Black holes: merged remnants have similar spin - why?

In summary: No, the limit is the angular momentum to mass ratio, which is effectively what ##a## is. It cannot exceed 1 in geometrised units.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I hope I'm asking in the correct section, if not please point me.

I read a list of gravitational wave detection. I focused on black hole - black hole events and I noticed the resulting black hole spin is very similar about a=0.7. I didn't find any explanation for this.

List of events you find here.

My two ideas are:
1) The first idea was the orbital frequency before merge gives the resulting spin and there is some intrinsic physics reason why this orbital frequency (in the final stage of merge) is very same for all masses of black holes.

2) The second idea is connected to the sensitivity of our instruments. We see a resulting spin of about a=0.7 because we are able to detect only sources with such properties (frequency of gravitational waves).

Is one of these ideas correct or I'm out? :-)

Thank you for your comments.
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  • #2
You need to give a reference. I don't know what "a=0.7" means, and I suspect you are using spin in a non-standard way.
  • #3
Hornbein said:
You need to give a reference. I don't know what "a=0.7" means, and I suspect you are using spin in a non-standard way.
Reference is in the list of events here. There is also defined a dimensionless black hole spin parameter as a=cj/(GM^2), where c and G are the speed of light and gravitational constant, j is angular momentum and M is the mass of the object. This "a" is mostly connected with a spin of Kerr's black hole.
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  • #4
Vrbic said:
Reference is in the list of events here. There is also defined a dimensionless black hole spin parameter as a=cj/(GM^2), where c and G are the speed of light and gravitational constant, j is angular momentum and M is the mass of the object. This "a" is mostly connected with a spin of Kerr's black hole.
Aha you did give a reference, sorry I missed that. Yes that is interesting, that the spin of the remnants is always about the same.

According to this the absolute maximum value of a is 1, and it is not unusual for supermassive black holes to reach this limit. No smbh had less than 0.6.
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  • #5
Hornbein said:
I have a vague memory that there is some similar limit on the spin of black holes. Any faster and the singularity would be exposed. At any rate surely there is a limit of some nature. There is so much energy in a black hole collision I would expect that this limit is usually reached.
Thank you for your comments. The limit of a (standard - Kerr's) rotating black hole is "a=1", if greater, there is no horizon and we call it naked singularity as you mentioned. Actually, the guesses on the rotation of supermassive black holes in many active galactic nuclei are about "a=0.99". So, it was surprising for me very narrow window of final spin after the merge of two black holes.
  • #6
Vrbic said:
Thank you for your comments. The limit of a (standard - Kerr's) rotating black hole is "a=1", if greater, there is no horizon and we call it naked singularity as you mentioned. Actually, the guesses on the rotation of supermassive black holes in many active galactic nuclei are about "a=0.99". So, it was surprising for me very narrow window of final spin after the merge of two black holes.
Yes the smaller merged holes don't reach the limit. It is a puzzle.
  • #7
Hornbein said:
I have a vague memory that there is some similar limit on the spin of black holes. Any faster and the singularity would be exposed. At any rate surely there is a limit of some nature. There is so much energy in a black hole collision I would expect that this limit is usually reached.
No, the limit is the angular momentum to mass ratio, which is effectively what ##a## is. It cannot exceed 1 in geometrised units.

@Vrbic, I suspect there's a bias in the remnants' ##a## values. I found the paper below which implies that the expectation is that binary stats becoming binary black holes then merging will have very low ##a##, while binaries formed by capture after becoming black holes can have almost any ##a##.

I don't know about SMBHs, but if they mostly grow by absorbing matter from their parent galaxy then pretty much every merger would seem likely to push up ##a##.
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  • #8
Ibix said:
@Vrbic, I suspect there's a bias in the remnants' ##a## values. I found the paper below which implies that the expectation is that binary stats becoming binary black holes then merging will have very low ##a##, while binaries formed by capture after becoming black holes can have almost any ##a##.
Nice, thank you for the interesting reference.
Ibix said:
I don't know about SMBHs, but if they mostly grow by absorbing matter from their parent galaxy then pretty much every merger would seem likely to pish up ##a##.
Or these guesses are wrong. I suppose it is very difficult to do such a guess.
  • #9
Vrbic said:
Or these guesses are wrong. I suppose it is very difficult to do such a guess.
You can actually look at the dynamics of stars in close orbits around SMBHs, which is one way to estimate their parameters. I don't know how precisely that's been done, though. There's less opportunity to probe smaller black holes that way.
  • #10
Ibix said:
You can actually look at the dynamics of stars in close orbits around SMBHs, which is one way to estimate their parameters. I don't know how precisely that's been done, though. There's less opportunity to probe smaller black holes that way.
I understand, but I'm not sure if it is possible to do this for very distant sources. It is done for the central black hole in our galaxy (Sgr A*) but I'm not sure how it is for other galaxy centers. I think the guesses I mentioned are based on the position of accretion discs (ISCO position) or the energy of these particles.
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FAQ: Black holes: merged remnants have similar spin - why?

Why do merged black holes tend to have similar spin rates?

Merged black holes tend to have similar spin rates due to the conservation of angular momentum. When two black holes merge, their spins combine in a way that conserves the total angular momentum of the system. This often results in a spin rate that is intermediate between the spins of the original black holes, leading to a relatively uniform spin distribution among merged remnants.

How does the initial spin of black holes affect the spin of the merged remnant?

The initial spin of the black holes plays a significant role in determining the spin of the merged remnant. If the original black holes have high spins aligned in the same direction, the merged black hole will likely have a high spin. Conversely, if the spins are misaligned or low, the resulting spin will be lower. The dynamics of the merger process and the alignment of the spins are crucial factors.

What role does gravitational wave emission play in the spin of merged black holes?

Gravitational wave emission during the merger process can carry away angular momentum, affecting the final spin of the merged black hole. The radiation of gravitational waves is more intense in certain configurations, such as when black holes have high spins or are orbiting closely before merging. This loss of angular momentum through gravitational waves can lead to a reduction in the final spin of the merged remnant.

Are there any observational constraints on the spin rates of merged black holes?

Yes, there are observational constraints on the spin rates of merged black holes derived from gravitational wave detections by observatories like LIGO and Virgo. By analyzing the waveforms of detected gravitational waves, scientists can estimate the spins of the black holes involved in the merger and the resulting remnant. These observations help refine theoretical models and improve our understanding of black hole spin dynamics.

Can the environment around merging black holes influence their final spin?

The environment around merging black holes can influence their final spin, although this effect is generally considered secondary compared to the intrinsic properties of the black holes themselves. Factors such as the presence of gas, magnetic fields, or nearby stars can exert torques and alter the spin dynamics. However, in most scenarios studied, the primary determinants of the final spin are the masses and spins of the merging black holes.

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