Boolean array to identify prime numbers - C++

In summary: So, to summarize, the algorithm uses a boolean array to keep track of prime numbers up to a given number, and then goes through the array and sets multiples of each prime number to false. This process is repeated until the end of the array is reached, resulting in a list of prime numbers. Additionally, the count variable is not used in the algorithm and remains undefined.
  • #1
Hey guys, just looking for an explanation for the following algorithm. It is in my textbook, and there isn't really an explanation. I don't really see how the algorithm works, but I will add what I do know, and hopefully one of you can help. Thanks.

//this initial declarations produces an array with N elements.
int N = 40;
bool table[N];
int count = 0;

//this while loop assigns every element in the array to true.
int i = 0;
while (i < N)

//from here is where I get lost.
table[0]=false; //assigns false value to the first element in the array.
i=2; //starts the next loop at 2.
while (i < N)
     if (table[i]
          cout << i << " is prime." << endl;
          int j = 2*i;

          while (j < N)

Furthermore, I am not entirely sure why count was initialized at the beginning of the algorithm, I never saw it used.
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  • #3
sandy.bridge said:
Hey guys, just looking for an explanation for the following algorithm. It is in my textbook, and there isn't really an explanation. I don't really see how the algorithm works, but I will add what I do know, and hopefully one of you can help. Thanks.

//this initial declarations produces an array with N elements.
int N = 40;
bool table[N];
int count = 0;

//this while loop assigns every element in the array to true.
int i = 0;
while (i < N)

//from here is where I get lost.
table[0]=false; //assigns false value to the first element in the array.
i=2; //starts the next loop at 2.
while (i < N)
     if (table[i]
          cout << i << " is prime." << endl;
          int j = 2*i;

          while (j < N)

Furthermore, I am not entirely sure why count was initialized at the beginning of the algorithm, I never saw it used.

Its basically an implementation of the sieve of eratosthenes method to find primes.

The boolean array, table, keeps track of a boolean value for every number up to N that tells whether that number is prime or not. The code then starts from the first prime (2) and excludes all multiples of 2 by setting their boolean value to false. Then the next lowest true value is obviously the next prime, then it repeats this for this number and excludes all its multiples in the table. So then it keeps repeating this process until it reaches the end of the array.
  • #4
Perfect, thanks!
  • #5


This algorithm is used to identify prime numbers within a given range (in this case, from 2 to N). The boolean array is used to keep track of whether a number is prime or not. Let's go through the steps to understand how it works:

1. First, the array is initialized with N elements and each element is set to true. This means that initially, we assume that all numbers from 2 to N are prime.

2. Next, we assign the value of false to the first element in the array. This is because 0 and 1 are not considered prime numbers.

3. The next step is where the main part of the algorithm begins. We start a loop with the variable i, starting from 2 (since we have already eliminated 0 and 1 as prime numbers). This loop will continue until i reaches the value of N.

4. Inside this loop, we check if the current element in the array (table) is true. If it is true, it means that i is a prime number. We then print out the value of i and also initialize a new variable j with a value of 2*i. This is because any multiple of i (2*i, 3*i, 4*i, etc.) will not be a prime number. For example, if i is 2, then 2*2, 2*3, 2*4, etc. will all be non-prime numbers.

5. We then start another loop with the variable j, which will continue until it reaches the value of N. Inside this loop, we set the value of table[j] to false. This means that we are marking all the multiples of i as non-prime numbers.

6. Once this loop is completed, we increment the value of i by 1 and the process is repeated until i reaches the value of N.

7. Finally, if you notice, the count variable is not used in this algorithm. It seems to be just a leftover from previous versions of the code and can be removed.

In summary, this algorithm works by iterating through all the numbers from 2 to N and marking all the multiples of each number as non-prime numbers. This way, at the end of the algorithm, all the elements in the array that are still true will represent prime numbers.

I hope this helps explain the algorithm. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Related to Boolean array to identify prime numbers - C++

1. What is a boolean array?

A boolean array is a data structure in programming that stores a sequence of boolean values, where each element in the array can only hold either a true or false value.

2. How can a boolean array be used to identify prime numbers?

A boolean array can be used to identify prime numbers by representing each number in the array as an index, and then setting the values at those indexes to either true or false based on whether the corresponding number is a prime or not. This allows for efficient checking of whether a number is prime or not.

3. How is the boolean array initialized for identifying prime numbers in C++?

In C++, a boolean array for identifying prime numbers is typically initialized with all elements set to true, except for the first two indexes which are set to false. Then, as the algorithm iterates through the array and identifies prime numbers, the corresponding indexes are marked as false.

4. What is the time complexity of using a boolean array to identify prime numbers in C++?

The time complexity of using a boolean array to identify prime numbers in C++ is O(n log log n), where n is the size of the array. This is because the algorithm only needs to check up to the square root of n numbers to determine the primality of a number, reducing the time complexity compared to brute force methods.

5. Can a boolean array be used to identify prime numbers in other programming languages?

Yes, a boolean array can be used in other programming languages to identify prime numbers. The algorithm for identifying prime numbers using a boolean array is not specific to C++, and can be implemented in other languages such as Java, Python, or C.
