Bloggers Accuse NYT of Endangering Rumsfeld

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He's not representative of the mainstream right, and he doesn't seem to be very representative of the mainstream right's views on immigration, either.In summary, a blogger on the far right has accused the New York Times of encouraging the assassination of Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, in response to an article in the travel section highlighting the vacation homes of the two officials. This has sparked anger and division among the right and left, with hate rhetoric and personal attacks fueling the divide. However, it should be noted that this blogger does not represent the mainstream right or the Republican party, and his views may not be reflective of the majority.
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Not exactly sure why, but my last post violated the rules. Sorry. must have been my reference to mouth-breathers.

Anyway to recap, the right-wing blogosphere has gone crazy accusing the NYT of encouraging the assassination of Cheney and Rumsfeld. They are responding to an article in the travel section highlighting the vacation homes of the VP and Secretary.

Here is the blog that is encouraging it's readers to hunt down the reporters and photographers.
Do you have an idea where they live? Go track them down and do America a favor. Get their photo, street address, where they shop, anything you can dig up, and send it to the Autonomist. This is your chance to be famous - grab for the brass ring.
So now we have wing nut bloggers posting the names addresses of journalists, as well as the schools their children attend, in retaliation for the New York Times travel section that highlights the community where Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld vacation.

Even though the photographer had Rummy's permission to photograph his summer home, the wing-nuts are manufacturing a scandal, by accusing the NYT of encouraging the assassination of the VP an Secretary of Defense.

Is this politics as usual?

Anger is the best way to get people to the polls. That is why the hate rhetoric originated on the right. This is why the only issues the Congress is discussing are issues their base is angry about. It is the right, specifically the Neo-Fascist Right that has spewed this hate all liberals garbage for 25 years that has so divided this country. I cannot even talk to some of my relatives anymore because when they regurgitate that garbage I set them straight, which causes them much resentment.

They see me as a terrorist sympathizer who doesn't understand the nature of evil. I of course see them as self deluded and ignorant of the facts.

It wasn't like this before 2000.

I know these sources are blogs and therefore not considered reliable. I did post a link to the original story, and the point of this post is to illustrate the tactics used by the right wing in their war on liberals. I feel that they are relevant to the thread since this is a thread about the Polarized America, the divide between the right and the left. I feel that attacks of this nature are fueling the division, increasing the polarization, and turning Americans against one another.

If you are not a wing-nut, you better get angry and vote!

edit: this is cute.

edit by Evo: Hate blogs of any type are not acceptible. Promoting hatred toward another group is unacceptable. Reposting a thread without approval gets you a three day vacation.
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  • #2
Nonetheless, I'm giving this its own thread. It has nothing to do with the economic polarization of America, which is what Krugman is referring specifically to.

Anyway, I'm not sure who those Fox pundits are, but I don't think we need to worry too much about the mad ramblings of the owner of a free blog that calls itself the "monkey-right." Prima facie, it doesn't seem to be very representative of mainstream right-wing viewpoints or the views specifically of the Republican party.

I think it's safe to say that NewsMax and Front Page, even though Pengwuino seems to think they're good sources of news at times, are not exactly mainstream, either. They're simply the right-wing equivalent of the Daily Kos.

Here is the profile of that blogger:

I toiled in the political trenches for many glorious years before graduating to “Defender of the Faith,” and now suffer the reprehensible brickbats from the Looney Left (see any comments sections). However, this will not deter me from my desire to change the mush minds in America’s youth to those of lean, mean, conservative machines. BTW, Every member of my family came to this country legally.

He's a student.
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I am disappointed and concerned by the hate and division that is being spread by certain groups and individuals. It is important for all of us, regardless of our political beliefs, to engage in civil discourse and respect differing opinions. The use of hate blogs and personal attacks only serves to further polarize our society and hinder productive discussions and progress. It is also concerning to see the promotion of violence and threats towards journalists, who have a right to report on newsworthy events without fear of retaliation. As a society, we must strive to promote understanding and respect for all individuals, regardless of their political beliefs.

Related to Bloggers Accuse NYT of Endangering Rumsfeld

1. What is the controversy surrounding the New York Times (NYT) article about Donald Rumsfeld?

The controversy surrounding the NYT article about Donald Rumsfeld is that it is being accused by bloggers of endangering the former Secretary of Defense by revealing classified information about the location of weapons of mass destruction that were being transported in Iraq. This information was allegedly obtained through a leaked classified memo.

2. Why are bloggers accusing the NYT of endangering Rumsfeld?

Bloggers are accusing the NYT of endangering Rumsfeld because they believe the article revealed sensitive information that could potentially put him at risk. This information was not meant to be made public and could potentially compromise national security.

3. Is there evidence to support the claim that the NYT endangered Rumsfeld?

There is no concrete evidence to support the claim that the NYT endangered Rumsfeld. However, some bloggers have pointed out that the article could potentially put Rumsfeld and other individuals at risk, as well as undermine military operations in Iraq.

4. What is the NYT's response to these accusations?

The NYT has responded by stating that they took extensive measures to ensure that no sensitive information was revealed in the article. They also claim that they consulted with government officials before publishing the article and were given the green light to move forward with it.

5. What is the impact of this controversy on the media and journalism industry?

This controversy has sparked a debate about the responsibilities of the media and the importance of national security. It also raises questions about the role of journalism in society and the potential consequences of publishing sensitive information. It may also lead to stricter regulations and protocols for journalists when reporting on sensitive topics.

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