Black hole complementarity and omnipresence

In summary, black hole complementarity suggests that two observers, one inside and one outside the event horizon, will experience different realities and there is no contradiction. However, the concept of an omnipotent being, who is present everywhere, would contradict this idea as it would put the being both inside and outside the event horizon. This thread does not meet the requirements for posting in the Philosophy forum.
  • #1
As I understand black hole complementarity, two observers (one beyond the event horizon ,one within it) experience different realities. There is no contradiction because no one can observe both scenarios at once, you can't be inside and outside the event horizon, hence no contradiction.
But some people believe there is such a thing as an omnipotent being. Such a being is by definition everywhere. But that would put this being both inside and outside the event horizon hence realising a contradiction. Agree or disagree?
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  • #2
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FAQ: Black hole complementarity and omnipresence

1. What is black hole complementarity?

Black hole complementarity is a concept in theoretical physics that suggests that different observers may have different perceptions of a black hole. This means that what one observer sees as a black hole, another observer may see as a collection of particles and vice versa.

2. How does black hole complementarity relate to the holographic principle?

The holographic principle states that all the information about a three-dimensional space can be represented on a two-dimensional surface. Black hole complementarity is related to this principle because it suggests that the information about a black hole can be represented on its event horizon, which is a two-dimensional surface.

3. What is the role of quantum mechanics in black hole complementarity?

Quantum mechanics plays a crucial role in black hole complementarity as it helps to explain the paradoxes that arise when trying to combine general relativity with quantum mechanics. It is through the principles of quantum mechanics that we can understand how different observers may have different perceptions of a black hole, leading to the concept of complementarity.

4. What is the concept of omnipresence in relation to black hole complementarity?

Omnipresence in black hole complementarity refers to the idea that the information about a black hole can exist in multiple places at once. This is because, according to the holographic principle, all the information about a black hole can be represented on its event horizon. This means that the information is not confined to the singularity at the center of the black hole.

5. How does black hole complementarity impact our understanding of space and time?

Black hole complementarity challenges our traditional understanding of space and time. It suggests that space and time may not be fundamental properties of the universe, but rather emergent properties that arise from the interactions of particles on the event horizon of a black hole. This concept has significant implications for our understanding of the fabric of the universe and the nature of reality.
