole square) and the binding enerty escapes in this form?
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  • #2
I would like to know what happens to the binding energy when a black hole eats an object? It is necessary to radiate it in order the object would not escape.
Why is it necessary?
Is it right to think that the added mass increases the Hawking radiation
Added mass decreases the Hawking radiation.
  • #3
mathman said:
Why is it necessary?

Why binding energy is necessary?
  • #4
valjok said:
Why binding energy is necessary?

According to standard theory, any energy that falls into a black hole simply ends up contributing to its overall energy (and the corresponding mass). The overall energy of the falling object includes any internal energy corrections (such as positive thermal energy or negative binding energy) within a composite object.
  • #5
Despite my failure to understand Jonathan's writing, I think I understand the process now. As some object falls onto a massive body, it accelerates until the center of attraction. The potential energy of gravity is transformed into kinetic energy of speed. The body then flies away while slows down (kinetic-to-potential back transform). In order to prevent the fly away, the falling object must be bound (smashed) to the planet. Normally, this is done by dissipating the kinetic energy, which is later radiated in the form of heat. As long as Hawking is not concerned, it is not radiated in case of BH. That's simple.
  • #6
The kinetic theory tells that the particles in thermal motion occasionally get enaugh energy to escape the attractor. The probability is proportional to the ratio between the internal kinetic energy (the temperature) and the binding potential energy: P = exp(W/kT). When the ratio is positive, the probability is higher than 1 - the particle must escape the potential hole.

The object attracted by a planet is accelerated and has the right energy to escape the planet when it hits it. Even if does not escape, it adds to the planet temperature, thus reducing its binding energy. The extra energy contributed might be so high that the binding energy of the planet is exceeded -- something must fly away. So is with the planet = BH.

BTW, even the fact that a BH particle cannot escape from BH to infinity does not mean it cannot show up at any distance behind the BH radius.

FAQ: Black Hole Binding Energy Radiation

1. What is black hole binding energy radiation?

Black hole binding energy radiation is a form of energy that is generated by black holes as they absorb matter and release it in the form of high-energy radiation. This process is known as Hawking radiation and is a result of the quantum effects near the event horizon of a black hole.

2. How is black hole binding energy radiation detected?

Black hole binding energy radiation is difficult to detect because it is very weak and can be easily overwhelmed by other sources of radiation in the universe. However, scientists use specialized instruments such as X-ray telescopes and radio telescopes to observe the faint signals of Hawking radiation from black holes.

3. Can black hole binding energy radiation be harmful to Earth?

No, black hole binding energy radiation is not harmful to Earth. The amount of radiation emitted by black holes is very small and is not enough to have any significant impact on our planet. Additionally, the radiation is emitted in the form of high-energy particles that would be blocked by Earth's atmosphere.

4. How does the size of a black hole affect its binding energy radiation?

The size of a black hole does not directly affect its binding energy radiation. However, larger black holes have more mass and therefore are able to absorb and emit more energy. This means that larger black holes have a higher rate of Hawking radiation compared to smaller black holes.

5. Can black hole binding energy radiation be used as a source of energy?

Currently, black hole binding energy radiation cannot be used as a source of energy. The amount of energy emitted is very small and extracting it would require advanced technology that is not yet available. However, some scientists are exploring the potential of using Hawking radiation as a source of energy in the distant future.

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