Boolean operators in SQL - Correct Syntax?

In summary, the author is trying to create a SQL query that selects all objects within a given color space that are not within a given triangle, but is having trouble getting the query to work.
  • #1
Hi all,

Trying to write an SQL query for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that uses the NOT operator, and failing miserably.

Basically, I'm making photometric cuts in 4-d colour space, and I currently have a selection of inequalities that select enclosed regions of colour space.

However, I now want to NOT that triangle, and select everything but that triangle, whilst still specifying a simple 'must be bluer than:...' colour cut.

The problem is that I can't get the query to return the data with the missing triangle, it simply selects all blue items.

This is what I've tried so far:

(This is in the WHERE clause)

and (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) < 0.55
and NOT ( (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) >= (1.27*(P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) + 0.25)
and (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) <= ((3.9*(P.psfmag_g-P.psfmag_r)) + 1.8)

and (P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) > (1.6*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) - 0.05)
and (P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) < (1.28*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) + 0.25)
and (P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) < (-1.45*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) + 0.2)
and (P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) > (3.73*(P.psfmag_i- P.psfmag_z) - 0.24)
and (P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) < (0.725*(P.psfmag_i- P.psfmag_z) + 0.18)

and (P.psfmag_r-P.psfmag_i) between -0.45 and 0.15
and (P.psfmag_i-P.psfmag_z) between -0.6 and 0.1)

Any help would be appreciated, I'm relatively new to SQL and I'm struggling to find a workaround.

The syntax checks out as being 'ok', but clearly the results aren't.
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  • #2
The problem is:
1. we do not know what any of those fields are - ie. what they represent
so other than seeing that you don't appear to have mutual exclusion
we can't tell what is going on.
2. what makes "blue"
3. the syntax is correct

I would take an iteratvie approach. Comment out all but the top 2 lines. See what you get for your resultset. Keep adding back a line at a time. Another approach is to take the NOT clause and make it a SQL state (lose the NOT) and see what the resultset is.

If the tabls is gigantic, create a view that is a subset, and run the test queries against the view.
  • #3
jim mcnamara said:
The problem is:
1. we do not know what any of those fields are - ie. what they represent
so other than seeing that you don't appear to have mutual exclusion
we can't tell what is going on.
2. what makes "blue"
3. the syntax is correct

I would take an iteratvie approach. Comment out all but the top 2 lines. See what you get for your resultset. Keep adding back a line at a time. Another approach is to take the NOT clause and make it a SQL state (lose the NOT) and see what the resultset is.

If the tabls is gigantic, create a view that is a subset, and run the test queries against the view.
Thanks for the quick reply, the problem is I now don't understand your questions in able to answer them :smile:. This is the problem with only having used SQL in a limited capacity.

If by fields you mean the psfmag's, these are just the magnitudes of the stars in the SDSS 5 colour bands (ugriz).
The line that defines 'blue' is the first line, " and (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) < 0.55 ". I'll just knock something up in Photoshop to show you what I mean pictorially. This is the cut in u-g vs. g-r space, basically the top three lines. I'm trying to exclude the triangle in the middle, and take everything else, that is also less than u-g = 0.55.
As for taking the NOT clause and making it an SQL state - that's the bit I don't understand, what's an sql state?

Very grateful for the response :D
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  • #4
My bad - I mean a SQL statement - not a SQL state. I'm thinking that you are unintentionally excluding data. The easiest way to deal with it is to make small changes.

You can also use a construct like
select stuff from table
select other_stuff from table ;
which is logically equivalent to the NOT, but allows you to take each sub-query and run it independently to see what you get as a resultset.

Plus, this may seem like a stupid question, but: are you postive that you loaded the table(s) correctly?
  • #5
My first question would be - if you take out the condition that filters out non-blue items, does it select all the items except the ones in the triangle?
  • #6
Thanks for the replies people.

Well, we accidentally stumbled upon the solution, basically through a little educated guess work and trial & error.

After stripping back the NOT clause so that it just dealt with u-g vs. g-r colour space, it worked perfectly.

Going with this, we then separated the NOT clause so that there was a separate clause for each 2-D colour space, and this worked perfectly.

So the final query looked like this:
and (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) < 0.55
and NOT ((P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) >= (1.27*(P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) + 0.25)
and (P.psfmag_u-P.psfmag_g) <= ((3.9*(P.psfmag_g-P.psfmag_r)) + 1.8)) and NOT ((P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) > (1.6*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) - 0.05)
and (P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) < (1.28*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) + 0.25)
and (P.psfmag_g- P.psfmag_r) < (-1.45*(P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) + 0.2))

and NOT ((P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) > (3.73*(P.psfmag_i- P.psfmag_z) - 0.24)
and (P.psfmag_r- P.psfmag_i) < (0.725*(P.psfmag_i- P.psfmag_z) + 0.18)
and (P.psfmag_r-P.psfmag_i) between -0.45 and 0.15)

So, this is fine, as it works, but I'll be damned if I can work out why it works, and that's quite unsatisfying in its own way.

FAQ: Boolean operators in SQL - Correct Syntax?

What are Boolean operators in SQL?

Boolean operators in SQL are logical operators that are used to combine conditions in a WHERE clause to filter data from a database table. They are used to create more complex and specific queries.

What are the different Boolean operators in SQL?

The three main Boolean operators in SQL are AND, OR, and NOT. AND requires both conditions to be true, OR requires either condition to be true, and NOT negates a condition to return the opposite result.

What is the correct syntax for using Boolean operators in SQL?

The correct syntax for using Boolean operators in SQL is to place them between the conditions in the WHERE clause, for example, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition1 AND condition2". Parentheses can also be used to group conditions and change the order of evaluation.

What happens if the syntax for Boolean operators is incorrect in SQL?

If the syntax for Boolean operators is incorrect in SQL, the query will not run and an error message will be displayed. It is important to use the correct syntax to ensure the desired results are returned.

How are Boolean operators useful in SQL?

Boolean operators are useful in SQL because they allow for more specific and complex queries to be created. They can also be used with other operators, such as comparison operators, to further refine the results of a query.
