Black hole information paradox and determinism

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of quantum fluctuations being deterministic rather than genuinely random, and how this could potentially resolve the information paradox at black holes. However, the current understanding of quantum mechanics and experimental evidence suggest that the randomness is a fundamental aspect of the theory and any potential underlying theory would likely be just as strange. Therefore, the idea remains speculative without a concrete candidate theory.
  • #1
Hello, layman here, I have a simple question, could you please clear this up for me?

Whenever I read about the information paradox, it always appears to me that it is automatically assumed that quantum fluctuations / virtual particle pairs are predictably random. Which leads to the loss of information at event horizons.

To me, this genuine randomness seems to be an unnatural assumption, to me the more natural would be that fluctations are deterministic, the whole universe is deterministic. But they appear predictably random to us because it's way beyond our ability to predict them, we would probably need to know the state of the entire universe for such a prediction (and see into the underlying field(s) that such fluctuations are the expressions of).

So, if we assume that quantum fluctuations are not random, they just appear to be, is there still an information paradox?
(It would appear to me that in this case, the information would simply leak out into the rest of the universe, while the black hole is evaporating. We just can't track that information.)

Thank you!
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  • #2
Atla2017 said:
... to me the more natural would be that fluctations are deterministic, the whole universe is deterministic.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is not a measurement issue, it is a description of nature and it says categorically that the universe is not deterministic.
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  • #3
phinds said:
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is not a measurement issue, it is a description of nature and it says categorically that the universe is not deterministic.

Yes, as far as we can tell, it appears not deterministic. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it really is, hence my question.
  • #4
Atla2017 said:
Yes, as far as we can tell, it appears not deterministic. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it really is, hence my question.
So you do not believe in the validity of the HUP ?
  • #5
phinds said:
So you do not believe in the validity of the HUP ?

Well yes, I tend to think that a belief in genuine randomness always contains an element of magical thinking (so Einstein was right with the dice thing). I may be wrong though of course.

It's just that in every experiment ever conducted, we see the HUP verified, because our experiments are a lot smaller in scale than the universe. The difference is so big that there is no way for us to detect the order behind the apparent randomness. So for all practical purposes, quantum randomness is valid.
  • #6
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  • #7
Thread re-opened after straightening out duplicate account problem.
  • #8
Atla2017 said:
we would probably need to know the state of the entire universe for such a prediction (and see into the underlying field(s) that such fluctuations are the expressions of).
As long as we're using the theory of quantum mechanics, even knowing the state of the entire universe won't help. The randomness is a fundamental element of the mathematical formulation of the theory (google for "Born Rule") and applies no less to the state of the entire universe than to the state of any smaller part. (You should also be aware that the randomness goes much deeper than just "quantum fluctuations", a dubious idea generally misrepresented in the popular press).

There is of course the possibility that there is some deeper theory that underlies quantum mechanics, and that the apparent randomness of quantum mechanics is just the result of our not understanding the machinery of that hypothetical underlying theory. However, despite the best part of a century trying, no one has been able to come up with plausible candidate theory, and there are theoretical and experimental results (google for "Bell's Theorem") that say that any such theory will be at least as strange and "unnatural" (your word) as quantum mechanics itself.

But with all of that said... Yes, it is possible that if such a theory exists, it might resolve the black hole information paradox. But without a candidate theory this is mere idle speculation.
  • #9
Nugatory said:
As long as we're using the theory of quantum mechanics, even knowing the state of the entire universe won't help. The randomness is a fundamental element of the mathematical formulation of the theory (google for "Born Rule") and applies no less to the state of the entire universe than to the state of any smaller part. (You should also be aware that the randomness goes much deeper than just "quantum fluctuations", a dubious idea generally misrepresented in the popular press).

There is of course the possibility that there is some deeper theory that underlies quantum mechanics, and that the apparent randomness of quantum mechanics is just the result of our not understanding the machinery of that hypothetical underlying theory. However, despite the best part of a century trying, no one has been able to come up with plausible candidate theory, and there are theoretical and experimental results (google for "Bell's Theorem") that say that any such theory will be at least as strange and "unnatural" (your word) as quantum mechanics itself.

But with all of that said... Yes, it is possible that if such a theory exists, it might resolve the black hole information paradox. But without a candidate theory this is mere idle speculation.

What I mean is, how can you be certain that the Born rule applies no less to the state of the entire universe than to the state of any smaller part? Isn't this just an unproven assumption based on our experiments, where it does seem to apply?

So I think I wasn't implying an actual underlying theory, more like an extension to QM. What seems random "locally" might not be random "universally".
  • #10
Atla said:
So I think I wasn't implying an actual underlying theory, more like an extension to QM. What seems random "locally" might not be random "universally".
I don't follow your logic on that. If things are random locally then the universe is not deterministic. How does "universally" enter into it and what does that even mean in this context?
  • #11
phinds said:
I don't follow your logic on that. If things are random locally then the universe is not deterministic. How does "universally" enter into it and what does that even mean in this context?

No, I meant that things appear random locally, but actually they aren't. But we would have to look at the entire universe all at once (or nearly the entire universe all at once) to be able to see the determinism behind all the apparent randomness. But we will probably never be able to do anything like that. So this assumption can't be proven either.
  • #12
Atla said:
how can you be certain that the Born rule applies no less to the state of the entire universe than to the state of any smaller part? Isn't this just an unproven assumption based on our experiments, where it does seem to apply?
Of course it is an unproven assumption. That's what "postulate" means, and this is one of the postulates of QM.
So I think I wasn't implying an actual underlying theory, more like an extension to QM. What seems random "locally" might not be random "universally".
That wouldn't be quantum mechanics, it would be a new theory that isn't QM but reduces to QM when applied within the domain of validity of QM in rather the same way that general relativity reduces to Newtonian gravity when the gravitational field is weak. Such a thing is certainly possible, but without a serious proposal it's still just untestable speculation.
  • #13
Atla said:
No, I meant that things appear random locally, but actually they aren't. But we would have to look at the entire universe all at once (or nearly the entire universe all at once) to be able to see the determinism behind all the apparent randomness. But we will probably never be able to do anything like that. So this assumption can't be proven either.
OK, so what I was missing is that you are assuming that the HUP is not true.

Related to Black hole information paradox and determinism

1. What is the black hole information paradox?

The black hole information paradox is a long-standing problem in physics that arises when considering the fate of information that falls into a black hole. According to classical physics, information that falls into a black hole is lost forever, contradicting the principle of determinism which states that the past determines the future.

2. How does this paradox relate to determinism?

The black hole information paradox relates to determinism because it raises the question of whether or not the laws of physics are truly deterministic. If information can be lost in a black hole, it suggests that the future is not completely determined by the past, as some information is irretrievably lost.

3. Is the black hole information paradox solved?

No, the black hole information paradox is still an ongoing topic of research and debate in the scientific community. There have been several proposed solutions, but none have been widely accepted as the definitive answer.

4. What are some proposed solutions to the black hole information paradox?

Some proposed solutions include the holographic principle, which suggests that all the information that falls into a black hole is encoded on its event horizon, and the firewall hypothesis, which proposes that the event horizon of a black hole is surrounded by a firewall of high-energy particles that destroy any information entering the black hole.

5. Why is the resolution of the black hole information paradox important?

The resolution of the black hole information paradox is important because it has implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of reality. It also has potential implications for other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity.

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