Bode Plot Question: Homework Statement & Solution Analysis

In summary: So the corner frequency in this case would be 3 rad/s. In summary, The conversation is about creating a Bode plot for a transfer function with a simple zero at 3 rad/s and a complex pole at 2.45 rad/s. The discussion includes the correct phase plot for the given function and clarifies that the corner frequency is the absolute value of the pole or zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm doing a question that requires a Bode plot (magnitude and phase).

The Attempt at a Solution

I got a transfer function of

So there is a simple zero at 3 rad/s; complex pole at 2.45 rad/s; and no DC gain.
I am able to plot the magnitude plot correctly, however my phase isn't exactly right.

For phase I have essentially two contributions from the zero and the pole:
From zero: 0.3<omega<30 rad/s with a slope of 45 degrees/decade
From pole: 0.245<omega<24.5 rad/s with a slope of -90 degrees/decade

So combining the two, I get (w==omega, I'm too lazy to write it out):
0<w<0.245: 0 degrees,
0.245<w<0.3: slope of -90 degrees/decade
0.3<w<24.5: slope of -45 degrees/decade
24.5<w<30: slope of 45 degrees/decade
w>30: slope of 0

However the solution my prof provided says:
0<w<0.245: 0 degrees,
0.245<w<0.3: slope of -90 degrees/decade
0.3<w<24.5: slope of -45 degrees/decade
w>24.5: slope of 0, flattens out at -90 degrees.

Am I wrong? If so, why?
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  • #2
Melawrghk said:

Homework Statement

I'm doing a question that requires a Bode plot (magnitude and phase).

The Attempt at a Solution

I got a transfer function of

So there is a simple zero at 3 rad/s; complex pole at 2.45 rad/s; and no DC gain.
I am able to plot the magnitude plot correctly, however my phase isn't exactly right.

For phase I have essentially two contributions from the zero and the pole:
From zero: 0.3<omega<30 rad/s with a slope of 45 degrees/decade
From pole: 0.245<omega<24.5 rad/s with a slope of -90 degrees/decade

So combining the two, I get (w==omega, I'm too lazy to write it out):
0<w<0.245: 0 degrees,
0.245<w<0.3: slope of -90 degrees/decade
0.3<w<24.5: slope of -45 degrees/decade
24.5<w<30: slope of 45 degrees/decade
w>30: slope of 0

However the solution my prof provided says:
0<w<0.245: 0 degrees,
0.245<w<0.3: slope of -90 degrees/decade
0.3<w<24.5: slope of -45 degrees/decade
w>24.5: slope of 0, flattens out at -90 degrees.

Am I wrong? If so, why?

The zero is at -3 rad/s. Does that make a difference, or was that just a simple typo?
  • #3
Uh, neither. We're only dealing with positive frequencies (actually, absolute values, I suppose). We're calling them poles and zeros, but the values we're interested in is just the corner frequencies.
  • #4
Melawrghk said:
Uh, neither. We're only dealing with positive frequencies (actually, absolute values, I suppose). We're calling them poles and zeros, but the values we're interested in is just the corner frequencies.

Sorry, then why do you say you have a zero at 3 rad/s?
  • #5
berkeman said:
Sorry, then why do you say you have a zero at 3 rad/s?

It's just the terminology used. Corner frequency is like absolute value of zero/pole.

FAQ: Bode Plot Question: Homework Statement & Solution Analysis

1. What is a Bode plot?

A Bode plot is a graphical representation of the frequency response of a system. It shows the magnitude and phase response as a function of frequency, typically on a logarithmic scale.

2. How is a Bode plot used?

Bode plots are commonly used in control system design and analysis to understand the behavior of a system at different frequencies. They can also be used to determine stability and detect resonances.

3. What information can be obtained from a Bode plot?

A Bode plot can provide information about the gain and phase margin of a system, as well as the frequency at which the system has its maximum gain or phase shift. It can also reveal the presence of dominant poles and zeros in the system.

4. How do you draw a Bode plot?

To draw a Bode plot, you first need to obtain the transfer function of the system. Then, you can plot the magnitude and phase response of the transfer function on a logarithmic scale using either hand calculations or software tools.

5. What are the advantages of using Bode plots?

Bode plots provide a clear visualization of a system's frequency response, making it easier to analyze and design control systems. They also allow for quick identification of critical points such as resonances and stability margins.

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