Black hole event horizon as surface of spacetime symmetry

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the event horizon of a black hole and its internal geometry, as well as the concept of Hawking radiation and its effect on black hole entropy. The event horizon serves as a mirror symmetry between the black hole and the surrounding cosmos, and the horizon surface area is proportional to the black hole entropy from both perspectives. The discussion also touches on the possibility of studying black holes through their event horizons by approaching them at high velocities.
  • #1
Loren Booda
The spacetime geometry outside a black hole may be transformable through the event horizon as the black hole internal geometry, and conversely.

Consider Hawking radiation with respect to black hole entropy. While one quantum escapes to universal infinity, the other approaches the corresponding infinitesimal singularity. Entropy is always conserved between opposite horizons, thermally isolated, singularity and Hubble area. The event horizon represents their mirror symmetry, at which the universal spacetime inverts to actualize the black hole spacetime and reciprocate the relative surface curvature. The hole itself, surrounded by the entropic cosmos, is thus anentropic in character. The relation that horizon surface area is proportional to black hole entropy holds for both perspectives, either outside or within the hole.

Please refer to my second and third articles at
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  • #2
Greetings !

Hmm... This indirectly made me think of something:
The EH is actualy a relative feature, isn't it ?
Basicly, the greater your velocity relative to the
BH the EH will "retreat" towards the singularity
on one "side" until your velocity gets infitesimally
close to c and you can almost get a "glimpse" of it.
Right ?

Sure would be an interesting way to study BHs...:wink:

Live long and prosper.
  • #3
Almost, drag, but remember that singularities are awfully bashful!

FAQ: Black hole event horizon as surface of spacetime symmetry

1. What is a black hole event horizon?

The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return, beyond which nothing, including light, can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole. It is essentially the boundary of the black hole where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.

2. How is the event horizon related to spacetime symmetry?

The event horizon is considered the surface of spacetime symmetry because it marks the boundary between the inside and outside of the black hole. Inside the event horizon, the laws of physics behave differently due to the intense gravitational pull, which breaks the symmetry of the outside universe.

3. Can the event horizon move or change in size?

The event horizon is always expanding due to the continuous addition of matter to the black hole. However, the rate of expansion is extremely slow and not noticeable within a human lifetime. Additionally, the event horizon can also shrink in size if the black hole loses mass.

4. What happens when an object crosses the event horizon?

Once an object crosses the event horizon, it is impossible for it to escape the black hole's gravitational pull. The object will be stretched and distorted as it falls towards the singularity at the center of the black hole, and eventually, it will be crushed to an infinitely small point.

5. Is there any way to observe the event horizon of a black hole?

Directly observing the event horizon is impossible because nothing, including light, can escape from it. However, scientists can indirectly study the effects of the event horizon, such as the bending of light and the emission of radiation from the accretion disk, to gain insight into the properties of black holes.

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