Blurb at bottom of the report form

  • Thread starter Chris Hillman
  • Start date
In summary, it would be nice to have a link to the Global Guidelines at the bottom of the main forum page, and a link to the Forum-Specific Guidelines near the top of every forum.
  • #1
Chris Hillman
Science Advisor
Blurb at bottom of the "report" form

Hi all,

I have a small suggestion which probably could save the moderators some trouble.

At present, when you press the "report" button (while viewing a problematic post), the blurb which appears at bottom states "This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts". This could be taken to meant that this button is NOT to be used to complain about crankery. However, one of the moderators advises me that this instruction is outdated and that in fact the button can be used to report concerns about possible violation of any violation of the guidelines at

Hmm... I had to find that last link with Google, so I'll add a second suggestion: I think it would be very valuable to enshrine the following as special PF pages easily accessible from the menu at the top of every PF page (say under "Ground rules"):

* "PF Global guidelines"
* "PF Privacy policy"
* "PF Moderators"
plus additional guidelines for boards like "World Affairs".
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Physics news on
  • #2
Chris Hillman said:
"This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts". This could be taken to meant that this button is NOT to be used to complain about crankery.

That is the generic blurb that was written by vBulletin. You would see that on any vB board, whether it is devoted to physics, coin collecting, or tap dancing. Not being an Admin, I couldn't tell you whether it could be changed.

However, one of the moderators advises me that this instruction is outdated and that in fact the button can be used to report concerns about possible violation of any violation of the guidelines at

Hmm... I had to find that last link with Google, so I'll add a second suggestion: I think it would be very valuable to enshrine the following as special PF pages easily accessible from the menu at the top of every PF page (say under "Ground rules"):

:biggrin: It's stuck to the top of the Feedback Forum, with the title "PF Global Guidelines. That would make it, as of the time of this post, the thread directly above this one.
  • #3
Chris Hillman said:
plus additional guidelines for boards like "World Affairs".
Politics and World Affairs already has specific guidelines and they are posted at the top of the Forum. The Philosophy and Mind & Brain forums also have specific guidelines posted at the top of those forums.

Perhaps a link to the Global Guidelines at the bottom of the main forum page would not be a bad idea.
  • #4
Chris Hillman said:
Hi all,

I have a small suggestion which probably could save the moderators some trouble.

At present, when you press the "report" button (while viewing a problematic post), the blurb which appears at bottom states "This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts". This could be taken to meant that this button is NOT to be used to complain about crankery. However, one of the moderators advises me that this instruction is outdated and that in fact the button can be used to report concerns about possible violation of any violation of the guidelines at

I think any violation of our guidelines fits well within the definition of "problematic posts" It would be nice if there was an "i.e.," as part of the parenthetical note, or was put after the complete sentence (the creators of vBulletin do not have grammar as one of their strengths), but it shouldn't be all that confusing. If someone is reporting what they think are legitimate problems, even if the mentors/admins don't agree it requires action, we're not going to hang them for it or anything. At most, if they are getting carried away reporting incredibly trivial problems, we'll contact them by PM to let them know it's not a problem for us and they need not continue reporting such events.

Hmm... I had to find that last link with Google,
As Tom pointed out, it's a sticky right at the top of the feedback forum, where you've posted this thread.

so I'll add a second suggestion: I think it would be very valuable to enshrine the following as special PF pages easily accessible from the menu at the top of every PF page (say under "Ground rules"):

* "PF Global guidelines"
* "PF Privacy policy"
* "PF Moderators"
plus additional guidelines for boards like "World Affairs".

There's already a link to the staff page at the top. The forum-specific guidelines, such as those for Philosophy or P&WA, are posted as stickies in the relevant forums. There's no need to clutter the front page with specific guidelines when they really need to be visible and accessible only within the fora to which they apply. Besides, the more guidelines and stickies there are, the less people bother to read them.

I do agree it would be good to have a link to the global guidelines easily accessible from anywhere on the site. For example, within the quick links menu. I think there was a link the menu in the Nexus skin (I haven't used that skin in a while), but there isn't one for those using the Prime skin.
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  • #5
On a related note...
in the Prime skin, the report button is clearly labeled by "Report".
in the Nexus skin, it's labeled by a cryptic "!" .
  • #6
I kinda would like to see someone who attaches a file in homework help report his own post, instantly. That way we can get them approved in a more timely fashion.

Humm, do you suppose that the simple act of attaching a file for approval could automatically generate a report?
  • #7
Integral said:
do you suppose that the simple act of attaching a file for approval could automatically generate a report?

Maybe even put them in a separate sub-forum of the "Mentor's Private Forum", similar to the sub-forums for reported posts and infractions?
  • #8
Integral said:
I kinda would like to see someone who attaches a file in homework help report his own post, instantly. That way we can get them approved in a more timely fashion.

