Black holes and conservation of charge

In summary, the black hole with a charge surplus will act as an electrically charged object, affecting charged particles surrounding it. This seems to violate the law of conservation of charge.
  • #1
Suppose you take a quantity of matter and separate the protons from the electrons, Now drop the electrons into a black hole. My understanding is that photons are the force carriers for the electromagnetic field. Since no photons can escape the black hole there should be no electrostatic attraction between the black hole and the left over protons. It is as if the black hole absorbed a negative charge but remained neutral. This seems to violate the law of conservation of charge. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
mrspeedybob said:
Since no photons can escape the black hole there should be no electrostatic attraction between the black hole and the left over protons.
Virtual photons can. They are weird, and they are the particles which mediate a static field.
  • #3
mrspeedybob said:
Suppose you take a quantity of matter and separate the protons from the electrons, Now drop the electrons into a black hole. My understanding is that photons are the force carriers for the electromagnetic field. Since no photons can escape the black hole there should be no electrostatic attraction between the black hole and the left over protons. It is as if the black hole absorbed a negative charge but remained neutral. This seems to violate the law of conservation of charge. Any thoughts?

A black hole with a charge surplus will act as an electrically charged object, affecting charged particles surrounding it. That is, the event horizon does not act as a cutoff for the electrostatic field.

About black holes
All the mass that has fallen into a black hole contributes to the outside gravitational field of the black hole. One may ask the counterpart of the question you asked about the electromagnetic field. Why is the event horizon not acting as a cutoff for gravitational interaction? If it was billions of years ago that matter fell into the black hole, how come the gravitational field of that matter is still there?

Well, one can think of the outside gravitational field as the field of the matter just as it crossed the event horizon. Whatever happens inside the event horizon does not reach outside, so the gravitational interaction is not with what is inside the event horizon. For eternity the gravitational interaction is with the matter just as it crossed the event horizon.
The fact that the infalling of matter was billions of years ago is not necessarily a problem; the closer to the event horizon the stronger the gravitational time dilation.

About fields
The standard view is that electromagnetic interaction is, like the other interactions, mediated by a field.
The word 'field' has been in use for so long that it's tempting to think we actually know what a field is, but really all we know is the properties of the interaction.

Perhaps the following comparison has some merit:
- In a double slit experiment the probability distribution of where a photon will hit the screen is a continuum. But an actual event of a photon being detected (by the screen) occurs at a precise point.
- The field that surrounds a charged object is a continuum. However, a quantummechanical description of two charged particles interacting with each other has the changes of momentum as quantisized events.

There is another sense in which the quantization of the electromagnetic field manifests itself. This is when electromagnetic energy is confined to a small space. It is possible to construct socalled 'quantum dots'. In the case of quantum dots there is a relatively large energy gap between allowed energy levels.

It's not that the field itself always exists as a cloud of "quanta of field". Rather it's interaction that is quantum in nature.

In all it's definitely not correct to think of the mediator of electromagnetic interaction as "propagating photons". As pointed out by Dalespam, the mediator of electromagnetic interaction is sometimes referred to as 'virtual photons'. There's a reason for that word 'virtual'.

FAQ: Black holes and conservation of charge

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot escape. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself, becoming infinitely dense.

2. How does the conservation of charge apply to black holes?

The conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant. This means that black holes cannot have a net charge, as it would violate this law.

3. Can black holes have a magnetic field?

Yes, black holes can have a magnetic field. This is due to the rotation of the black hole, which creates a powerful magnetic field around it.

4. Do black holes emit any form of radiation?

Yes, black holes can emit radiation through a process called Hawking radiation. This radiation is very weak and difficult to detect, but it is a result of the quantum effects near the event horizon of a black hole.

5. Can black holes merge with each other?

Yes, black holes can merge with each other if they are in close proximity. This occurs when two or more black holes orbit each other and eventually merge into a single, more massive black hole.

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