Block on incline with air resistance, no friction

In summary, the conversation discusses a textbook of mass 1.24 kg sliding down a frictionless inclined plane with an angle of 30 degrees. The problem includes a drag force due to air resistance that is proportional to the speed squared, with a constant of 0.86 m^-1. The question asks for the time it takes for the textbook to slide a distance of 1.65 m down the plane. The conversation includes attempts at solving the problem, but there is a discrepancy with the final time calculation due to a missing negative sign and potential incorrect data.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A textbook of mass m = 1.24 kg starts at rest on a
frictionless inclined plane (angle  = 30◦). Although there is
no friction, suppose there is a drag force (due to air resistance)
acting on the book which is proportional to the speed squared
and is described by the equation F = kmv2, where k = 0.86
m−1. How much time does it take for the textbook to slide a
distance d = 1.65 m down the plane? (Hint: This one is tricky,
you will need to solve the integral by hand using a hyperbolic
trig substitution.)

Homework Equations

Just F=m*a
drag force = k*m*v^2

The Attempt at a Solution

So the mass keeps canceling on me whenever I run the problem, don't know if I actually need it for this one. I changed my coordinate system so positive x was parallel to the incline and positive y was perpendicular to it.

Forces are gravity broken in componets now, normal force only acting in positive y, canceled out by gravities y component. drag force in -x direction and +x component of gravity.
Vf= final velocity
y- direction F=ma
F= 0, its moving down the incline

x - direction F= ma
m*g*cos(theata)-k*m*v^2 = m dv/dt
solve it for time with given conditions and I got
T = (1/(Sqrt[g*sin(theata)*k])*ArcTanh[Sqrt[k/(g*sin(theata))]*Vf]

Switch the beginning equation to m*g*cos(theata)-k*m*v^2 = m*v* dv/dx and solve for the distance given the distance yields:
x = (1/2*k)*Ln((g*sin(theata)-k*Vf^2)/(g*sin(theata)))
Solve that equation for Vf yields:
Vf = Sqrt[(g*sin(theata)/k)*(1-e^(2*k*x))/k)
Sub into T equation and get:
T = (1/(Sqrt[g*sin(theata)*k])*ArcTanh(1-e^(2*k*x))

I keep getting very small times less than one and complex numbers which I feel are wrong, well its telling me they are wrong. I might have set it up wrong when defining my coordinate system or something. if someone can help me that would be awesome, even if its on a regular defined coordinate axes.
Physics news on
  • #2
It's an old post so I'm not sure if you still want advice, but I think the issue comes with your second diff eq you set up to solve for the distance.

You can save a lot of work and simply turn your first diff eq into a function of distance right off the bat by using derivatives of ##x(t)## in place of ##v## and ##a##. This can be integrated without trouble given 2 initial conditions on velocity and position. From there, you should have a function ##x(t)## that you can use to plug in your numbers and numerically invert. It seemed to give a reasonable real value for time when I worked it out.
  • #3
inferno298 said:
Switch the beginning equation to m*g*cos(theata)-k*m*v^2 = m*v* dv/dx and solve for the distance given the distance yields:
x = (1/2*k)*Ln((g*sin(theata)-k*Vf^2)/(g*sin(theata)))

You miss a negative sign in front of the right-hand side.

The data might be wrong. The speed can not exceed √(gsinθ/k), but the value obtained with the given d and k does.
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FAQ: Block on incline with air resistance, no friction

1. What is a block on an incline with air resistance and no friction?

A block on an incline with air resistance and no friction is an idealized scenario in physics used to understand the effects of air resistance on an object sliding down an inclined plane with no friction. It is a simplified model that allows scientists to study the impact of air resistance on objects in motion without the added complication of friction.

2. How does air resistance affect the motion of the block on the incline?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of an object through air. In the scenario of a block on an incline with air resistance, the force of drag acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion, slowing it down as it slides down the incline. This results in a decrease in the object's acceleration and a longer time for it to reach the bottom of the incline.

3. Can the block on the incline ever reach a constant velocity?

Yes, the block on the incline can reach a constant velocity in this scenario. As the object slides down the incline, the force of air resistance increases until it is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity pulling the object down the incline. At this point, the object's acceleration becomes zero, and it reaches a constant velocity called the terminal velocity.

4. How does the angle of the incline affect the motion of the block?

The angle of the incline affects the motion of the block in two ways. First, a steeper incline will result in a greater force of gravity pulling the object down, leading to a faster acceleration. Second, the steeper the incline, the more surface area the object has in contact with the air, resulting in a larger force of air resistance. This can lead to a lower terminal velocity and a longer time for the object to reach it.

5. What are some real-life applications of studying a block on an incline with air resistance and no friction?

Studying this scenario has many real-life applications, such as understanding the motion of objects like skydivers or parachutes, designing vehicles with efficient aerodynamics, and predicting the flight paths of projectiles. It also allows scientists to better understand the fundamental principles of motion and how different forces, like air resistance, can impact an object's movement.
