Bored, was thinking cis to trans

  • Thread starter sizzeR
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In summary, the molecule 11-cis-retinal is isomerized by a photon of sufficient strength (which just happens to be in the frequency range of visible light) into 11-trans-retinal, which is the fundamental chemical reaction of vision. This process is catalyzed by a photon, and is an essential part of vision.
  • #1
Would it be possible to somehow force a cis oriented unsaturated compound to a trans oriented version? Has this ever been done? I mean without synthesis but rather some sort of immense force applied to the molecule to shift its orientation? Is it even possible...or would the bond be too strong and resist it since double bonds do not allow for free rotation...
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  • #2
It's possible, all right: the changing of a double bond from cis to trans is an essential process in vision.

In the retina, the molecule 11-cis-retinal is isomerized by a photon of sufficient strength (which just happens to be in the frequency range of visible light) into 11-trans-retinal, which is the fundamental chemical reaction of vision.

There are other examples, I'm sure, but I don't feel like looking them up.
  • #3
Isn't the retinal example more a synthesis approach, though, which the OP was trying to avoid? There are also things like "push-pull" alkenes, with for instance an amine at one end of the double bond and a nitro at the other, such that you can draw resonance structures with charges separated and the former double bond having some single character and so can readily rotate.
  • #4
I wouldn't call it synthesis, as I know synthesis as the combination of two molecules. This molecule simply absorbs energy and switches.
  • #5
The retinal is a good example. If you look at the molecule, there are some alternating single and double bonds down the length of the molecule. There's a resonance structure that allows these bonds to take some extra electron density. There's sort of a half pi bond among these carbons similar to the resonance structure in benzene.

Also, you can have a thermal cis to trans transition. If there's enough excess thermal energy, the pi bond can go into an excited anti-bond state and rotate around the sigma bond.

My chemistry is rusty, but I think that's mostly correct.
  • #6
True, similar to the example I mentioned with push-pull alkenes. I'd still count these as synthesis of a sort though, as you are adding a reactant, even if it is a photon and not a fully fledged molecule.
  • #7
Er... a photon is pure energy. It cannot be considered a "reactant", I think.
  • #8
Char. Limit said:
Er... a photon is pure energy. It cannot be considered a "reactant", I think.

Semantics, perhaps. It's clear to me that the cis retinal (in this case) exists at an energy minima, otherwise it could not be isolated at room temperature, now you're doing something to force it over an energy barrier that it would not necessarily jump over by itself, hence you are adding a reactant to it. Perhaps the photon is like a catalyst for the reaction, would that be a better description in your view?
  • #9
A catalyst is a better term... if you accept that the reaction is "energy-catalyzed".
  • #10
i think energy can be considered a reactant. or at least it is treated like one in thermodynamics.
  • #11
very interesting stuff guys. thanks.
  • #12
Char. Limit said:
A catalyst is a better term... if you accept that the reaction is "energy-catalyzed".
I believe it is better used as a reactant. I have never heard the term "energy catalyzed" before. See, the reason I think it is a catalyst is that reactants are consumed or in other words used up. It's kind of different that, for example, a chemical catalyst. Have you seen this used in text and if so was it organic?
  • #13
Organic Chemistry by John McMurry, Fifth Edition

if you need page numbers, I'll try to provide them.

FAQ: Bored, was thinking cis to trans

What does it mean to go from cis to trans?

Going from cis to trans refers to the process of transitioning from identifying as cisgender (identifying with the gender assigned at birth) to identifying as transgender (identifying with a gender different from the one assigned at birth). This can involve social, medical, and/or legal changes to align with one's gender identity.

Why would someone want to transition from cis to trans?

Each person's reasons for transitioning from cis to trans are unique and personal. Some may feel that their assigned gender does not align with their true identity, while others may experience gender dysphoria and find that transitioning helps alleviate these feelings. Ultimately, the decision to transition is a deeply personal one.

What steps are involved in transitioning from cis to trans?

The steps involved in transitioning from cis to trans can vary greatly depending on the individual's preferences and needs. Some common steps may include social transitioning (changing name and pronouns, coming out to friends and family), medical transitioning (hormone therapy, gender confirmation surgery), and legal transitioning (changing legal documents to reflect gender identity).

Is transitioning from cis to trans a permanent change?

Transitioning from cis to trans is a lifelong process and can involve both permanent and non-permanent changes. Some changes, such as hormone therapy and gender confirmation surgery, are permanent, while others, such as social and legal changes, can be reversed if desired.

What challenges do individuals face when transitioning from cis to trans?

Transitioning from cis to trans can involve many challenges, including discrimination, lack of support from friends and family, and accessing medical care. Each person's experience is unique, but it is important to recognize and support the challenges that trans individuals may face during this process.

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