Bohr-Sommerfeld Rule: Solving for the Quantized Values of E, r, and ω

  • Thread starter knowLittle
  • Start date
The energy can be expressed as the sum of the kinetic and potential energies. From the force equation given in the problem, we can find the relationship between the kinetic energy, mass, and radius. This allows us to express the kinetic energy in terms of the force constant ##\beta## and the radius. Similarly, the potential energy can be found by integrating the force equation with respect to the radius. The total energy, then, can be expressed as the sum of the kinetic and potential energies in terms of the force constant and the radius.c.) To find the quantized values of ##r_n##, we set the kinetic energy equal to ##E_n## and solve for ##r_n##. This yields a relationship between the
  • #1

Homework Statement

Imagine that force for is atom was ## F= - \frac{\beta}{r^4}##, rather than ##F=- \frac{ke^2}{r^2}##, and consider only circular orbits, it would remain true that ##L_n= n \hbar##

a.) From Netwon's law find the relationship between ##T ##(Kinetic Energy) and ##V##,
b.) Find ##E## as a function of ##r##
c.) Find quantized values of ##r_n##
d.) "" quantized values of ##\omega_n##
e.) "" quantized values of ##E_n##
f.) Does it remain true that for high ##n, \Delta E= E_{n+1}- E_n \approx \hbar \omega_n ##

Note: The definition of ##\beta## is not given. It bothers me. They are not saying that from both F's given we could solve for ##\beta##, how do I overcome this ambiguity.

The Attempt at a Solution

a.)[/B] Comparing force in a spring
## F_{net}=F_{spring} =-kx= ma##
The description of SHM is closely related to uniform circular motion.
##E= K_E +V##

##E=\frac{1 m v^2}{2} + \frac{kx^2}{2}##

Is this correct?

##E =K_E + V ##
We are given ## F=- \frac{\beta}{r^4}##
We know that centripetal force ##F_c= \frac{mv^2}{r} ##
## r F = mv^2##
According to the problem this F and the F involving ##\beta## are equivalent.
So, ##mv^2= r \frac{\beta}{r^4} = \frac{\beta}{r^3}##
Then, ##K_E = \frac{\beta}{2r^3}##

Now, note that ##V=- \int F dr##
## V= + \int \frac{\beta}{r^4} dr= \beta \frac{1}{-3 r^3}##

Finally, ## E= \frac{\beta}{2r^3} - \frac{\beta}{3r^3}##
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  • #2
knowLittle said:
Note: The definition of ##\beta## is not given. It bothers me. They are not saying that from both F's given we could solve for ##\beta##, how do I overcome this ambiguity.
The numerical value of ##\beta## is not important to solve the problem, just like the numerical values of ##k## and ##e## wouldn't be needed in the case with the Coulomb interaction.

knowLittle said:
a.) Comparing force in a spring
## F_{net}=F_{spring} =-kx= ma##
The description of SHM is closely related to uniform circular motion.
##E= K_E +V##

##E=\frac{1 m v^2}{2} + \frac{kx^2}{2}##

Is this correct?
This is not relevant to the problem, which has nothing to do with harmonic motion. Part of the solution for a) you actually have answered in b).

FAQ: Bohr-Sommerfeld Rule: Solving for the Quantized Values of E, r, and ω

1. What is the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld rule is a mathematical formula used to determine the quantized values of energy (E), radius (r), and angular frequency (ω) for an electron orbiting a nucleus in an atom. It is based on the Bohr model of the atom, which states that electrons can only exist in certain energy levels or orbits around the nucleus.

2. How is the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule used to solve for quantized values?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld rule uses the principles of classical mechanics, specifically the conservation of angular momentum and the de Broglie wavelength, to calculate the quantized values of E, r, and ω. These values can then be used to describe the behavior of electrons in an atom.

3. What does the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule tell us about the behavior of electrons in an atom?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld rule tells us that electrons can only exist in certain energy levels or orbits around the nucleus. It also explains the stability of atoms, as electrons in these quantized orbits do not emit energy and spiral into the nucleus.

4. How does the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule relate to quantum mechanics?

The Bohr-Sommerfeld rule is a precursor to the more advanced principles of quantum mechanics. While it uses classical mechanics to solve for quantized values, it paved the way for the development of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of particles on a subatomic level.

5. Can the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule be applied to all atoms?

No, the Bohr-Sommerfeld rule is a simplified model that only applies to atoms with one electron, such as hydrogen. It does not accurately predict the behavior of multi-electron atoms, which require the use of more advanced quantum mechanical principles.

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