Blackbody Radiation (Rayleigh-Jean) Equipartion of Energy Question

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the classical Rayleigh-Jean Law of blackbody radiation and the use of "equipartition" energy of kT per mode instead of 1/2 kT. It is suggested that the factor of 1/2 comes from the two polarizations of each wave-vector, and that the polarization must be the same for all three components of the wave vector to get the correct result.
  • #1
Science Advisor
There's one thing that has always puzzled me about the derivation of the old classical Rayleigh-Jean Law of blackbody radiation. I understand how they calculate the density of modes in the cavity however I don't see why they assign an "equipartition" energy of kT per mode instead of 1/2 kT as is used for example in the kinetic theory of gases to find the heat capacity of gases.

I'm pretty sure the correct "equipartiion" is 1/2 kT per mode and my hunch is that in the blackbody radiation derivation they use kT to allow for independent vertical/horizontal polarizations, though I've never seen this explicitly stated. Or is it 1/2 kT for the E field and another 1/2 kT for the B field, can someone please enlighten me as to the precise reason.

Thanks. :)
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  • #2
I don't know the answer to this specific question, though I will add that most likely when its a multiple of 1/2kT its due to another degree of freedom (as you have stated).
  • #3
You treat each mode as a harmonic oscillator contributing (1/2)kT. Each mode can be labelled by its polarization and its wave-vector. The polarization takes two values for each value of the wave-vector--that's where the factor of two comes from. I.e., when you sum over modes in this case the sum over polarizations is trivial and just gives a factor of two.
  • #4
So my hunch about polarization was correct. Thanks for confirming this guys.

One more question. Am I correct in thinking that the polarization must be the same for all three components of the wave vector. Otherwise you'd get a density of modes proportional to the 5th power of frequency instead of the correct result which is a 2nd power in freq {equiv to (-7)th power in Lambda instead of the correct (-4)th power of Lambda}. My electromagnetic is a bit rusty but I think it makes sense that all three components must have the same polarization - right?
  • #5
polirization is the wrong answer. The degrees of freedom come from both the kinetic and the potential part of the oscillator with each part contributing one half.

FAQ: Blackbody Radiation (Rayleigh-Jean) Equipartion of Energy Question

1. What is blackbody radiation?

Blackbody radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an object that absorbs all radiation incident upon it. It is a fundamental concept in physics and plays a significant role in understanding the behavior of light and matter.

2. Who discovered blackbody radiation?

Blackbody radiation was first described by German physicist Max Planck in 1900. He proposed a theoretical model known as Planck's law to explain the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation.

3. What is the Rayleigh-Jean law?

The Rayleigh-Jean law, also known as the Rayleigh-Jean distribution, is an empirical law that describes the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation at low frequencies. It was proposed by British physicist Lord Rayleigh and French physicist Jean P. L. E. Jean in the late 19th century.

4. What is the equipartition of energy?

The equipartition of energy is a principle in statistical mechanics that states that, in thermal equilibrium, the energy of a system is distributed equally among all of its possible degrees of freedom. This means that each degree of freedom, such as position, momentum, or rotational energy, has an equal share of the total energy.

5. How is blackbody radiation related to the equipartition of energy?

The Rayleigh-Jean law is based on the equipartition of energy principle. It assumes that the energy of a blackbody is equally distributed among all of its possible modes of vibration, which are related to its degrees of freedom. This allows us to calculate the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation at low frequencies.
