Blackbody Radiation: Solving Introduction to Cosmology Eq. #25

In summary, the conversation discusses an equation from "Introduction to Cosmology" by Barbara Ryden and how it relates to the blackbody equation. The equation is for the energy density of photons in a frequency range and involves the exponential function. It is explained that integrating over all frequencies yields a total energy density for blackbody radiation, and this is related to the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and emissivity. The conversation also mentions the importance of understanding these concepts before studying Ryden's book.
  • #1
Hello. I am trying to study "Introduction to Cosmology" by Barbara Ryden,
but I am stuck with an equation from chapter two, and I have no idea how to figure out this. If you can suggest me a reading material or can explain the equation to me, that would be wonderful.

It is page 20 of the book, chapter 2, equation # 25.

It says:

The energy density of photons in the frequency range f -> f + df is given by the blackbody function

ε(f) df = ((8*∏*h)/(c^3)) ((f^3 * df)/(exp(hf/kT) -1))
and what is that exp?

then it goes...
The peak in the blackbody function occurs at hf_peak =(approx) 2.82kT. Integrated over all frequencies, equation #25 yields a total energy density for blackbody radiation of
ε_γ = α * T^4, ( I wrote "_" to mean subscript).
α = ((∏^2)/(15))((k^4)(h^3 * c^3)) <this h is actually h with the dash

the definition of 'α' and the equation#25 just came out of nowhere, and I am very clueless.
And they don't look anything like the blackbody equation that I know:
P_rad = σεAT^4 where ε is emissivity and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

Thank you for your help..

Kyle Lee
Space news on
  • #2
4everphysics said:
Hello. I am trying to study "Introduction to Cosmology" by Barbara Ryden,
but I am stuck with an equation from chapter two, and I have no idea how to figure out this. If you can suggest me a reading material or can explain the equation to me, that would be wonderful.

It is page 20 of the book, chapter 2, equation # 25.

It says:

The energy density of photons in the frequency range f -> f + df is given by the blackbody function

ε(f) df = ((8*∏*h)/(c^3)) ((f^3 * df)/(exp(hf/kT) -1))
and what is that exp?
Exp is the exponential function, i.e. [itex] \exp ( h f/kT ) = e^{hf/kT}[/itex]

then it goes...
The peak in the blackbody function occurs at hf_peak =(approx) 2.82kT. Integrated over all frequencies, equation #25 yields a total energy density for blackbody radiation of
ε_γ = α * T^4, ( I wrote "_" to mean subscript).
α = ((∏^2)/(15))((k^4)(h^3 * c^3)) <this h is actually h with the dash

the definition of 'α' and the equation#25 just came out of nowhere, and I am very clueless.
And they don't look anything like the blackbody equation that I know:
P_rad = σεAT^4 where ε is emissivity and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

Thank you for your help..

Kyle Lee

The definition of constants can be a little confusing, but they're just that: constants. Emissivity is taken to be one (perfect black body, after all), so integrating over all frequencies you just get the expression Ryden quotes. You're welcome to do it yourself, if you like.

These are the most basic property of black bodies, have you studied them at all before? This should be pre-requisite knowledge for Ryden's book.
  • #3
Thank you so much for your help.
I only have finished Halliday Resnick Walker's Fundamentals of Physics.
I am not sure if that is enough for the prereq? I sure have never seen
the energy density expression in HRW though..

so do you mean if I integrate the element "ε(f) df" over all the frequency,
I get the equation P_rad = σεAT^4?

Thank you for your help.
  • #4
4everphysics said:
so do you mean if I integrate the element "ε(f) df" over all the frequency,
I get the equation P_rad = σεAT^4?

That's right. The integral is slightly involved, but you should be able to do it by expanding 1/(1-exp(-hf/kT)) (note the minus sign in the exponential, it's not a typo) as a geometric series, integrating each term of the series separately, and then you probably need to look up some value for the Riemann zeta function
  • #5
4everphysics said:
Thank you so much for your help.
I only have finished Halliday Resnick Walker's Fundamentals of Physics.
I am not sure if that is enough for the prereq? I sure have never seen
the energy density expression in HRW though..

so do you mean if I integrate the element "ε(f) df" over all the frequency,
I get the equation P_rad = σεAT^4?

Thank you for your help.

It's important to note that the two constants [itex] \sigma [/itex] and [itex] a [/itex] are related, but not the same. Specifically, [itex]a= \frac{\sigma}{4 c} [/itex].

In Ryden, what she's using is the energy density integrated over all solid angles. A lot of the time we instead use the power per solid angle in a frequency interval instead, so it's easy to get confused here. So, you will not get the familiar expression [itex] P= \sigma T^4 [/itex], since you're not integrating a power at all, but rather an energy density. But again, if you do the integral with the zeta functions and all, you will get all the right factors and reproduce Ryden's result.

FAQ: Blackbody Radiation: Solving Introduction to Cosmology Eq. #25

1. What is blackbody radiation?

Blackbody radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a perfect blackbody, which is an idealized object that absorbs all incident radiation and reflects none. It is characterized by a continuous spectrum of radiation that depends only on the temperature of the object.

2. How is blackbody radiation related to cosmology?

Blackbody radiation plays a crucial role in cosmology as it is one of the key pieces of evidence for the Big Bang theory. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, which is the remnant of the Big Bang, is a perfect example of blackbody radiation.

3. What is the equation for blackbody radiation?

The equation for blackbody radiation is given by Planck's law, which states that the spectral radiance or energy density per unit volume per unit frequency of a blackbody is proportional to the frequency raised to the power of three and inversely proportional to the exponential of the ratio of the frequency to the temperature.

4. What is the purpose of Eq. #25 in the Introduction to Cosmology?

Eq. #25 in the Introduction to Cosmology is used to calculate the energy density of blackbody radiation at a given temperature. This equation is important in understanding the behavior of blackbody radiation and its role in cosmology.

5. How is Eq. #25 used to solve problems in cosmology?

Eq. #25 is used as a tool to calculate the energy density of blackbody radiation, which is a key component in many cosmological models and theories. It can also be used to analyze the temperature and evolution of the universe, as well as the properties of various objects in the universe that emit blackbody radiation.

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