Boost Self Confidence with Evo - You Are Mighty

In summary, Evo has a new song that gives her a sense of self-confidence and she plans on playing it loudly while working out. At work, she plans on announcing her presence every morning dressed like Xena from the Xena: Warrior Princess movie. However, she promises not to dress as Xena in costume. Someone suggested BobG as a possible costume, and Moonbabe points out that Mighty Mouse might be a better option. Evo gets angry and accuses Moonbabe of being Mighty Mouse.

Who would you rather see in a Xena costume?

  • Total voters
  • #1

I do like the song and the...umm..boost in self confidence. The link works with any name, I just choose "evo" randomly :smile:

Your thoughts?
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  • #2
Thats awesome. I should play that loud when I go to the gym. Reminds me of someone getting the S beat out of them in a good fight movie in slow motion. Uh oh here comes the right in slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww motionnnnnnn. BOOM!:mad: :mad:


(picture best viewed with that song in the background)

Makes me want to study harder for my final exam tomorrow :biggrin:
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  • #3
Mattara said:

I do like the song and the...umm..boost in self confidence. The link works with any name, I just choose "evo" randomly :smile:

Your thoughts?
I can't wait to get home and listen to it. :biggrin:
  • #4
A very fitting song, but I fear the consequences.

Now Evo will be changing her avatar.

By next week, Evo will be showing up at work dressed like Xena, the Warrior Princess.

But who at work would dare complain? After all, no mortal can deter this individual!

Holy Cow! You're right! It does work with any name! That's pretty cool! I think I need to start announcing my presence at work every morning!

But I promise not to get carried away. I'll refrain from showing up at work dressed as Xena, the Warrior Princess.
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  • #5
BobG said:
A very fitting song, but I fear the consequences.

Now Evo will be changing her avatar.

By next week, Evo will be showing up at work dressed like Xena, the Warrior Princess.

But who at work would dare complain? After all, no mortal can deter this individual!

Holy Cow! You're right! It does work with any name! That's pretty cool! I think I need to start announcing my presence at work every morning!

But I promise not to get carried away. I'll refrain from showing up at work dressed as Xena, the Warrior Princess.

After giving some serious thinking to what you just have said, I have attached a poll to this topic.
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  • #6
<shudder> BobG in a Xena costume !:eek: <convulse and fall to the ground in a lifeless heap>
  • #7
How about BobG dressing as "Conan the Barbarian"? :biggrin:
  • #8
You'll have to revive me before I can answer that one.
  • #9


don't shoot me for revealing that beautiful little website =)
  • #10
slugcountry said:


don't shoot me for revealing that beautiful little website =)


Mr. Evo was released from the county jail late this evening after his bail of $150,000 was made by an anonymous friend, who was later stopped on the street for possession of a jet-black double-headed dragon statue.

There is actually a lot of sites where the URL decides the name eg. etc.

Some sites are better that others though :smile:
  • #11
Looking at the poll results, I think Jason and Cyrus have come out :-p
  • #12
Mattara said:

I do like the song and the...umm..boost in self confidence. The link works with any name, I just choose "evo" randomly :smile:

Your thoughts?
I love it, so true! :biggrin:
  • #13
EVO, YOU ARE MIGHT! :biggrin:
  • #14
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  • #15
cyrusabdollahi said:
EVO, YOU ARE MIGHT! :biggrin:

Danger said:
I'm not sure why you specified a Xena costume, since that silouette is obviously Might Mouse.

So, who's snatching up all the Ys? We seem to have suddenl run out of them! :biggrin:

I voted for BobG. Evo may look better in the costume, but I'm more interested in seeing Bob in something skimpy than Evo. :wink:
  • #16
Thanks, Moonbabe... I fixed it. :smile:
  • #17
I left it out on purpose. I am not saying she is mighty, I am saying she is Might itself!
  • #18
cyrusabdollahi said:
I left it out on purpose. I am not saying she is mighty, I am saying she is Might itself!
Nice save! :smile:
  • #19
No, I am serious. I did that on purpose!

No cakes for you!...grrrrrrrr...
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  • #20
The silhouette of Evo looks suspiciously like that of Mighty Mouse.

I suspect the hand of ZapperZ...
  • #21
Ivan Seeking said:
The silhouette of Evo looks suspiciously like that of Mighty Mouse.

I suspect the hand of ZapperZ...
Mighty Mouse isn't Disney!
  • #22
Evo said:
Mighty Mouse isn't Disney!

Oh come on Evo, anyone can see that Mighty Mouse is just Mickey on steroids. :rolleyes:
  • #24
Evo said:

:smile: :smile: :smile: I try for trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous kind obedient, cheerful thrifty brave clean and reverent, but you have added a few.

Thanks pal. :redface:

Evo and I have been close ever since we took a bath together in Tribdog's movie.
  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
Evo and I have been close ever since we took a bath together in Tribdog's movie.
Actually, it was zooby that you took a bath with, I was in the closet with the Nyquil & Near Beer. :blushing:
  • #26
Evo said:
Actually, it was zooby that you took a bath with, I was in the closet with the Nyquil & Near Beer. :blushing:

No way...I wouldn't bath with that big hairy Zooby!
  • #27
Here is another one of those URL-to-flash flash


Don't visit the below link if you have epilepsy or have had any similar events in your life.

http://www. ivan . seeking . doyouhaveepilepsy . com/

  • #30
Aah, it was probably Dragonheart . Thanks Mattara :smile:

ps: What's so funny about the epillepsy link, I found it rather unnerving.
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  • #32
Hey, it's not my fault, blame tribdog, he was the one that got you guys on video. :-p
  • #33
Mattara said:
Here is another one of those URL-to-flash flash


Don't visit the below link if you have epilepsy or have had any similar events in your life.

http://www. ivan . seeking . doyouhaveepilepsy . com/


omg, foam is coming out of my mouth...

Related to Boost Self Confidence with Evo - You Are Mighty

What is Evo - You Are Mighty?

Evo - You Are Mighty is a self-confidence boosting program that utilizes neuroscience and positive psychology techniques to help individuals increase their self-confidence and achieve their goals.

How does Evo - You Are Mighty work?

Evo - You Are Mighty uses a combination of audio recordings, guided visualizations, and daily exercises to rewire the brain and create new neural pathways that support self-confidence and positive self-talk.

Who can benefit from Evo - You Are Mighty?

Evo - You Are Mighty is designed for anyone who struggles with low self-confidence or self-doubt. It can also benefit individuals who want to improve their communication skills, overcome fears and limitations, and achieve their full potential.

How long does it take to see results with Evo - You Are Mighty?

Results may vary depending on the individual, but many people report feeling more confident and noticing positive changes in their thoughts and behaviors after just a few weeks of using Evo - You Are Mighty.

Is Evo - You Are Mighty scientifically proven?

Yes, Evo - You Are Mighty is based on scientific research and has been tested and proven effective in increasing self-confidence and improving overall well-being. It combines principles from neuroscience, positive psychology, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to create a comprehensive and evidence-based program.

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