Black hole might crunch the many planets into marble-sized spheres

In summary: Terra's mass is about 5.984*10^{24} kg.In summary, the black hole has infinite capacity to store mass, but due to their environment (the natural temperature of the universe), their so called "sunny-side up expulsion huge jet streams of flames and heat" only happen near the event horizon. These jets are produced due to the high amount of energy near the event horizon.
  • #1
If the black hole has infinite capacity to store mass,why,in a case of the sucking up of the sun,why would their(crudely described)sunny-side up expel huge jet streams of flames and heat? Cant they absorb heat energy and UV since they have capacity to collect mass?

If it is possible the Black hole might crunch the many planets into marble-sized spheres,but a wormhole...? :eek:
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The big jets and so on happen outside the boundary of the black hole, the so called event horizon. Anything that goes through the event horizon disapppears and no news ever comes back about it. But close to the event horizon, spacetime is strongly curved, and this provides the energy for lots of visible action, not only jets but swooping stars and radiating clouds of gas.
  • #3
  • #4
Im not sure black holes eject anything apart from HAWKING RADIATION.
could you be thinking of a hypernova expelling jets of gamma rays?
  • #5
black holes do eject very stong gamma rays. This is because at the event horizon, there is virtual/real particle production, and some of these particles do escape. According to stephen hawking, these gamma rays are very intence, and cannot be detected because of too much rediation from other sources in the universe.
  • #6
BTW, these particles are not "ejected from the black hole". They are formed in the space just outside the event horizon, where things can still escape.
  • #7
Nenad said:
black holes do eject very stong gamma rays. This is because at the event horizon, there is virtual/real particle production, and some of these particles do escape. According to stephen hawking, these gamma rays are very intence, and cannot be detected because of too much rediation from other sources in the universe.
The more massive the BH, the less there is virtual particle production. The sites posted and most descriptions will tell you that the EM radiation (gamma-to-radio) and especially the jets are from heated accretion matter near the event horizon, like selfAdjoint said.

Just read the caption under the graphic at:
that Nommos Prime posted.
  • #8
Critical Criterion...

Classical blackbody radiation is dependent upon any radiating body being warmer than its natural environment.

The environmental temperature of the Universe:
[tex]T_b = 2.726 K[/tex] - (COBE 1990)

The Kerr Temperature for a BH with angular momentum is:
[tex]T_k = \frac{\hbar c^3}{K_o G M_k}[/tex]

[tex]K_o[/tex] - Boltzmann's constant

For any object to radiate, its natural temperature must exceed the temperature of its natural environment.

[tex]T_k \geq T_b[/tex]

Orion1-Kerr Critical Mass for BH thermodynamics:
[tex]M_b = \frac{\hbar c^3}{K_o G T_b}[/tex]

BH Masses which exceed this mass do not radiate, but actually increase in mass instead. However note that such a mass could eventually radiate when the Universe's natural environmental temperature becomes cool enough.

Described here, a Kerr BH mass must be 5.285 times smaller than Terra's mass, in order to radiate.
[tex]M_b = 1.131*10^{24} kg[/tex]

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FAQ: Black hole might crunch the many planets into marble-sized spheres

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself.

2. How can a black hole crunch planets into marble-sized spheres?

A black hole has an immense gravitational pull, which can cause extreme tidal forces. As a planet gets closer to a black hole, these tidal forces can stretch and compress the planet, eventually reducing it to a much smaller size.

3. How big of a black hole is needed to crunch a planet?

The size and strength of a black hole's gravitational pull depends on its mass. For a planet to be crunched into a marble-sized sphere, it would need to be very close to a black hole with a mass much larger than that of our sun.

4. Could our planet be affected by a black hole crunching other planets?

It is highly unlikely that a black hole crunching other planets would have any impact on our planet. Black holes are extremely small in comparison to the vast distances between planets in our solar system.

5. Are there any other effects of a black hole crunching planets?

Aside from the tidal forces and compression of the planet, a black hole crunching planets may also release large amounts of energy in the form of gravitational waves. These waves can potentially be detected by specialized instruments on Earth.
