Black holes with nothing left to ingest.

In summary, black holes have event horizons and can suck everything in around them. As the black hole gets more massive, its event horizon expands.
  • #1
If a black hole sucks everything into it that is near it, but at the same time has an event horizon, then everything between the event horizon and the black hole will get sucked it, but then there would be nothing else to suck in once it's all gone, unless the event horizon expands. Is this correct, or is it not? Thoughts?
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  • #2
1) All black holes have event horizons.

2) A black hole can certainly "suck everything in" around it. The problem you might be having is in your phrase "suck things in." Black holes don't really do that! Black holes exert gravitational forces on bodies near them, exactly as the Earth does to you, only stronger. You can orbit a black hole in your starship just as you can orbit the Earth in a space shuttle. Black holes act gravitationally just like any other massive body.

3) As a black hole captures matter and grows more massive, its event horizon expands. The radius of the event horizon is given by:

[tex]r_s = \frac{2 G M}{c^2}[/tex]

- Warren
  • #3
Welcome to Physics Forums, Nibles! :smile:

The event horizon is simply the distance around the black hole singularity at which nothing can escape. The black hole singularity and event horizon exist whether or not the black hole is actively consuming nearby material. Some current black holes are active (consuming stuff) others are not...just adrift in space orbiting the galactic center like any other star. Of course, they can become active again if something crosses their path.
  • #4
black holes are weird We can't prove anything about the black holes, because they just don't work with our physics. once u enter a black hole, the speed of light will be different, etc. We can only assume that there is an event horizon, because we have no proof (apart from very distant photos) that the horizon is there or doesn't exist
  • #5
Originally posted by chemical
We can't prove anything about the black holes, because they just don't work with our physics.

The physics work just fine at a good distance from the singularity. The closer to the singularity, the weirder the physics. The singularity itself cannot be accurately described by modern physics.

We can only assume that there is an event horizon, because we have no proof (apart from very distant photos) that the horizon is there or doesn't exist

Based on the math, it should exist. (the EH is not a physical's merely a distance from the singularity)
  • #6
Originally posted by chemical
We can't prove anything about the black holes, because they just don't work with our physics.
Well, you can't really prove anything in science, so that's not a big deal. Black holes actually work just fine with our physics all the way down to their heart. Classical theory predicts a spacetime singularity, while quantum gravity predicts something quite different (though no one is exactly sure what yet). In any case, the only part of the black hole we don't fully understand is that part within a Planck length (10^-43 m) of its center.
once u enter a black hole, the speed of light will be different, etc.
False. Nothing exceptional happens inside a black hole's event horizon (which is, I asssume, what you mean by being "inside" one), except that all worldlines terminate at the singularity. Once you're inside the event horizon, you can zoom around in your spaceship all you want, and everything will seem normal -- you just can't ever get back out of the event horizon. Once you run out of fuel, though, you're lunch.
We can only assume that there is an event horizon, because we have no proof (apart from very distant photos) that the horizon is there or doesn't exist
We have no photographic evidence of any sort of black holes, since they are not detected photographically. They are detected via their gravitational interaction with nearby luminous objects.

- Warren

FAQ: Black holes with nothing left to ingest.

What are black holes with nothing left to ingest?

Black holes with nothing left to ingest, also known as "dead" black holes, are black holes that have consumed all the matter in their vicinity and are no longer actively growing.

How do black holes with nothing left to ingest form?

Black holes with nothing left to ingest can form through the consumption of all surrounding matter by a black hole, or through the merging of two black holes into one larger black hole.

What happens to a black hole with nothing left to ingest?

Once a black hole has consumed all the matter in its surroundings, it will continue to exist as a "dead" black hole, with no new matter falling into it. However, it may still emit radiation through processes such as Hawking radiation.

Can black holes with nothing left to ingest disappear?

It is currently theorized that black holes with nothing left to ingest can eventually evaporate over an extremely long period of time through Hawking radiation. However, this has not been observed and is still a subject of research.

What is the significance of studying black holes with nothing left to ingest?

Studying black holes with nothing left to ingest can help us better understand the behavior and properties of black holes, as well as the processes of matter consumption and energy emission in extreme gravitational environments.
