Book that goes deep into the basics of statistics

In summary, Random processes, autocovariance, ergodicity, Gauss-Markov etc are important concepts for understanding Kalman filtering, but books that teach this subject do not do a great job of explaining these concepts in a rigorous way.
  • #1
Summary:: Random processes, autocovariance, ergodicity, Gauss-Markov etc


I am a person who resolutely prefers depth over breadth, and currently I am trying to learn more about random signals and Kalman filtering. However, the books I have found so far will mention and superficially describe concepts like autocorrelation and ergodicity, but they do not go particularly deeply into describing them (what exactly are the properties of stationary processes? Or autocorrelated functions?).

I would prefer a book that is both rigorous and motivates these definitions well. The book I am currently using does not even define the difference between ensemble averaging and time averaging...
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  • #2
what books are you using, and what is your math background?

For some engineering-oriented accounts, look at
They are not rigorous from a mathematician's point of view, though (no measure theory). I'm not sure the books cover Kalman filtering, but they do cover applied random processes more carefully than many engineering treatments.

Is that the kind of thing you are looking for, or are you looking for something more mathematical?
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  • #3
Currently, I am using Brown and Hwangs Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering.

My background is mathematical; I have encountered measure theory in the context of integration theory. Moreover, I have taken courses in analysis and topology. Statistics and probability theory is something I did take one course in as well; However, autocorrelation and the other concepts I mentioned above are new to me.

I am not looking for books to learn Kalman filtering; Brown and Hwang do a good enough job at that. What I am looking for is a book that goes deeper into the kinds the concepts I mentioned in my earlier post.

"Autocorrelation is defined as ## R_x = E(X_k,X_i)## " is not enough. I want to know why I should care about that definition. Which kinds of processes do that eliminate? Unmotivated definitions are painful, and that's why I am looking for a book to supplement Brown and Hwang.

So, I guess I am looking for something more mathematical. It doesn't have to be general as to require measure theory, since the purpose right now is to learn Kalman filtering. However, I need to understand those foundations upon which Kalman filtering is built.
  • #4
One pretty good general book is by Grimmett and Stirzaker. I have the second edition
but a newer third edition is also available. It is not measure-theoretic but they seem to be pretty careful with their discussions and they do have an eye towards applications. Most theorems have proof, but some useful stuff that is too advanced are carefully stated without proof. It has a nice section on Ergodic theorems, which connect time averages and ensemble averages. With your background I suspect this would be a reasonable choice.

I am an engineer so learned this stuff from that perspective so am most familiar with those references. Papoulis' "probability, random variables and stochastic processes" was the primary book that I used to learn about stochastic processes ( It is pretty good but not the best organized. Here is what he says about about second order properties such as covariance functions:
" For the determination of the statistical properties of a stochastic process, knowledge of the [CDF] function ##F(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n; t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_n)## is required for every ##x_i##, ##t_i## and ##n##. However, for many applications, only certain averages are used, in particular, the expected value of ##x(t)## and of ##x^2(t)##. These quantities can be expressed in terms of the second-order properties of ##x(t)## defined as follows..."
Papoulis is much more applied than Grimmett and Stirzaker with less theory and more practical examples, applications and motivation. He still has a sections on ergodicity and other important theoretical aspects, though, and is careful with the way he treats the topic. He does have a section on Kalman filters which begins with the statement "In this section we extend the preceeding results to nonstationary processes with causal data and we show that the results can be simplified if the noise is white and the signal is an ARMA process." He then derives the general form, states the practical difficulties, then proves how the two stated assumptions imply some additional properties that allow the estimator to be simplified.

There are many other engineering books similar to Papoulis, some better than others. Some like the book by Stark and Woods better (

I think the book by Hajek on the other page I linked in my previous post is also pretty good, again from an engineering perspective. It is basically at a level between Papoulis and Grimmett and Stirzaker (closer to the latter). The link has a legal download of an earlier version of what is now a published book (

Ideally you would have a library to look at these before purchasing - not sure how practical that is right now, though...

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  • #5
If you want to see the other extreme of a great deal of discussion of autocorrelation, then you should look at books on time series analysis and ARIMA (Box and Jenkins would certainly have enough). If your interest is more specifically in Kalman filtering, then look into control theory.
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  • #6
Okay, thanks to both of you! I'll read through those books to see if they help.

But, no, currently my interest is not specifically Kalman filtering; It's more the foundations I need to understand Kalman filtering. In other words, I want to understand the first few chapters of any book on the subject. Generally, for any subject, once I understand the fundamentals as deeply as I need to, the remaining chapters are a breeze. That's always been the case for me; From statistical mechanics to abstract algebra, the first one/two chapters are generally the hardest ones for me. Once those "click", the remainder is much easier for me to get through.

Related to Book that goes deep into the basics of statistics

1. What is the purpose of a book on statistics?

A book on statistics is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles and concepts of statistics. It serves as a guide for individuals who want to learn how to analyze and interpret data in a meaningful way.

2. Who can benefit from reading a book on statistics?

Anyone who needs to work with data in their profession or studies can benefit from reading a book on statistics. This includes scientists, researchers, business professionals, and students from various fields such as psychology, economics, and biology.

3. What topics are typically covered in a book on statistics?

A book on statistics typically covers topics such as descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, and data analysis techniques. It may also include real-world examples and case studies to help readers apply the concepts to practical situations.

4. Do I need a strong math background to understand a book on statistics?

While a basic understanding of math is helpful, most books on statistics are written in a way that is accessible to readers with varying levels of mathematical knowledge. It is important to have a willingness to learn and practice the concepts presented in the book.

5. How can reading a book on statistics benefit me in my career?

A book on statistics can benefit you in your career by providing you with the skills and knowledge to analyze and interpret data effectively. This can be useful in decision making, problem solving, and presenting findings to others. It can also make you a valuable asset to any organization that deals with data.

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