Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population of 2 atomic states

In summary, the population of two atomic population states in equilibrium can be calculated using the Boltzmann Distribution formula, which is n1/n0 proportional to e^(-ε/(κT)). To calculate the population of the n = 1 state compared to the ground state for a temperature of T = 6000K, the energy difference between the two states (ε) must be known. However, in this problem, the energy difference given is for the transition from n = 2 to n = 1, which may cause confusion. Additionally, there are degenerate states to consider for the first excited energy level.
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Homework Statement

The relative population of two atomic population states in equilibrium is given by Boltzmann Distribution:

n1/n0 (proportional to) e^(-ε/(κT)) , where ε is the energy difference between the two states, T is the temperature and κ is the Boltzmann constant = (1.38 x 10^(-23) J/K). For the transition from n = 2 to n = 1, the energy difference is 10.2 eV. Calculate the population of the n = 1 state compared to the ground state for a temperature of T = 6000K.

Homework Equations

n1/n0 (proportional to) e^(-ε/(κT))
I don't know if I need any other equations, but I tried and tried so perhaps I do.

The Attempt at a Solution

What I want is n1/n0. So I use the information given by the problem to solve for the constant of proportionality.

n2/n1 = C * e^(-10.2ev/(1.38*10^-23 J/K * 6000 K )
n2/n1 = C * 3.75567 × 10^-9
C = (n2/n1)/(3.75567 × 10^-9)

so n1/n0 = C * e^(-ε/KT)

but the problem is I don't have the epsilon for this energy difference, and I don't have n2/n1 to calculate C. halps me please.
Physics news on
  • #2
The wording of the problem statement is confusing. It states that the energy difference for ##n = 2## and ##n = 1## is 10.2 eV. This corresponds to atomic hydrogen where ##n = 1## is the principle quantum number for the ground state. Yet the problem asks about the transition from the ##n = 1## state to the ground state!

Also, there are several degenerate states corresponding to the first excited energy level, ##n = 2##. I guess we ignore fine structure, etc. It's not clear to me if degeneracy is to be taken into account.

Perhaps someone else can clarify this.

FAQ: Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population of 2 atomic states

1. What is the Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population of 2 atomic states?

The Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population of 2 atomic states is a concept in statistical mechanics that describes the relative populations of two energy levels in a system. It is based on the Boltzmann factor, which takes into account the energy difference between the two states and the temperature of the system.

2. How is the Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population calculated?

The Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population is calculated using the Boltzmann factor equation: R = e^(-ΔE/kT), where R is the ratio of the population in the higher energy state to the lower energy state, ΔE is the energy difference between the two states, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature of the system.

3. What is the significance of the Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population?

The Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population is significant because it provides a mathematical understanding of the distribution of particles in a system at a given temperature. It helps explain why certain energy states are more populated than others and how this distribution changes with temperature.

4. How does the Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population change with temperature?

The Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population is directly affected by temperature. As the temperature increases, the ratio of particles in the higher energy state to the lower energy state also increases. This means that at higher temperatures, more particles will occupy the higher energy state.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population?

The Boltzmann Distribution Relative Population has many practical applications, including in materials science, chemical reactions, and astrophysics. It is often used to model and understand the behavior of atoms and molecules in different environments and to predict the outcome of various processes. It is also used in the design of electronic devices and in understanding the behavior of stars and galaxies.