Humm, do you suppose that the simple act of attaching a file for approval could automatically generate a report?
I would support any suggestion which increases the rate at which attachments, especially in the Homework Help forums, are approved. It is often a little frustrating, not only to those who post but some HH's, when an attachment is not approved for a few days. I know personally, that I'm hesitant in reporting unapproved attachments or PM'ing Mentors since the mentors are here voluntarily and don't need any additional pressure from other members.
  • #9
At an intermediate level of control, could HH's could be empowered to approve attachments [in the Homework forums]?
  • #10
Integral said:
I kinda would like to see someone who attaches a file in homework help report his own post, instantly. That way we can get them approved in a more timely fashion.

Humm, do you suppose that the simple act of attaching a file for approval could automatically generate a report?
Integral, see the discussion in the Homework Helpers' forum.
  • #11
robphy said:
At an intermediate level of control, could HH's could be empowered to approve attachments [in the Homework forums]?

If not allow us to approve attachments in the hwk forums, would it be possible to enable HH's to "see" the file which is pending, so then we can help with the question? (I have no idea of the technicalities of the forum though, so apologies if this isn't possible)

As Gokul says, there's a discussion about pending attachments in the HH forum.
  • #12
Well this is what I find extremely amusing.
In most cases ,when I am logged out,I can open and see attachments.
But when I'm logged on ,I get the response tehno :You are not allowed to...blablabla (IOW,can't open the file of any attach).
EDIT:Shouldn't be the other way round (that visitors can't view it ,but members can)?:smile:
Who else experinced the effect?
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  • #13
Gokul43201 said:
Integral, see the discussion in the Homework Helpers' forum.

You must be referring to the dissussion which prompted me to make that post. :smile:

I fell that the issue needs wider exposure.
  • #14
cristo said:
If not allow us to approve attachments in the hwk forums, would it be possible to enable HH's to "see" the file which is pending, so then we can help with the question? (I have no idea of the technicalities of the forum though, so apologies if this isn't possible)

As Gokul says, there's a discussion about pending attachments in the HH forum.

I just chimed in over there. I wouldn't mind either having the posts reported if they need an attachment approved, or having a similar automatic report generated of pending attachments that didn't require going to the Moderator Control Panel to find (so many of the things we used to have to do through that have been simplified with upgrades that I don't look there very often at all, so forget to check for attachments that are pending approval). I also don't mind getting a PM that an attachment is waiting for approval if you see my name in the list of people online. I've had people send PMs about those for other forums. I'd rather get bugged about an attachment than leave some student hanging because none of the mentors noticed they have an unapproved attachment waiting.

As for the permissions issue some people are reporting with viewing approved attachments, I don't know what's going on with that.
  • #15
* "PF Global guidelines"
* "PF Privacy policy"
* "PF Moderators"
All these things are readily accessible (excluding privacy policy). Dont you see the buttons for them on the main page? Or am I missing something?
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  • #16
ranger said:
All these things are readily accessible (excluding privacy policy). Dont you see the buttons for them on the main page? Or am I missing something?

Are you using the Nexus skin then? I thought I remembered them being available on that, and just checked now, and they are there in that skin, but not in the Prime skin. Switch skins and you'll see what we mean.
  • #17
Moonbear said:
Are you using the Nexus skin then? I thought I remembered them being available on that, and just checked now, and they are there in that skin, but not in the Prime skin. Switch skins and you'll see what we mean.

Ah, yes indeed. It also seems that the Nexus skin is lacking multi quote. I also can't see the "retired staff" medal in Nexus. Then there is that thing with editing posts. If I do a quick edit in Nexus and save the changes, my "posts box" will show up out of sync with the rest of the thread. I have to refresh the pages to fix it. This however isn't the case with Prime. Now that I know that Prime has multi quote, I feel forced to use it. Any chance Greg can implement it in Nexus?

FAQ: Blurb at bottom of the report form

1. What is the purpose of the blurb at the bottom of a report form?

The blurb at the bottom of a report form is used to provide a brief summary or conclusion of the information presented in the report. It is often used to highlight the most important findings or recommendations.

2. Do all report forms require a blurb at the bottom?

No, not all report forms require a blurb at the bottom. It depends on the purpose and format of the report. Some reports may include a separate section for conclusion or recommendations instead of a blurb at the bottom.

3. How long should the blurb be?

The length of the blurb at the bottom of a report form can vary depending on the length of the report and the amount of information that needs to be summarized. However, it is typically recommended to keep it concise and to the point, usually no longer than a few sentences.

4. Who should write the blurb at the bottom of a report form?

The blurb at the bottom of a report form is usually written by the author or authors of the report. They are responsible for summarizing the key points and providing a conclusion or recommendations based on the information presented in the report.

5. Can the blurb be changed after the report has been completed?

Yes, the blurb at the bottom of a report form can be changed after the report has been completed. If new information is discovered or changes need to be made, the blurb can be updated to reflect the most current and accurate summary of the report.

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