Blackbody Radiation and the Incandescent Light Globe

In summary: You can find a link to it at the following location:In summary, the filament in an incandescent light globe follows the basic shape of the classic blackbody temperature/spectrum curves, however the color temperature is not adjustable.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Hi. I am wondering how well the filament in an incandescent light globe follows the basic shape of the classic blackbody temperature/spectrum curves.

The reason I ask is that I just set a small science project for a student to measure the voltage and current of a small torch globe (4.8V 0.75A Krypton type) at various voltage levels and observe the change in resistance as the filament temperature increases.

The basic experiment went smoothly enough and gave the expected results. However I then asked the student to attempt to place an approximate temperature scale to the data by observing the color of the filament at the various operating voltage levels and to estimate the temperature from these observations.

To do this part I gave the student a “color chart” that is good for anything that approximates the shape of the blackbody curve. Charts of this type are widely available and though the color judgement is somewhat subjective they should be able to provide a reasonable estimate of temperature.

See for example (or as reproduced in part below for those who don't like clicking on links)

Color Approximate Temperature °C

Faint Red : 500
Blood Red : 580
Dark Cherry : 635
Medium Cherry : 690
Cherry : 745
Bright Cherry :790
Salmon : 845
Dark Orange : 890
Orange : 940
Lemon :1000
Light Yellow :1080
White :1205The thing that I’m now trying to figure out is why we couldn’t get any color “cooler” than orange from the light globe. Even making observations in the dark to help see the lower light levels we were still unable to perceive anything below orange.

So I wondering if this is a result of
1. The filament for some reason not radiating in the same shape curve as a black body.
2. The light levels in the red region being too low to see for such a small object as a torch globe filament.
3. Perhaps (by design) the lamp is made to produce predominately yellow/white light. I don’t know how, perhaps something to do with the surrounding gas.

Does anyone have any idea why I can’t adjust the voltage to get less “temperature” than orange?

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  • #2
uart said:
Does anyone have any idea why I can’t adjust the voltage to get less “temperature” than orange?

I am no expert; just a guess here. The problem probably lies in how you measure the color temperature.

As far as I know, the incandescent lamp is very close to black body radiation. Quoting your figures, at 500C, you should expect faint red. What that means is the spectrum has a peak at red (about 700nm wavelength). But there is also considerable energy in both the infrared range and wavelengths below orange.

How you measure the color temperature affects the color temperature you preceive. If you have a probe that measures the peak spectrum, you should indeed get a red reading. If you use your naked eye, then the green cones in your retina will be stimulated by the spectrum from orange onwards. As a result your brain will not intrepret the light as red (which won't stimulate green cones) but orange instead.

If you want to measure the peak spectrum, maybe you can focus the light onto a triangular prism and then observe the emerging beams.

Wai Wong
  • #3

I would like to provide a response to your inquiry about blackbody radiation and the incandescent light globe. First, it is important to understand that the shape of the blackbody temperature/spectrum curve is a theoretical concept and may not perfectly apply to real-life objects such as the filament in an incandescent light globe. This is because many factors, such as the material composition and design of the filament, can affect its emission spectrum.

In regards to your experiment, it is possible that the filament in the incandescent light globe does not follow the same shape as the blackbody curve, which could explain why you were unable to perceive colors cooler than orange. Additionally, the low light levels in the red region may have made it difficult to distinguish colors, especially since the filament is a small object. It is also possible that the lamp is designed to produce predominantly yellow/white light, which could be due to the gas surrounding the filament or the material properties of the filament itself.

To better understand the behavior of the filament, you may want to consider using a spectrometer to measure the emission spectrum at different voltage levels. This could provide valuable insights into the emission properties of the filament and help explain your observations.

In summary, the behavior of the filament in an incandescent light globe may not perfectly follow the blackbody curve, and there are likely several factors at play that could affect the perceived color temperature. Further experimentation and analysis may be necessary to fully understand the emission properties of the filament and its relationship to the blackbody curve.

Related to Blackbody Radiation and the Incandescent Light Globe

1. What is blackbody radiation?

Blackbody radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a perfect absorber and emitter of energy, also known as a blackbody. It is characterized by its temperature and follows a specific distribution called the Planck's law.

2. How does blackbody radiation relate to incandescent light globes?

Incandescent light globes produce light through the heating of a filament inside the bulb. This filament behaves like a blackbody, absorbing and emitting energy, which results in the production of visible light.

3. What is the temperature of a typical incandescent light globe?

The temperature of a typical incandescent light globe can range from around 2,700 to 3,300 Kelvin, depending on the type of bulb and its wattage. This temperature is necessary to produce visible light through blackbody radiation.

4. Why are incandescent light globes being phased out?

Incandescent light globes are being phased out due to their low energy efficiency. They convert only about 5% of the energy they consume into visible light, with the remaining energy being wasted as heat. This makes them less cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to other lighting options.

5. What are some alternatives to incandescent light globes?

There are several alternatives to incandescent light globes, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and halogen bulbs. These options are more energy-efficient and have longer lifespans compared to incandescent bulbs.

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